Struct postgres::Connection [] [src]

pub struct Connection {
    // some fields omitted

A connection to a Postgres database.


impl Connection

fn connect<T>(params: T, ssl: &SslMode) -> Result<ConnectionConnectError> where T: IntoConnectParams

Creates a new connection to a Postgres database.

Most applications can use a URL string in the normal format:


The password may be omitted if not required. The default Postgres port (5432) is used if none is specified. The database name defaults to the username if not specified.

Connection via Unix sockets is supported with the unix_socket feature. To connect to the server via Unix sockets, host should be set to the absolute path of the directory containing the socket file. Since / is a reserved character in URLs, the path should be URL encoded. If the path contains non-UTF 8 characters, a ConnectParams struct should be created manually and passed in. Note that Postgres does not support SSL over Unix sockets.


let url = "postgresql://postgres:hunter2@localhost:2994/foodb";
let conn = try!(Connection::connect(url, &SslMode::None));
let url = "postgresql://postgres@%2Frun%2Fpostgres";
let conn = try!(Connection::connect(url, &SslMode::None));
let params = ConnectParams {
    target: ConnectTarget::Unix(some_crazy_path),
    port: None,
    user: Some(UserInfo {
        user: "postgres".to_string(),
        password: None
    database: None,
    options: vec![],
let conn = try!(Connection::connect(params, &SslMode::None));

fn set_notice_handler(&self, handler: Box<HandleNotice>) -> Box<HandleNotice>

Sets the notice handler for the connection, returning the old handler.

fn notifications<'a>(&'a self) -> Notifications<'a>

Returns an iterator over asynchronous notification messages.

Use the LISTEN command to register this connection for notifications.

fn prepare<'a>(&'a self, query: &str) -> Result<Statement<'a>>

Creates a new prepared statement.

A statement may contain parameters, specified by $n where n is the index of the parameter in the list provided at execution time, 1-indexed.

The statement is associated with the connection that created it and may not outlive that connection.


let maybe_stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz = $1");
let stmt = match maybe_stmt {
    Ok(stmt) => stmt,
    Err(err) => panic!("Error preparing statement: {:?}", err)

fn prepare_cached<'a>(&'a self, query: &str) -> Result<Statement<'a>>

Creates cached prepared statement.

Like prepare, except that the statement is only prepared once over the lifetime of the connection and then cached. If the same statement is going to be used frequently, caching it can improve performance by reducing the number of round trips to the Postgres backend.


let stmt = try!(conn.prepare_cached("SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz = $1"));
for row in try!(stmt.query(&[&x])) {
    println!("foo: {}", row.get::<_, String>(0));

fn transaction<'a>(&'a self) -> Result<Transaction<'a>>

Begins a new transaction.

Returns a Transaction object which should be used instead of the connection for the duration of the transaction. The transaction is active until the Transaction object falls out of scope.


A transaction will roll back by default. The set_commit, set_rollback, and commit methods alter this behavior.


Panics if a transaction is already active.


let trans = try!(conn.transaction());
try!(trans.execute("UPDATE foo SET bar = 10", &[]));
// ...


fn set_transaction_isolation(&self, level: IsolationLevel) -> Result<()>

Sets the isolation level which will be used for future transactions.


This will not change the behavior of an active transaction.

fn transaction_isolation(&self) -> Result<IsolationLevel>

Returns the isolation level which will be used for future transactions.

fn execute(&self, query: &str, params: &[&ToSql]) -> Result<u64>

A convenience function for queries that are only run once.

If an error is returned, it could have come from either the preparation or execution of the statement.

On success, returns the number of rows modified or 0 if not applicable.


Panics if the number of parameters provided does not match the number expected.

fn batch_execute(&self, query: &str) -> Result<()>

Execute a sequence of SQL statements.

Statements should be separated by ; characters. If an error occurs, execution of the sequence will stop at that point. This is intended for execution of batches of non-dynamic statements - for example, creation of a schema for a fresh database.


Prepared statements should be used for any SQL statement which contains user-specified data, as it provides functionality to safely embed that data in the statement. Do not form statements via string concatenation and feed them into this method.


fn init_db(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
        CREATE TABLE person (
            id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
            name NOT NULL

        CREATE TABLE purchase (
            id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
            person INT NOT NULL REFERENCES person (id),
            time TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL,

        CREATE INDEX ON purchase (time);

fn cancel_data(&self) -> CancelData

Returns information used to cancel pending queries.

Used with the cancel_query function. The object returned can be used to cancel any query executed by the connection it was created from.

fn parameter(&self, param: &str) -> Option<String>

Returns the value of the specified Postgres backend parameter, such as timezone or server_version.

fn is_desynchronized(&self) -> bool

Returns whether or not the stream has been desynchronized due to an error in the communication channel with the server.

If this has occurred, all further queries will immediately return an error.

fn is_active(&self) -> bool

Determines if the Connection is currently "active", that is, if there are no active transactions.

The transaction method can only be called on the active Connection or Transaction.

fn finish(self) -> Result<()>

Consumes the connection, closing it.

Functionally equivalent to the Drop implementation for Connection except that it returns any error encountered to the caller.

Trait Implementations

impl Debug for Connection

fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl GenericConnection for Connection

fn prepare<'a>(&'a self, query: &str) -> Result<Statement<'a>>

Like Connection::prepare.

fn prepare_cached<'a>(&'a self, query: &str) -> Result<Statement<'a>>

Like Connection::prepare_cached.

fn execute(&self, query: &str, params: &[&ToSql]) -> Result<u64>

Like Connection::execute.

fn transaction<'a>(&'a self) -> Result<Transaction<'a>>

Like Connection::transaction.

fn batch_execute(&self, query: &str) -> Result<()>

Like Connection::batch_execute.

fn is_active(&self) -> bool

Like Connection::is_active.