printpdf 0.7.0

Rust library for writing PDF files
//! PDF layer management. Layers can contain referenced or real content.

use crate::glob_defines::OP_PATH_STATE_SET_LINE_WIDTH;
use crate::indices::{PdfLayerIndex, PdfPageIndex};
use crate::{
    BlendMode, Color, CurTransMat, ExtendedGraphicsStateBuilder, Font, ImageXObject,
    IndirectFontRef, Line, LineCapStyle, LineDashPattern, LineJoinStyle, LinkAnnotation,
    LinkAnnotationRef, Mm, PdfColor, PdfDocument, Polygon, Pt, Rect, TextMatrix, TextRenderingMode,
    XObject, XObjectRef,
use lopdf::content::Operation;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Weak;

/// One layer of PDF data
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PdfLayer {
    /// Name of the layer. Must be present for the optional content group
    pub(crate) name: String,
    /// Stream objects in this layer. Usually, one layer == one stream
    pub(super) operations: Vec<Operation>,

/// A "reference" to the current layer, allows for inner mutability
/// but only inside this library
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PdfLayerReference {
    /// A weak reference to the document, for inner mutability
    pub document: Weak<RefCell<PdfDocument>>,
    /// The index of the page this layer is on
    pub page: PdfPageIndex,
    /// The index of the layer this layer has (inside the page)
    pub layer: PdfLayerIndex,

impl PdfLayer {
    /// Create a new layer, with a name and what index the layer has in the page
    pub fn new<S>(name: S) -> Self
        S: Into<String>,
        Self {
            name: name.into(),
            operations: Vec::new(),

impl From<PdfLayer> for lopdf::Stream {
    fn from(val: PdfLayer) -> Self {
        use lopdf::{Dictionary, Stream};
        let stream_content = lopdf::content::Content {
            operations: val.operations,

        // page contents may not be compressed (todo: is this valid for XObjects?)
        Stream::new(Dictionary::new(), stream_content.encode().unwrap()).with_compression(false)

impl PdfLayerReference {
    /// Add a line to the layer. Use `closed` to indicate whether the line is a closed line
    /// Use has_fill to determine if the line should be filled.
    pub fn add_line(&self, line: Line) {
        let line_ops = line.into_stream_op();
        for op in line_ops {

    /// Add a line to the layer. Use `closed` to indicate whether the line is a closed line
    /// Use has_fill to determine if the line should be filled.
    pub fn add_polygon(&self, poly: Polygon) {
        let line_ops = poly.into_stream_op();
        for op in line_ops {

    /// Add an image to the layer. To be called from the
    /// `image.add_to_layer()` class (see `use_xobject` documentation)
    pub(crate) fn add_image<T>(&self, image: T) -> XObjectRef
        T: Into<ImageXObject>,

    /// Adds a general XObject to the layer, similar to `add_image`,
    /// but allows for other types of XObjects to be added to the
    /// page, not just images
    pub(crate) fn add_xobject<T>(&self, xobject: T) -> XObjectRef
        T: Into<XObject>,
        let doc = self.document.upgrade().unwrap();
        let mut doc = doc.borrow_mut();
        let page_mut = &mut doc.pages[];


    pub fn add_link_annotation<T>(&self, annotation: T) -> LinkAnnotationRef
        T: Into<LinkAnnotation>,
        let doc = self.document.upgrade().unwrap();
        let mut doc = doc.borrow_mut();
        let page_mut = &mut doc.pages[];

        let annot_ref = page_mut.add_link_annotation(annotation.into());

    /// Begins a new text section
    /// You have to make sure to call `end_text_section` afterwards
    pub fn begin_text_section(&self) {
        self.add_operation(Operation::new("BT", vec![]));

    /// Ends a new text section
    /// Only valid if `begin_text_section` has been called
    pub fn end_text_section(&self) {
        self.add_operation(Operation::new("ET", vec![]));

