procedural_modelling 0.1.0

A framework-agnostic Procedural Modelling crate.

Procedural Modelling

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A framework-agnostic Procedural Modelling crate.

Uses Render Dynamic Meshes. Our goal is to implement operations like Boolean Operations, Subdivisions, Curved Surfaces, and Stitching. The library aims to support both 2D and 3D pathes and shapes.


This crate is still in a very early stage of development. Expect frequent API modifications, bugs, and missing features. Feel free to contribute by opening issues, pull requests or sharing your ideas in Github Discussion.


Or run the examples on your computer like, e.g., cargo run --features="bevy" --example 2d.

For package development, we recommend using the editor-subcrate. This example has a little egui-editor. Run it using cargo watch -w editor/src -w src -x "run -p editor --profile fast-dev". The fast-dev profile will enable optimizations for the dependencies, but not for the package itself. This will slow down the first build significantly, but incremental builds are slightly faster and bevy's performance (bevy is used as the renderer in the examples) improves a lot.


Install using cargo add procedural_modelling.



The following features are available:

  • meshopt -- Use Meshopt to optimize the performance of generated meshes.
  • bevy -- Compiles with support for bevy. Necessary for the examples and the editor.


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