print-flat-tree 1.1.3

Convert a flat-tree to a string.
//! Converts a [`flat tree`]( to a string.
//! ## Usage
//! ```rust,ignore
//! extern crate print_flat_tree;
//! use print_flat_tree::fmt;
//! let tree = vec!(0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10);
//! print!("{}", fmt(tree));
//! ```
//! Which outputs:
//! ```text
//!  0──┐
//!     1──┐
//!  2──┘  │
//!        3──┐
//!//!//!//!           7
//!  8──┐
//!     9
//! 10──┘
//! ```
//! ## Command Line
//! ```txt
//! print-flat-tree
//! Converts a flat-tree to a string
//! USAGE:
//!     print-flat-tree [tree]...
//! FLAGS:
//!     -h, --help       Prints help information
//!     -V, --version    Prints version information
//! ARGS:
//!     <tree>...    For example '0 1 2 3 7 8 9 10'
//! ```
//! As can be seen from the above diagram `7` is the parent of `3`, and `3` is
//! the parent of `1` etc.
//! ## See Also
//! - [mafintosh/print-flat-tree (JavaScript)](
//! - [flat-tree](


extern crate flat_tree;

use std::cmp;

const DOWN: char = '';
const LEFT: char = '';
const TURN_DOWN: char = '';
const TURN_UP: char = '';

/// Converts a `flat_tree` to a string.
pub fn fmt(tree: &[usize]) -> String {
  // Fill a vec with bools, indicating if a value exists or not.
  let max = tree.iter().fold(0, |prev, curr| cmp::max(prev, *curr));
  let mut list = vec![false; max + 1];
  println!("{:?}", list);
  for &i in tree {
    list[i] = true;

  let width = (list.len().to_string()).len() + 1;
  let last_block = list.len() - list.len() % 2;
  let mut _roots = Vec::with_capacity(16);
  flat_tree::full_roots(last_block, &mut _roots);

  let blank = format!("{:width$}", ' ', width = width);
  let mut matrix = vec![vec![blank.to_string(); max + 1]; list.len()];

  for i in 0..list.len() {
    if !list[i] {
    let depth = flat_tree::depth(i);
    let val = format!("{:width$}", i, width = width);
    matrix[i][depth] = val;

    if let Some(children) = flat_tree::children(i) {
      add_path(&list, &mut matrix, children.0, i, depth, 1);
      if children.1 < list.len() {
        add_path(&list, &mut matrix, children.1, i, depth, -1);

  let mut flat_tree_str = String::from("");
  for arr in matrix {
    let partial = arr.join("").trim_right().to_string() + "\n";


fn fmt_works_0() {
  let tree = vec!(0);
  let result = fmt(&tree);
  assert_eq!(result, " 0\n");

fn fmt_works_1() {
  let tree = vec!(1);
  let result = fmt(&tree);
  assert_eq!(result, "\n   1\n");

fn fmt_works_0_1_2() {
  let tree = vec!(0, 1, 2);
  let result = fmt(&tree);
  assert_eq!(result, " 0─┐\n   1\n 2─┘\n");

fn add_path(
  list: &[bool],
  matrix: &mut Vec<Vec<String>>,
  child: usize,
  parent: usize,
  parent_depth: usize,
  dir: i32,
) -> () {
  if !list[child] {

  let depth = flat_tree::depth(child);
  let width = (list.len().to_string()).len() + 1;
  let ptr = depth + 1;

  for i in ptr..parent_depth {
    matrix[child][i] = pad(LEFT, LEFT, width);

  let turn_char = if dir < 0 { TURN_UP } else { TURN_DOWN };
  matrix[child][ptr] = pad(turn_char, LEFT, width);

  let mut _child: i32 = child as i32;
  loop {
    _child += dir;
    if _child == parent as i32 {
    matrix[_child as usize][ptr] = pad(DOWN, ' ', width);

fn pad(str: char, pad_char: char, width: usize) -> String {
  let mut symbol = String::from("");
  for i in 0..width {
    if i == width - 1 {
    } else {