printpdf 0.2.3

Rust library for writing PDF files
extern crate printpdf;

use printpdf::*;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufWriter;

fn main() {
    // To prevent empty documents, you must specify at least one page with one layer
    // You can later on add more pages with the add_page() function
    // You also have to specify the title of the PDF and the document creator
    let (doc, _, _) = PdfDocument::new("printpdf page test", Mm(210.0), Mm(297.0), "Layer 1");
    // You can add more pages and layers to the PDF. 
    // Just make sure you don't lose the references, otherwise, you can't add things to the layer anymore
    let (page2, _) = doc.add_page(Mm(297.0), Mm(210.0),"Page 2, Layer 1");
    let _ = doc.get_page(page2).add_layer("Layer 3");

    // If this is successful, you should see a PDF with two blank A4 pages BufWriter::new(File::create("test_pages.pdf").unwrap())).unwrap();