proc-macro-error 0.2.3

Drop-in replacement to panics in proc-macros
//! # proc-macro-error
//! This crate aims to provide an error reporting mechanism that is usable inside
//! `proc-macros`, can highlight a specific span, and can be migrated from
//! `panic!`-based errors with minimal efforts.
//! Also, there's a facility to report [multiple errors][multi].
//! ## Usage
//! In your `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! proc-macro-error = "0.1"
//! ```
//! In ``:
//! ```rust,ignore
//! extern crate proc_macro_error;
//! use proc_macro_error::{
//!     filter_macro_errors,
//!     span_error,
//!     call_site_error,
//!     ResultExt,
//!     OptionExt
//! };
//! // This is your main entry point
//! #[proc_macro]
//! pub fn make_answer(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
//!     // This macro **must** be placed at the top level.
//!     // No need to touch the code inside though.
//!     filter_macro_errors! {
//!         // `parse_macro_input!` and friends work just fine inside this macro
//!         let input = parse_macro_input!(input as MyParser);
//!         if let Err(err) = some_logic(&input) {
//!             // we've got a span to blame, let's use it
//!             let span = err.span_should_be_highlighted();
//!             let msg = err.message();
//!             // This call jumps directly to the end of `filter_macro_errors!` invocation
//!             span_error!(span, "You made an error, go fix it: {}", msg);
//!         }
//!         // `Result` gets some handy shortcuts if your error type implements
//!         // `Into<``MacroError``>`. `Option` has one unconditionally
//!         use proc_macro_error::ResultExt;
//!         more_logic(&input).expect_or_exit("What a careless user, behave!");
//!         if !more_logic_for_logic_god!(&input) {
//!             // We don't have an exact location this time,
//!             // so just highlight the proc-macro invocation itself
//!             call_site_error!(
//!                 "Bad, bad user! Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did!");
//!         }
//!         // Now all the processing is done, return `proc_macro::TokenStream`
//!         quote!(/* stuff */).into()
//!     }
//!     // At this point we have a new shining `proc_macro::TokenStream`!
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Motivation and Getting started
//! Error handling in proc-macros sucks. It's not much of a choice today:
//! you either "bubble up" the error up to the top-level of your macro and convert it to
//! a [`compile_error!`][compl_err] invocation or just use a good old panic. Both these ways suck:
//! - Former sucks because it's quite redundant to unroll a proper error handling
//!     just for critical errors that will crash the macro anyway so people mostly
//!     choose not to bother with it at all and use panic. Almost nobody does it,
//!     simple `.expect` is too tempting.
//! - Later sucks because there's no way to carry out span info via `panic!`. `rustc` will highlight
//!     the whole invocation itself but not some specific token inside it.
//!     Furthermore, panics aren't for error-reporting at all; panics are for bug-detecting
//!     (like unwrapping on `None` or out-of range indexing) or for early development stages
//!     when you need a prototype ASAP and error handling can wait. Mixing these usages only
//!     messes things up.
//! - There is [`proc_macro::Diagnostics`](
//!     but it's experimental. (This crate will be deprecated once `Diagnostics` is stable.)
//! That said, we need a solution, but this solution must meet these conditions:
//! - It must be better than `panic!`. The main point: it must offer a way to carry span information
//!     over to user.
//! - It must require as little effort as possible to migrate from `panic!`. Ideally, a new
//!     macro with the same semantics plus ability to carry out span info.
//! - It must be usable on stable.
//! This crate aims to provide such a mechanism. All you have to do is enclose all
//! the code inside your top-level `#[proc_macro]` function in [`filter_macro_errors!`]
//! invocation and change panics to [`span_error!`]/[`call_site_error!`] where appropriate,
//! see [Usage](#usage)
//! # How it works
//! Effectively, it emulates try-catch mechanism on the top of panics.
//! Essentially, the [`filter_macro_errors!`] macro is (C++ like pseudo-code)
//! ```C++
//! try {
//!     /* your code */
//! } catch (MacroError) {
//!     /* conversion to compile_error! */
//! } catch (MultiMacroErrors) {
//!     /* conversion to multiple compile_error! invocations */
//! }
//! ```
//! [`span_error!`] and co are
//! ```C++
//! throw MacroError::new(span, format!(msg...));
//! ```
//! By calling [`span_error!`] you trigger panic that will be caught by [`filter_macro_errors!`]
//! and converted to [`compile_error!`][compl_err] invocation.
//! All the panics that weren't triggered by [`span_error!`] and co will be resumed as is.
//! Panic catching is indeed *slow* but the macro is about to abort anyway so speed is not
//! a concern here. Please note that **this crate is not intended to be used in any other way
//! than a proc-macro error reporting**, use `Result` and `?` instead.
//! [compl_err]:
//! [`proc_macro::Diagnostics`](

// reexports for use in macros
pub extern crate proc_macro;
pub extern crate proc_macro2;

pub mod multi;
pub mod single;

pub use multi::MultiMacroErrors;
pub use single::MacroError;

