probe-rs 0.16.0

A collection of on chip debugging tools to communicate with microchips.
use super::*;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use gimli::{DebugInfoOffset, UnitOffset};
use num_traits::Zero;
use std::str::FromStr;

/// Define the role that a variable plays in a Variant relationship. See section '5.7.10 Variant Entries' of the DWARF 5 specification
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum VariantRole {
    /// A (parent) Variable that can have any number of Variant's as its value
    /// A (child) Variable that defines one of many possible types to hold the current value of a VariantPart.
    /// This variable doesn't play a role in a Variant relationship

impl Default for VariantRole {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// A [Variable] will have either a valid value, or some reason why a value could not be constructed.
/// - If we encounter expected errors, they will be displayed to the user as defined below.
/// - If we encounter unexpected errors, they will be treated as proper errors and will propogated to the calling process as an `Err()`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum VariableValue {
    /// A valid value of this variable
    /// Notify the user that we encountered a problem correctly resolving the variable.
    /// - The variable will be visible to the user, as will the other field of the variable.
    /// - The contained warning message will be displayed to the user.
    /// - The debugger will not attempt to resolve additional fields or children of this variable.
    /// The value has not been set. This could be because ...
    /// - It is too early in the process to have discovered its value, or ...
    /// - The variable cannot have a stored value, e.g. a `struct`. In this case, please use `Variable::get_value` to infer a human readable value from the value of the struct's fields.

impl Default for VariableValue {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl std::fmt::Display for VariableValue {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            VariableValue::Valid(value) => value.fmt(f),
            VariableValue::Error(error) => write!(f, "< {error} >",),
            VariableValue::Empty => write!(
                "Value not set. Please use Variable::get_value() to infer a human readable variable value"

impl VariableValue {
    /// A VariableValue is valid if it doesn't contain an Info or a Warning.
    pub fn is_valid(&self) -> bool {
        !matches!(self, VariableValue::Error(_))
    /// No value or error is present
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, VariableValue::Empty)

/// The type of variable we have at hand.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum VariableName {
    /// Top-level variable for static variables, child of a stack frame variable, and holds all the static scoped variables which are directly visible to the compile unit of the frame.
    /// Top-level variable for registers, child of a stack frame variable.
    /// Top-level variable for local scoped variables, child of a stack frame variable.
    /// Top-level variable for CMSIS-SVD file Device peripherals/registers/fields.
    /// Artificial variable, without a name (e.g. enum discriminant)
    /// Anonymous namespace
    /// A Namespace with a specific name
    /// Variable with a specific name
    /// Variable with an unknown name

impl Default for VariableName {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl std::fmt::Display for VariableName {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            VariableName::StaticScopeRoot => write!(f, "Static Variable"),
            VariableName::RegistersRoot => write!(f, "Platform Register"),
            VariableName::LocalScopeRoot => write!(f, "Function Variable"),
            VariableName::PeripheralScopeRoot => write!(f, "Peripheral Variable"),
            VariableName::Artifical => write!(f, "<artifical>"),
            VariableName::AnonymousNamespace => write!(f, "<anonymous_namespace>"),
            VariableName::Namespace(name) => name.fmt(f),
            VariableName::Named(name) => name.fmt(f),
            VariableName::Unknown => write!(f, "<unknown>"),