    /// Set the current fill color for the layer
    pub fn set_fill_color(&self, fill_color: Color) {

    /// Set the current font, only valid in a `begin_text_section` to
    /// `end_text_section` block
    pub fn set_font(&self, font: &IndirectFontRef, font_size: f32) {
            vec![, (font_size).into()],

    /// Set the current line / outline color for the layer
    pub fn set_outline_color(&self, color: Color) {
    /// Instantiate layers, forms and postscript items on the page
    /// __WARNING__: Object must be added to the same page, since the XObjectRef is just a
    /// String, essentially, it can't be checked that this is the case. The caller is
    /// responsible for ensuring this. However, you can use the `Image` struct
    /// and use `image.add_to(layer)`, which will essentially do the same thing, but ensures
    /// that the image is referenced correctly
    /// Function is limited to this library to ensure that outside code cannot call it
    pub(crate) fn use_xobject(&self, xobj: XObjectRef, transformations: &[CurTransMat]) {
        // save graphics state

        // do transformations to XObject
        if !transformations.is_empty() {
            let mut t = CurTransMat::Identity;
            for q in transformations {
                t = CurTransMat::Raw(CurTransMat::combine_matrix(t.into(), (*q).into()));

        // invoke object (/Do)

        // restore graphics state

    /// Set the overprint mode of the stroke color to true (overprint) or false (no overprint)
    pub fn set_overprint_fill(&self, overprint: bool) {
        let new_overprint_state = ExtendedGraphicsStateBuilder::new()

        let doc = self.document.upgrade().unwrap();
        let mut doc = doc.borrow_mut();
        let page_mut = &mut doc.pages[];

        let new_ref = page_mut.add_graphics_state(new_overprint_state);

        // add gs operator to stream

    /// Set the overprint mode of the fill color to true (overprint) or false (no overprint)
    /// This changes the graphics state of the current page, don't do it too often or you'll bloat the file size
    pub fn set_overprint_stroke(&self, overprint: bool) {
        // this is technically an operation on the page level
        let new_overprint_state = ExtendedGraphicsStateBuilder::new()

        let doc = self.document.upgrade().unwrap();
        let mut doc = doc.borrow_mut();
        let page_mut = &mut doc.pages[];

        let new_ref = page_mut.add_graphics_state(new_overprint_state);

    /// Set the overprint mode of the fill color to true (overprint) or false (no overprint)
    /// This changes the graphics state of the current page, don't do it too often or you'll bloat the file size
    pub fn set_blend_mode(&self, blend_mode: BlendMode) {
        // this is technically an operation on the page level
        let new_blend_mode_state = ExtendedGraphicsStateBuilder::new()

        let doc = self.document.upgrade().unwrap();
        let mut doc = doc.borrow_mut();
        let page_mut = &mut doc.pages[];

        let new_ref = page_mut.add_graphics_state(new_blend_mode_state);


    /// Set the current line thickness, in points
    /// __NOTE__: 0.0 is a special value, it does not make the line disappear, but rather
    /// makes it appear 1px wide across all devices
    pub fn set_outline_thickness(&self, outline_thickness: f32) {
        use lopdf::Object::*;

    /// Set the current line join style for outlines
    pub fn set_line_join_style(&self, line_join: LineJoinStyle) {

    /// Set the current line join style for outlines
    pub fn set_line_cap_style(&self, line_cap: LineCapStyle) {

    /// Set the current line join style for outlines
    pub fn set_line_dash_pattern(&self, dash_pattern: LineDashPattern) {

    /// Sets (adds to) the current transformation matrix
    /// Use `save_graphics_state()` and `restore_graphics_state()`
    /// to "scope" the transformation matrix to a specific function
    pub fn set_ctm(&self, ctm: CurTransMat) {

    /// Sets (replaces) the current text matrix
    /// This does not have to be scoped, since the matrix is replaced
    /// instead of concatenated to the current matrix. However,
    /// you should only call this function with in a block scoped by
    /// `begin_text_section()` and `end_text_section()`
    pub fn set_text_matrix(&self, tm: TextMatrix) {

