printpdf 0.7.0

Rust library for writing PDF files
//! Utility / conveniece functions for commonly use graphical shapes

use crate::scale::Pt;
use crate::Point;

// PDF doesn't understand what a "circle" is, so we have to
// approximate it.
const C: f32 = 0.551915024494;

/// Calculates and returns the points for an approximated circle, given a radius and an
/// offset into the centre of circle (starting from bottom left corner of page).
pub fn calculate_points_for_circle<P: Into<Pt>>(
    radius: P,
    offset_x: P,
    offset_y: P,
) -> Vec<(Point, bool)> {
    let (radius, offset_x, offset_y) = (radius.into(), offset_x.into(), offset_y.into());
    let radius = radius.0;

    let p10 = Point {
        x: Pt(0.0 * radius),
        y: Pt(1.0 * radius),
    let p11 = Point {
        x: Pt(C * radius),
        y: Pt(1.0 * radius),
    let p12 = Point {
        x: Pt(1.0 * radius),
        y: Pt(C * radius),
    let p13 = Point {
        x: Pt(1.0 * radius),
        y: Pt(0.0 * radius),

    let p20 = Point {
        x: Pt(1.0 * radius),
        y: Pt(0.0 * radius),
    let p21 = Point {
        x: Pt(1.0 * radius),
        y: Pt(-C * radius),
    let p22 = Point {
        x: Pt(C * radius),
        y: Pt(-1.0 * radius),
    let p23 = Point {
        x: Pt(0.0 * radius),
        y: Pt(-1.0 * radius),

    let p30 = Point {
        x: Pt(0.0 * radius),
        y: Pt(-1.0 * radius),
    let p31 = Point {
        x: Pt(-C * radius),
        y: Pt(-1.0 * radius),
    let p32 = Point {
        x: Pt(-1.0 * radius),
        y: Pt(-C * radius),
    let p33 = Point {
        x: Pt(-1.0 * radius),
        y: Pt(0.0 * radius),

    let p40 = Point {
        x: Pt(-1.0 * radius),
        y: Pt(0.0 * radius),
    let p41 = Point {
        x: Pt(-1.0 * radius),
        y: Pt(C * radius),
    let p42 = Point {
        x: Pt(-C * radius),
        y: Pt(1.0 * radius),
    let p43 = Point {
        x: Pt(0.0 * radius),
        y: Pt(1.0 * radius),

    let mut pts = vec![
        (p10, true),
        (p11, true),
        (p12, true),
        (p13, false),
        (p20, true),
        (p21, true),
        (p22, true),
        (p23, false),
        (p30, true),
        (p31, true),
        (p32, true),
        (p33, false),
        (p40, true),
        (p41, true),
        (p42, true),
        (p43, false),

    for &mut (ref mut p, _) in pts.iter_mut() {
        p.x.0 += offset_x.0;
        p.y.0 += offset_y.0;


/// Calculates and returns the points for a rectangle, given a horizontal and vertical scale.
/// and an offset into the centre of rectangle (starting from bottom left corner of page).
pub fn calculate_points_for_rect<P: Into<Pt>>(
    scale_x: P,
    scale_y: P,
    offset_x: P,
    offset_y: P,
) -> Vec<(Point, bool)> {
    let (scale_x, scale_y, offset_x, offset_y) = (
    let top = Pt(offset_y.0 + (scale_y.0 / 2.0));
    let bottom = Pt(offset_y.0 - (scale_y.0 / 2.0));
    let left = Pt(offset_x.0 - (scale_x.0 / 2.0));
    let right = Pt(offset_x.0 + (scale_x.0 / 2.0));

    let top_left_pt = Point { x: left, y: top };
    let top_right_pt = Point { x: right, y: top };
    let bottom_right_pt = Point {
        x: right,
        y: bottom,
    let bottom_left_pt = Point { x: left, y: bottom };

        (top_left_pt, false),
        (top_right_pt, false),
        (bottom_right_pt, false),
        (bottom_left_pt, false),

use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};

/// Since the random number generator doesn't have to be cryptographically secure
/// it doesn't make sense to import the entire rand library, so this is just a
/// xorshift pseudo-random function
static RAND_SEED: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(2100);

/// Xorshift-based random number generator. Impure function
pub(crate) fn rand() -> usize {
    let mut x = RAND_SEED.fetch_add(21, Ordering::SeqCst);
    #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
        x ^= x << 21;
        x ^= x >> 35;
        x ^= x << 4;

    #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
        x ^= x << 13;
        x ^= x >> 17;
        x ^= x << 5;

/// Returns a string with 32 random characters
pub(crate) fn random_character_string_32() -> String {
    const MAX_CHARS: usize = 32;
    let mut final_string = String::with_capacity(MAX_CHARS);
    let mut char_pos = 0;

    'outer: while char_pos < MAX_CHARS {
        let rand = format!("{}", rand());
        for ch in rand.chars() {
            if char_pos < MAX_CHARS {
                final_string.push(u8_to_char(ch.to_digit(10).unwrap() as u8));
                char_pos += 1;
            } else {
                break 'outer;


fn u8_to_char(input: u8) -> char {
    (b'A' + input) as char

/// Takes a Vec<u8> of RGBA data and returns two Vec<u8> of RGB and alpha data
#[cfg(feature = "embedded_images")]
pub(crate) fn rgba_to_rgb(data: Vec<u8>) -> (Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>) {
    let mut rgb = Vec::with_capacity(data.len() / 4 * 3);
    let mut alpha = Vec::with_capacity(data.len() / 4);
    for i in ( {
        rgb.push(data[i + 1]);
        rgb.push(data[i + 2]);
        alpha.push(data[i + 3]);

    (rgb, alpha)