/// Encode the nature of the Debug Information Entry in a way that we can resolve child nodes of a [Variable]
/// The rules for 'lazy loading'/deferred recursion of [Variable] children are described under each of the enum values.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum VariableNodeType {
    /// For pointer values, their referenced variables are found at an [gimli::UnitOffset] in the [DebugInfo].
    /// - Rule: Pointers to `struct` variables WILL NOT BE recursed, because  this may lead to infinite loops/stack overflows in `struct`s that self-reference.
    /// - Rule: Pointers to "base" datatypes SHOULD BE, but ARE NOT resolved, because it would keep the UX simple, but DWARF doesn't make it easy to determine when a pointer points to a base data type. We can read ahead in the DIE children, but that feels rather inefficient.
    /// Use the `header_offset` and `type_offset` as direct references for recursing the variable children. With the current implementation, the `type_offset` will point to a DIE with a tag of `DW_TAG_structure_type`.
    /// - Rule: For structured variables, we WILL NOT automatically expand their children, but we have enough information to expand it on demand. Except if they fall into one of the special cases handled by [VariableNodeType::RecurseToBaseType]
    /// Use the `header_offset` and `entries_offset` as direct references for recursing the variable children.
    /// - Rule: All top level variables in a [StackFrame] are automatically deferred, i.e [VariableName::StaticScopeRoot], [VariableName::RegistersRoot], [VariableName::LocalScopeRoot].
    /// Sometimes it doesn't make sense to recurse the children of a specific node type
    /// - Rule: Pointers to `unit` datatypes WILL NOT BE resolved, because it doesn't make sense.
    /// - Rule: Once we determine that a variable can not be recursed further, we update the variable_node_type to indicate that no further recursion is possible/required. This can be because the variable is a 'base' data type, or because there was some kind of error in processing the current node, so we don't want to incur cascading errors.
    /// TODO: Find code instances where we use magic values (e.g. u32::MAX) and replace with DoNotRecurse logic if appropriate.
    /// Unless otherwise specified, always recurse the children of every node until we get to the base data type.
    /// - Rule: (Default) Unless it is prevented by any of the other rules, we always recurse the children of these variables.
    /// - Rule: Certain structured variables (e.g. `&str`, `Some`, `Ok`, `Err`, etc.) are set to [VariableNodeType::RecurseToBaseType] to improve the debugger UX.
    /// - Rule: Pointers to `const` variables WILL ALWAYS BE recursed, because they provide essential information, for example about the length of strings, or the size of arrays.
    /// - Rule: Enumerated types WILL ALWAYS BE recursed, because we only ever want to see the 'active' child as the value.
    /// - Rule: For now, Array types WILL ALWAYS BE recursed. TODO: Evaluate if it is beneficial to defer these.
    /// - Rule: For now, Union types WILL ALWAYS BE recursed. TODO: Evaluate if it is beneficial to defer these.
    /// SVD Device Peripherals
    /// SVD Peripheral Registers
    /// SVD Register Fields

impl VariableNodeType {
    /// Will return true if any of the `variable_node_type` value implies that the variable will be 'lazy' resolved.
    pub fn is_deferred(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            | VariableNodeType::TypeOffset(_)
            | VariableNodeType::DirectLookup => true,
            _other => false,

impl Default for VariableNodeType {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// The variants of VariableType allows us to streamline the conditional logic that requires specific handling depending on the nature of the variable.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum VariableType {
    /// A variable with a Rust base datatype.
    /// A Rust struct.
    /// A Rust enum.
    /// Namespace refers to the path that qualifies a variable. e.g. "std::string" is the namespace for the strucct "String"
    /// A Pointer is a variable that contains a reference to another variable
    /// A Rust array.
    Array {
        // TODO: Use a proper type here, not variable name
        /// The name of the variable.
        entry_type: VariableName,
        /// The number of entries in the array.
        count: usize,
    /// When we are unable to determine the name of a variable.
    /// For infrequently used categories of variables that does not fall into any of the other VriableType variants.

impl Default for VariableType {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl VariableType {
    /// A Rust PhantomData type used as a marker for to "act like" they own a specific type.
    pub fn is_phantom_data(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            VariableType::Struct(name) => name.starts_with("PhantomData"),
            _ => false,

    /// This variable is a reference to another variable.
    pub fn is_reference(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            VariableType::Pointer(Some(name)) => name.starts_with('&'),
            _ => false,

    /// This variable is an array, and requires special processing during
    pub fn is_array(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, VariableType::Array { .. })

impl std::fmt::Display for VariableType {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            VariableType::Base(base) => base.fmt(f),
            VariableType::Struct(struct_name) => struct_name.fmt(f),
            VariableType::Enum(enum_name) => enum_name.fmt(f),
            VariableType::Namespace => "<namespace>".fmt(f),
            VariableType::Pointer(pointer_name) => pointer_name
                .unwrap_or_else(|| "<unnamed>".to_string())
            VariableType::Array { entry_type, count } => write!(f, "[{entry_type}; {count}]"),
            VariableType::Unknown => "<unknown>".fmt(f),
            VariableType::Other(other) => other.fmt(f),