    /// Sets the position where the text should appear
    pub fn set_text_cursor(&self, x: Mm, y: Mm) {
        let x_in_pt: Pt = x.into();
        let y_in_pt: Pt = y.into();
        self.add_operation(Operation::new("Td", vec![x_in_pt.into(), y_in_pt.into()]));

    /// If called inside a text block scoped by `begin_text_section` and
    /// `end_text_section`, moves the cursor to a new line. PDF does not have
    /// any concept of "alignment" except left-aligned text
    /// __Note:__ Use `set_line_height` earlier to set the line height first
    pub fn add_line_break(&self) {
        self.add_operation(Operation::new("T*", Vec::new()));

    /// Sets the text line height inside a text block
    /// (must be called within `begin_text_block` and `end_text_block`)
    pub fn set_line_height(&self, height: f32) {
        self.add_operation(Operation::new("TL", vec![lopdf::Object::Real(height)]));

    /// Sets the character spacing inside a text block
    /// Values are given in points. A value of 3 (pt) will increase
    /// the spacing inside a word by 3pt.
    pub fn set_character_spacing(&self, spacing: f32) {
        self.add_operation(Operation::new("Tc", vec![lopdf::Object::Real(spacing)]));

    /// Sets the word spacing inside a text block.
    /// Same as `set_character_spacing`, just for words.
    /// __Note:__ This currently does not work for external
    /// fonts. External fonts are encoded with Unicode, and
    /// PDF does not recognize unicode fonts. It only
    /// recognizes builtin fonts done with PDFDoc encoding.
    /// However, the function itself is valid and _will work_
    /// with builtin fonts.
    pub fn set_word_spacing(&self, spacing: f32) {
        self.add_operation(Operation::new("Tw", vec![lopdf::Object::Real(spacing)]));

    /// Sets the horizontal scaling (like a "condensed" font)
    /// Default value is 100 (regular scaling). Setting it to
    /// 50 will reduce the width of the written text by half,
    /// but stretch the text
    pub fn set_text_scaling(&self, scaling: f32) {
        self.add_operation(Operation::new("Tz", vec![lopdf::Object::Real(scaling)]));

    /// Offsets the current text positon (used for superscript
    /// and subscript). To reset the superscript / subscript, call this
    /// function with 0 as the offset. For superscript, use a positive
    /// number, for subscript, use a negative number. This does not
    /// change the size of the font
    pub fn set_line_offset(&self, offset: f32) {
        self.add_operation(Operation::new("Ts", vec![lopdf::Object::Real(offset)]));

    pub fn set_text_rendering_mode(&self, mode: TextRenderingMode) {

    /// Add text to the file at the current position by specifying font codepoints for an
    /// ExternalFont
    pub fn write_codepoints<I>(&self, codepoints: I)
        I: IntoIterator<Item = u16>,
        use lopdf::Object::*;
        use lopdf::StringFormat::Hexadecimal;

        let bytes = codepoints
            .flat_map(|x| {
                let [b0, b1] = x.to_be_bytes();

        let doc = self.document.upgrade().unwrap();
        let mut doc = doc.borrow_mut();
            .push(Operation::new("Tj", vec![String(bytes, Hexadecimal)]));

    /// Add text to the file at the current position by specifying
    /// font codepoints with additional kerning offset
    pub fn write_positioned_codepoints<I>(&self, codepoints: I)
        I: IntoIterator<Item = (i64, u16)>,
        use lopdf::Object::*;
        use lopdf::StringFormat::Hexadecimal;

        let mut list = Vec::new();

        for (pos, codepoint) in codepoints {
            if pos != 0 {
            let bytes = codepoint.to_be_bytes().to_vec();
            list.push(String(bytes, Hexadecimal));

        let doc = self.document.upgrade().unwrap();
        let mut doc = doc.borrow_mut();
            .push(Operation::new("TJ", vec![Array(list)]));

