printpdf 0.5.3

Rust library for writing PDF files
//! Info dictionary of a PDF document

use crate::OffsetDateTime;
use lopdf;
use PdfMetadata;
/// "Info" dictionary of a PDF document.
/// Actual data is contained in `DocumentMetadata`, to keep it in sync with the `XmpMetadata`
/// (if the timestamps / settings are not in sync, Preflight will complain)
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct DocumentInfo {
    // DocumentInfo is older than XmpMetadata
    // The following is a list of things available to the DocumentInfo dictionary.
    // These keys don't have to be set:

    /Author ( Craig J. Hogan )
    /Subject ( doi:10.1038/445037a )
    /Keywords ( cosmology infrared protogalaxy starlight )
    /Identifier ( doi:10.1038/445037a )
    /Creator ( … )
    /Producer ( … )

    // The more modern approach is to put them into the XmpMetadata struct:
    // This struct is merely a wrapper around those types that HAVE to be in a PDF/X-conform
    // document.

    <rdf:Description rdf:about=“” xmlns:dc=“">
            <dc:creator>Craig J. Hogan</dc:creator>
            <dc:title>Cosmology: Ripples of early starlight</dc:title>
            <dc:source>Nature 445, 37 (2007)</dc:source>
            <dc:publisher>Nature Publishing Group</dc:publisher>
            <dc:rights>© 2007 Nature Publishing Group</dc:rights>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about=“” xmlns:prism=“">
        <prism:copyright>© 2007 Nature Publishing Group</prism:copyright>
        <prism:volume>445</prism:volume> <prism:number>7123</prism:number>
        <prism:section>News and Views</prism:section>

impl DocumentInfo {

    /// Create a new doucment info dictionary from a document
    pub fn new()
    -> Self

    /// This functions is similar to the IntoPdfObject trait method,
    /// but takes additional arguments in order to delay the setting
    pub(in crate) fn into_obj(self, m: &PdfMetadata)
    -> lopdf::Object
        use lopdf::Dictionary as LoDictionary;
        use lopdf::Object::*;
        use lopdf::StringFormat::Literal;
        use std::iter::FromIterator;

        let trapping = if m.trapping { "True" } else { "False" };
        let gts_pdfx_version = m.conformance.get_identifier_string();

        let info_mod_date = to_pdf_time_stamp_metadata(m.modification_date);
        let info_create_date = to_pdf_time_stamp_metadata(m.creation_date);

            ("Trapped", trapping.into()),
            ("CreationDate", String(info_create_date.into_bytes(), Literal)),
            ("ModDate", String(info_mod_date.into_bytes(), Literal)),
            ("GTS_PDFXVersion", String(gts_pdfx_version.into(), Literal)),
            ("Title", String(m.document_title.to_string().as_bytes().to_vec(), Literal)),
            ("Author", String(, Literal)),
            ("Creator", String(m.creator.as_bytes().to_vec(), Literal)),
            ("Producer", String(m.producer.as_bytes().to_vec(), Literal)),
            ("Subject", String(m.subject.as_bytes().to_vec(), Literal)),
            ("Identifier", String(m.identifier.as_bytes().to_vec(), Literal)),
            ("Keywords", String(m.keywords.join(",").as_bytes().to_vec(), Literal))

// D:20170505150224+02'00'
fn to_pdf_time_stamp_metadata(date: OffsetDateTime)
-> String
    // Since the time is in UTC, we know that the time zone
    // difference to UTC is 0 min, 0 sec, hence the 00'00