/// Location of a variable
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum VariableLocation {
    /// Location of the variable is not known. This means that it has not been evaluated yet.
    /// The variable does not have a location currently, probably due to optimisations.
    /// The variable can be found in memory, at this address.
    /// The value of the variable is directly available.
    /// There was an error evaluating the variable location.
    /// Support for handling the location of this variable is not (yet) implemented.

impl VariableLocation {
    /// Return the memory address, if available. Otherwise an error is returned.
    pub fn memory_address(&self) -> Result<u64, DebugError> {
        match self {
            VariableLocation::Address(address) => Ok(*address),
            other => Err(DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("Variable does not have a memory location: location={other:?}"),

    /// Check if the location is valid, ie. not an error, unsupported, or unavailable.
    pub fn valid(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            VariableLocation::Address(_) | VariableLocation::Value | VariableLocation::Unknown => {
            _other => false,

impl std::fmt::Display for VariableLocation {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            VariableLocation::Unknown => "<unknown value>".fmt(f),
            VariableLocation::Unavailable => "<value not available>".fmt(f),
            VariableLocation::Address(address) => write!(f, "{address:#010X}"),
            VariableLocation::Value => "<not applicable - statically stored value>".fmt(f),
            VariableLocation::Error(error) => error.fmt(f),
            VariableLocation::Unsupported(reason) => reason.fmt(f),

impl Default for VariableLocation {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// The `Variable` struct is used in conjunction with `VariableCache` to cache data about variables.
/// Any modifications to the `Variable` value will be transient (lost when it goes out of scope),
/// unless it is updated through one of the available methods on `VariableCache`.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Variable {
    /// Every variable must have a unique key value assigned to it. The value will be zero until it is stored in VariableCache, at which time its value will be set to the same as the VariableCache::variable_cache_key
    pub variable_key: i64,
    /// Every variable must have a unique parent assigned to it when stored in the VariableCache. A parent_key of None in the cache simply implies that this variable doesn't have a parent, i.e. it is the root of a tree.
    pub parent_key: Option<i64>,
    /// The variable name refers to the name of any of the types of values described in the [VariableCache]
    pub name: VariableName,
    /// Use `Variable::set_value()` and `Variable::get_value()` to correctly process this `value`
    value: VariableValue,
    /// The source location of the declaration of this variable, if available.
    pub source_location: Option<SourceLocation>,

    /// The name of the type of this variable.
    pub type_name: VariableType,
    /// The unit_header_offset and variable_unit_offset are cached to allow on-demand access to the variable's gimli::Unit, through functions like:
    ///   `gimli::Read::DebugInfo.header_from_offset()`, and   
    ///   `gimli::Read::UnitHeader.entries_tree()`
    pub unit_header_offset: Option<DebugInfoOffset>,
    /// The offset of this variable into the compilation unit debug information.
    pub variable_unit_offset: Option<UnitOffset>,
    /// For 'lazy loading' of certain variable types we have to determine if the variable recursion should be deferred, and if so, how to resolve it when the request for further recursion happens.
    /// See [VariableNodeType] for more information.
    pub variable_node_type: VariableNodeType,
    /// The starting location/address in memory where this Variable's value is stored.
    pub memory_location: VariableLocation,
    /// The size of this variable in bytes.
    pub byte_size: u64,
    /// If  this is a subrange (array, vector, etc.), is the ordinal position of this variable in that range
    pub member_index: Option<i64>,
    /// If this is a subrange (array, vector, etc.), we need to temporarily store the lower bound.
    pub range_lower_bound: i64,
    /// If this is a subrange (array, vector, etc.), we need to temporarily store the the upper bound of the range.
    pub range_upper_bound: i64,
    /// The role of this variable.
    pub role: VariantRole,

impl Variable {
    /// In most cases, Variables will be initialized with their ELF references so that we resolve their data types and values on demand.
    pub fn new(
        header_offset: Option<DebugInfoOffset>,
        entries_offset: Option<UnitOffset>,
    ) -> Variable {
        Variable {
            unit_header_offset: header_offset,
            variable_unit_offset: entries_offset,