    /// Add text to the file at the current position
    /// If the given font is a built-in font and the given text contains characters that are not
    /// supported by the [Windows-1252][] encoding, these characters will be ignored.
    /// [Windows-1252]:
    pub fn write_text<S>(&self, text: S, font: &IndirectFontRef)
        S: Into<String>,
        // NOTE: The unwrap() calls in this function are safe, since
        // we've already checked the font for validity when it was added to the document

        use lopdf::Object::*;
        use lopdf::StringFormat::Hexadecimal;

        let text = text.into();

        // we need to transform the characters into glyph ids and then add them to the layer
        let doc = self.document.upgrade().unwrap();
        let mut doc = doc.borrow_mut();

        // glyph IDs that make up this string

        // kerning for each glyph id. If no kerning is present, will be 0
        // must be the same length as list_gid
        // let mut kerning_data = Vec::<freetype::Vector>::new();

        let bytes: Vec<u8> = {
            if let Font::ExternalFont(face_direct_ref) = doc.fonts.get_font(font).unwrap().data {
                let mut list_gid = Vec::<u16>::new();
                let font = &face_direct_ref.font_data;

                for ch in text.chars() {
                    if let Some(glyph_id) = font.glyph_id(ch) {

                    .flat_map(|x| vec![(x >> 8) as u8, (x & 255) as u8])
            } else {
                // For built-in fonts, we selected the WinAnsiEncoding, see the Into<LoDictionary>
                // implementation for BuiltinFont.
                lopdf::Document::encode_text(Some("WinAnsiEncoding"), &text)

            .push(Operation::new("Tj", vec![String(bytes, Hexadecimal)]));

    /// Saves the current graphic state
    pub fn save_graphics_state(&self) {
        self.add_operation(Operation::new("q", Vec::new()));

    /// Restores the previous graphic state
    pub fn restore_graphics_state(&self) {
        self.add_operation(Operation::new("Q", Vec::new()));

    /// Add text to the file, x and y are measure in millimeter from the bottom left corner
    /// If the given font is a built-in font and the given text contains characters that are not
    /// supported by the [Windows-1252][] encoding, these characters will be ignored.
    /// [Windows-1252]:
    pub fn use_text<S>(&self, text: S, font_size: f32, x: Mm, y: Mm, font: &IndirectFontRef)
        S: Into<String>,
        self.set_font(font, font_size);
        self.set_text_cursor(x, y);
        self.write_text(text, font);

    /// Add an operation
    /// This is the low level function used by other function in this struct.
    /// Notice that [Operation](crate::lopdf::content::Operation) is part of the
    /// `lopdf` crate, which is re-exported by this crate.
    pub fn add_operation<T>(&self, op: T)
        T: Into<Operation>,
        let doc = self.document.upgrade().unwrap();
        let mut doc = doc.borrow_mut();
        let layer = &mut doc.pages[].layers[self.layer.0];

        /// Instantiate SVG data
        pub fn use_svg(&self, width_mm: f32, height_mm: f32,
                       x_mm: f32, y_mm: f32, svg_data_index: SvgIndex)
            let svg_element_ref = {
                let doc = self.document.upgrade().unwrap();
                let doc = doc.borrow_mut();
                let element = doc.contents.get((svg_data_index.0).0).expect("invalid svg reference");

            let doc = self.document.upgrade().unwrap();
            let mut doc = doc.borrow_mut();

            // todo: what about width / height?

    // internal function to invoke an xobject
    fn internal_invoke_xobject(&self, name: String) {
        let doc = self.document.upgrade().unwrap();
        let mut doc = doc.borrow_mut();
        let page_mut = &mut doc.pages[];


    /// Add a rectangle to the layer.
    pub fn add_rect(&self, rect: Rect) {
        for op in rect.into_stream_op() {