/// Makes a [`MacroError`] instance from provided arguments (`panic!`-like)
/// and triggers panic in hope it will be caught by [`filter_macro_errors!`].
/// # Syntax
/// This macro is meant to be a `panic!` drop-in replacement so its syntax is very similar to `panic!`,
/// but it has three forms instead of two:
/// 1. "panic-format-like" form: span, formatting [`str`] literal, comma-separated list of args.
///     First argument is a span, all the rest gets passed to [`format!`] to build the error message.
/// 2. "panic-single-arg-like" form: span, expr, no comma at the end.
///     First argument is a span, the second is our error message, it must implement [`ToString`].
/// 3. "MacroError::trigger-like" form: single expr.
///     Literally `MacroError::from(arg).trigger()`. It's here just for convenience so [`span_error!`]
///     can be used with instances of [`syn::Error`], [`MacroError`], [`&str`], [`String`] and so on...
macro_rules! span_error {
    ($span:expr, $fmt:literal, $($args:expr),*) => {{
        let msg = format!($fmt, $($args),*);
        // we use $span.into() so it would work with proc_macro::Span and
        // proc_macro2::Span all the same
        $crate::MacroError::new($span.into(), msg).trigger()

    ($span:expr, $msg:expr) => {{
        // we use $span.into() so it would work with proc_macro::Span and
        // proc_macro2::Span all the same
        $crate::MacroError::new($span.into(), $msg.to_string()).trigger()

    ($err:expr) => { $crate::MacroError::from($err).trigger() };

/// Shortcut for `span_error!(Span::call_site(), msg...)`. This macro
/// is still preferable over plain panic, see [Motivation](#motivation-and-getting-started)
macro_rules! call_site_error {
    ($fmt:literal, $($args:expr),*) => {{
        use $crate::span_error;

        let span = $crate::proc_macro2::Span::call_site();
        span_error!(span, $fmt, $($args),*)

    ($fmt:expr) => {{
        use $crate::span_error;

        let span = $crate::proc_macro2::Span::call_site();
        span_error!(span, $fmt)

/// This macro is supposed to be used at the top level of your `proc-macro`,
/// the function marked with a `#[proc_macro*]` attribute. It catches all the
/// errors triggered by [`span_error!`], [`call_site_error!`], [`MacroError::trigger`]
/// and [`MultiMacroErrors`].
/// Once caught, it converts it to a [`proc_macro::TokenStream`]
/// containing a [`compile_error!`][compl_err] invocation.
/// See the [module-level documentation](self) for usage example
/// [compl_err]:
macro_rules! filter_macro_errors {
    ($($code:tt)*) => {
        let f = move || -> $crate::proc_macro::TokenStream { $($code)* };

/// This traits expands [`Result<T, Into<MacroError>>`](std::result::Result) with some handy shortcuts.
pub trait ResultExt {
    type Ok;

    /// Behaves like [`Result::unwrap`]: if self is `Ok` yield the contained value,
    /// otherwise abort macro execution via [`span_error!`].
    fn unwrap_or_exit(self) -> Self::Ok;

    /// Behaves like [`Result::expect`]: if self is `Ok` yield the contained value,
    /// otherwise abort macro execution via [`span_error!`].
    /// If it aborts then resulting message will be preceded with `message`.
    fn expect_or_exit(self, msg: &str) -> Self::Ok;

/// This traits expands [`Option<T>`][std::option::Option] with some handy shortcuts.
pub trait OptionExt {
    type Some;

    /// Behaves like [`Option::expect`]: if self is `Some` yield the contained value,
    /// otherwise abort macro execution via [`call_site_error!`].
    /// If it aborts the `message` will be used for [`compile_error!`][compl_err] invocation.
    /// [compl_err]:
    fn expect_or_exit(self, msg: &str) -> Self::Some;

impl<T> OptionExt for Option<T> {
    type Some = T;

    fn expect_or_exit(self, message: &str) -> T {
        match self {
            Some(res) => res,
            None => call_site_error!(message),

/// Execute the closure and catch all the panics triggered by
/// [`single::MacroError::trigger`] and [`multi::MultiMacroErrors::trigger`],
/// converting them to [`proc_macro::TokenStream`] instance.
/// Any panic that is unrelated to this crate will be passed through as is.
/// You're not supposed to use this function directly, use [`filter_macro_errors!`]
/// instead.
pub fn filter_macro_error_panics<F>(f: F) -> proc_macro::TokenStream
    F: FnOnce() -> proc_macro::TokenStream,
    use std::panic::{catch_unwind, resume_unwind, AssertUnwindSafe};

    macro_rules! probe_error {
        ($t:ty) => {
            |boxed: Box<dyn std::any::Any + Send + 'static>| {
                let payload = boxed.downcast::<Payload<$t>>()?;
                let ts: proc_macro::TokenStream = (*payload).0.into();

        .unwrap_or_else(|boxed| resume_unwind(boxed))

struct Payload<T>(T);

// SAFE: Payload is private, a user can't use it to make any harm.
unsafe impl<T> Send for Payload<T> {}
unsafe impl<T> Sync for Payload<T> {}