    /// Implementing set_value(), because the library passes errors into the value of the variable.
    /// This ensures debug front ends can see the errors, but doesn't fail because of a single variable not being able to decode correctly.
    pub fn set_value(&mut self, new_value: VariableValue) {
        // Allow some block when logic requires it.
        if new_value.is_valid() {
            // Simply overwrite existing value with a new valid one.
            self.value = new_value;
        } else if self.value.is_valid() {
            // Overwrite a valid value with an error.
            self.value = new_value;
        } else {
            // Concatenate the error messages ...
            self.value = VariableValue::Error(format!("{} : {}", self.value, new_value));

    /// Convert the [String] value into the appropriate memory format and update the target memory with the new value.
    /// Currently this only works for base data types. There is no provision in the MS DAP API to catch this client side, so we can only respond with a 'gentle' error message if the user attemtps unsupported data types.
    pub fn update_value(
        core: &mut Core,
        variable_cache: &mut variable_cache::VariableCache,
        new_value: String,
    ) -> Result<String, DebugError> {
        let variable_name = if let VariableName::Named(variable_name) = & {
        } else {
        let updated_value = if !self.is_valid()
                // Need a valid type
                || self.type_name == VariableType::Unknown
                // Need a valid memory location
                || !self.memory_location.valid()
            // Insufficient data available.
            return Err(anyhow!(
                "Cannot update variable: {:?}, with supplied information (value={:?}, type={:?}, memory location={:#010x?}).",
      , self.value, self.type_name, self.memory_location).into());
        } else if variable_name.starts_with('*') {
            // Writing the values of pointers is a bit more complex, and not currently supported.
            return  Err(anyhow!("Please only update variables with a base data type. Updating pointer variable types is not yet supported.").into());
        } else {
            // We have everything we need to update the variable value.
            let update_result = match &self.type_name {
                VariableType::Base(name) => match name.as_str() {
                    "bool" => bool::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "char" => char::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "i8" => i8::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "i16" => i16::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "i32" => i32::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "i64" => i64::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "i128" => i128::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "isize" => isize::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "u8" => u8::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "u16" => u16::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "u32" => u32::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "u64" => u64::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "u128" => u128::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "usize" => usize::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "f32" => f32::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    "f64" => f64::update_value(self, core, new_value.as_str()),
                    other => Err(DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                        message: format!("Unsupported datatype: {other}. Please only update variables with a base data type."),
                other => Err(DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults { message: format!("Unsupported variable type {other:?}. Only base variables can be updated.")}),

            match update_result {
                Ok(()) => {
                    // Now update the cache with the new value for this variable.
                    let mut cache_variable = self.clone();
                    cache_variable.value = VariableValue::Valid(new_value.clone());
                Err(error) => {
                    return Err(DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                        message: format!("Invalid data value={new_value:?}: {error}"),

    /// Implementing get_value(), because Variable.value has to be private (a requirement of updating the value without overriding earlier values ... see set_value()).
    pub fn get_value(&self, variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache) -> String {
        // Allow for chained `if let` without complaining
        if VariableNodeType::SvdRegister == self.variable_node_type {
            if let VariableValue::Valid(register_value) = &self.value {
                if let Ok(register_u32_value) = register_value.parse::<u32>() {
                        "{:032b} @ {:#010X}",
                        self.memory_location.memory_address().unwrap_or(u64::MAX) // We should never encounter a memory location that is invalid if we already used it to read the register value.
                } else {
                    format!("Invalid register value {register_value}")
            } else {
                format!("{}", self.value)
        } else if VariableNodeType::SvdField == self.variable_node_type {
            // In this special case, we extract just the bits we need from the stored value of the register.
            if let VariableValue::Valid(register_value) = &self.value {
                if let Ok(register_u32_value) = register_value.parse::<u32>() {
                    let mut bit_value: u32 = register_u32_value;
                    bit_value <<= 32 - self.range_upper_bound;
                    bit_value >>= 32 - (self.range_upper_bound - self.range_lower_bound);
                        "{:0width$b} @ {:#010X}:{}..{}",
                        width = (self.range_upper_bound - self.range_lower_bound) as usize
                } else {
                        "Invalid bit range {}..{} from value {}",
                        self.range_lower_bound, self.range_upper_bound, register_value
            } else {
                format!("{}", self.value)
        } else if !self.value.is_empty() {
            // The `value` for this `Variable` is non empty because ...
            // - It is base data type for which a value was determined based on the core runtime, or ...
            // - We encountered an error somewhere, so report it to the user
            format!("{}", self.value)
        } else if let VariableName::AnonymousNamespace = {
            // Namespaces do not have values
        } else if let VariableName::Namespace(_) = {
            // Namespaces do not have values
        } else {
            // We need to construct a 'human readable' value using `fmt::Display` to represent the values of complex types and pointers.
            match variable_cache.has_children(self) {
                Ok(has_children) => {
                    if has_children {
                        self.formatted_variable_value(variable_cache, 0_usize, false)
                    } else if self.type_name == VariableType::Unknown
                        || !self.memory_location.valid()
                        if self.variable_node_type.is_deferred() {
                            // When we will do a lazy-load of variable children, and they have not yet been requested by the user, just display the type_name as the value
                            format!("{:?}", self.type_name.clone())
                        } else {
                            // This condition should only be true for intermediate nodes from DWARF. These should not show up in the final `VariableCache`
                            // If a user sees this error, then there is a logic problem in the stack unwind
                            "Error: This is a bug! Attempted to evaluate a Variable with no type or no memory location".to_string()
                    } else if self.type_name == VariableType::Struct("None".to_string()) {
                    } else {
                            "Unimplemented: Evaluate type {:?} of ({} bytes) at location 0x{:08x?}",
                            self.type_name, self.byte_size, self.memory_location
                Err(error) => format!(
                    "Failed to determine children for `Variable`:{}. {:?}",
          , error

    /// Evaluate the variable's result if possible and set self.value, or else set self.value as the error String.
    pub fn extract_value(
        &mut self,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) {
        if let VariableValue::Error(_) = self.value {
            // Nothing more to do ...
        } else if self.variable_node_type == VariableNodeType::SvdRegister
            || self.variable_node_type == VariableNodeType::SvdField
            // Special handling for SVD registers.
            // Because we cache the SVD structure once per sesion, we have to re-read the actual register values whenever queried.
            match core.read_word_32(self.memory_location.memory_address().unwrap_or(u64::MAX)) {
                Ok(u32_value) => self.value = VariableValue::Valid(u32_value.to_le().to_string()),
                Err(error) => {
                    self.value = VariableValue::Error(format!(
                        "Unable to read peripheral register value @ {:#010X} : {:?}",
        } else if !self.value.is_empty()
        // The value was set explicitly, so just leave it as is, or it was an error, so don't attempt anything else
        || !self.memory_location.valid()
        // This may just be that we are early on in the process of `Variable` evaluation
        || self.type_name == VariableType::Unknown
        // This may just be that we are early on in the process of `Variable` evaluation
            // Quick exit if we don't really need to do much more.
        } else if self.variable_node_type.is_deferred() {
            // And we have not previously assigned the value, then assign the type and address as the value
            self.value =
                VariableValue::Valid(format!("{} @ {}", self.type_name, self.memory_location));

            "Extracting value for {:?}, type={:?}",

        // This is the primary logic for decoding a variable's value, once we know the type and memory_location.
        let known_value = match &self.type_name {
            VariableType::Base(name) => {
                if self.memory_location == VariableLocation::Unknown {
                    self.value = VariableValue::Empty;

                match name.as_str() {
                    "!" => VariableValue::Valid("<Never returns>".to_string()),
                    "()" => VariableValue::Valid("()".to_string()),
                    "bool" => bool::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "char" => char::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "i8" => i8::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "i16" => i16::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "i32" => i32::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "i64" => i64::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "i128" => i128::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "isize" => isize::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "u8" => u8::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "u16" => u16::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "u32" => u32::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "u64" => u64::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "u128" => u128::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "usize" => usize::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "f32" => f32::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "f64" => f64::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                        |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
                        |value| VariableValue::Valid(value.to_string()),
                    "None" => VariableValue::Valid("None".to_string()),
                    _undetermined_value => VariableValue::Empty,
            VariableType::Struct(name) if name == "&str" => {
                String::get_value(self, core, variable_cache).map_or_else(
                    |err| VariableValue::Error(format!("{err:?}")),
            _other => VariableValue::Empty,
        self.value = known_value;

    /// The variable is considered to be an 'indexed' variable if the name starts with two underscores followed by a number. e.g. "__1".
    /// TODO: Consider replacing this logic with `std::str::pattern::Pattern` when that API stabilizes
    pub fn is_indexed(&self) -> bool {
        match & {
            VariableName::Named(name) => {
                    && name
                        .map_or(false, |zero_based_position| zero_based_position == 2)
            // Other kind of variables are never indexed
            _ => false,

    /// `true` if the Variable has a valid value, or an empty value.
    /// `false` if the Variable has a VariableValue::Error(_)value
    pub fn is_valid(&self) -> bool {

    fn formatted_variable_value(
        variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
        indentation: usize,
        show_name: bool,
    ) -> String {
        let line_feed = if indentation.is_zero() { "" } else { "\n" }.to_string();
        // Allow for chained `if let` without complaining
        if !self.value.is_empty() {
            if show_name {
                // Use the supplied value or error message.
                    "{}{:\t<indentation$}{}: {} = {}",
                    line_feed, "",, self.type_name, self.value
            } else {
                // Use the supplied value or error message.
                format!("{}{:\t<indentation$}{}", line_feed, "", self.value)
        } else if let VariableName::AnonymousNamespace = {
            // Namespaces do not have values
        } else if let VariableName::Namespace(_) = {
            // Namespaces do not have values
        } else {
            // Infer a human readable value using the available children of this variable.
            let mut compound_value = String::new();
            if let Ok(children) = variable_cache.get_children(Some(self.variable_key)) {
                // Make sure we can safely unwrap() children.
                match &self.type_name {
                    VariableType::Pointer(_) => {
                        // Pointers
                        compound_value = format!(
                            if let Some(first_child) = children.first() {
                                    indentation + 1,
                            } else {
                                "Unable to resolve referenced variable value".to_string()
                    VariableType::Array { .. } => {
                        // Arrays
                        compound_value = format!(
                            "{}{}{:\t<indentation$}{}: {} = [",
                        let mut child_count: usize = 0;
                        for child in children.iter() {
                            child_count += 1;
                            if child_count == children.len() {
                                // Do not add a separator at the end of the list
                                compound_value = format!(
                                        indentation + 1,
                            } else {
                                compound_value = format!(
                                    "{}{}, ",
                                        indentation + 1,
                        format!("{}{}{:\t<indentation$}]", compound_value, line_feed, "")
                        if /* name.starts_with("Some")
                            || */ name.starts_with("Ok") 
                            || name.starts_with("Err") =>
                        // Handle special structure types like the variant values of `Option<>` and `Result<>`
                        compound_value = format!(
                            "{}{:\t<indentation$}{}: {} = {}(",
                        for child in children {
                            compound_value = format!(
                                    indentation + 1,
                        format!("{}{}{:\t<indentation$})", compound_value, line_feed, "")
                    _ => {
                        // Generic handling of other structured types.
                        // The pre- and post- fix is determined by the type of children.
                        // compound_value = format!("{} {}", compound_value, self.type_name);

                        if children.is_empty() {
                                // Struct with no children -> just print type name
                                // This is for example the None value of an Option.

                                format!("{}{:\t<indentation$}{}", line_feed, "",
                        } else {

                        let (mut pre_fix, mut post_fix): (Option<String>, Option<String>) =
                            (None, None);

                        let mut child_count: usize = 0;

                        let mut is_tuple = false;

                        for child in children.iter() {
                            child_count += 1;
                            if pre_fix.is_none() && post_fix.is_none() {
                                if let VariableName::Named(child_name) = & {
                                    if child_name.starts_with("__0") {
                                        is_tuple = true;
                                        // Treat this structure as a tuple
                                        pre_fix = Some(format!(
                                            "{}{:\t<indentation$}{}: {}({}) = {}(",
                                        post_fix =
                                            Some(format!("{}{:\t<indentation$})", line_feed, ""));
                                    } else {
                                        // Treat this structure as a `struct`

                                        if show_name {
                                            pre_fix = Some(format!(
                                                "{}{:\t<indentation$}{}: {} = {} {{",
                                        } else {
                                            pre_fix = Some(format!(
                                                "{}{:\t<indentation$}{} {{",
                                        post_fix =
                                            Some(format!("{}{:\t<indentation$}}}", line_feed, ""));
                                if let Some(pre_fix) = &pre_fix {
                                    compound_value = format!("{compound_value}{pre_fix}");

                            let print_name = !is_tuple;

                            if child_count == children.len() {
                                // Do not add a separator at the end of the list
                                compound_value = format!(
                                        indentation + 1,
                            } else {
                                compound_value = format!(
                                    "{}{}, ",
                                        indentation + 1,
                        if let Some(post_fix) = &post_fix {
                            compound_value = format!("{compound_value}{post_fix}");
            } else {
                // We don't have a value, and we can't generate one from children values, so use the type_name
                format!("{:\t<indentation$}{}", "", self.type_name)

/// Traits and Impl's to read from, and write to, memory value based on Variable::typ and Variable::location.
trait Value {
    /// The MS DAP protocol passes the value as a string, so this trait is here to provide the memory read logic before returning it as a string.
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError>
        Self: Sized;

    /// This `update_value` will update the target memory with a new value for the [`Variable`], ...
    /// - Only `base` data types can have their value updated in target memory.
    /// - The input format of the [Variable.value] is a [String], and the impl of this trait must convert the memory value appropriately before storing.
    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError>;

impl Value for bool {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mem_data = core.read_word_8(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?)?;
        let ret_value: bool = mem_data != 0;

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
            <bool as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
                DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                    message: format!(
                        "Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"
            })? as u8,
        .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
            message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for char {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mem_data = core.read_word_32(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?)?;
        if let Some(return_value) = char::from_u32(mem_data) {
        } else {

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
            <char as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
                DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                    message: format!(
                        "Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"
            })? as u32,
        .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
            message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for String {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut str_value: String = "".to_owned();
        if let Ok(children) = variable_cache.get_children(Some(variable.variable_key)) {
            if !children.is_empty() {
                let mut string_length = match children.iter().find(|child_variable| {
           == VariableName::Named("length".to_string())
                }) {
                    Some(string_length) => {
                        if let VariableValue::Valid(length_value) = &string_length.value {
                        } else {
                    None => 0_usize,
                let string_location = match children.iter().find(|child_variable| {
           == VariableName::Named("data_ptr".to_string())
                }) {
                    Some(location_value) => {
                        if let Ok(child_variables) =
                            if let Some(first_child) = child_variables.first() {
                            } else {
                        } else {
                    None => 0_u64,
                if string_location.is_zero() {
                    str_value = "Error: Failed to determine &str memory location".to_string();
                } else {
                    // Limit string length to work around buggy information, otherwise the debugger
                    // can hang due to buggy debug information.
                    // TODO: If implemented, the variable should not be fetched automatically,
                    // but only when requested by the user. This workaround can then be removed.
                    if string_length > 200 {
                            "Very long string ({} bytes), truncating to 200 bytes.",
                        string_length = 200;

                    if string_length.is_zero() {
                        // A string with length 0 doesn't need to be read from memory.
                    } else {
                        let mut buff = vec![0u8; string_length];
              , &mut buff)?;
                        str_value = core::str::from_utf8(&buff)?.to_owned();
            } else {
                str_value = "Error: Failed to evaluate &str value".to_string();

    fn update_value(
        _variable: &Variable,
        _core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
        Err(DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults { message:"Unsupported datatype: \"String\". Please only update variables with a base data type.".to_string()})
impl Value for i8 {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 1];, &mut buff)?;
        let ret_value = i8::from_le_bytes(buff);

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
            <i8 as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
                DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                    message: format!(
                        "Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"
            })? as u8,
        .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
            message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for i16 {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 2];, &mut buff)?;
        let ret_value = i16::from_le_bytes(buff);

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
        let buff = i16::to_le_bytes(<i16 as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
            DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"),
        core.write_8(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?, &buff)
            .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for i32 {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 4];, &mut buff)?;
        let ret_value = i32::from_le_bytes(buff);

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
        let buff = i32::to_le_bytes(<i32 as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
            DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"),
        core.write_8(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?, &buff)
            .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for i64 {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 8];, &mut buff)?;
        let ret_value = i64::from_le_bytes(buff);

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
        let buff = i64::to_le_bytes(<i64 as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
            DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"),
        core.write_8(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?, &buff)
            .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for i128 {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 16];, &mut buff)?;
        let ret_value = i128::from_le_bytes(buff);

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
        let buff = i128::to_le_bytes(<i128 as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
            DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"),
        core.write_8(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?, &buff)
            .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for isize {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 4];, &mut buff)?;
        // TODO: We can get the actual WORD length from [DWARF] instead of assuming `u32`
        let ret_value = i32::from_le_bytes(buff);
        Ok(ret_value as isize)

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
        let buff =
            isize::to_le_bytes(<isize as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
                DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                    message: format!(
                        "Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"
        core.write_8(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?, &buff)
            .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for u8 {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 1];, &mut buff)?;
        let ret_value = u8::from_le_bytes(buff);

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
            <u8 as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
                DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                    message: format!(
                        "Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"
        .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
            message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for u16 {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 2];, &mut buff)?;
        let ret_value = u16::from_le_bytes(buff);

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
        let buff = u16::to_le_bytes(<u16 as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
            DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"),
        core.write_8(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?, &buff)
            .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for u32 {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 4];, &mut buff)?;
        let ret_value = u32::from_le_bytes(buff);

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
        let buff = u32::to_le_bytes(<u32 as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
            DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"),
        core.write_8(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?, &buff)
            .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for u64 {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 8];, &mut buff)?;
        let ret_value = u64::from_le_bytes(buff);

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
        let buff = u64::to_le_bytes(<u64 as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
            DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"),
        core.write_8(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?, &buff)
            .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for u128 {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 16];, &mut buff)?;
        let ret_value = u128::from_le_bytes(buff);

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
        let buff = u128::to_le_bytes(<u128 as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
            DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"),
        core.write_8(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?, &buff)
            .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for usize {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 4];, &mut buff)?;
        // TODO: We can get the actual WORD length from [DWARF] instead of assuming `u32`
        let ret_value = u32::from_le_bytes(buff);
        Ok(ret_value as usize)

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
        let buff =
            usize::to_le_bytes(<usize as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
                DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                    message: format!(
                        "Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"
        core.write_8(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?, &buff)
            .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for f32 {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 4];, &mut buff)?;
        let ret_value = f32::from_le_bytes(buff);

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
        let buff = f32::to_le_bytes(<f32 as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
            DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"),
        core.write_8(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?, &buff)
            .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("{error:?}"),
impl Value for f64 {
    fn get_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        _variable_cache: &variable_cache::VariableCache,
    ) -> Result<Self, DebugError> {
        let mut buff = [0u8; 8];, &mut buff)?;
        let ret_value = f64::from_le_bytes(buff);

    fn update_value(
        variable: &Variable,
        core: &mut Core<'_>,
        new_value: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), DebugError> {
        let buff = f64::to_le_bytes(<f64 as FromStr>::from_str(new_value).map_err(|error| {
            DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("Invalid data conversion from value: {new_value:?}. {error:?}"),
        core.write_8(variable.memory_location.memory_address()?, &buff)
            .map_err(|error| DebugError::UnwindIncompleteResults {
                message: format!("{error:?}"),