posish 0.16.7

Safe Rust bindings to POSIX-ish libc APIs and syscalls
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    <strong>Safe Rust bindings to POSIX-ish libc APIs and syscalls</strong>

  <strong>A <a href="https://bytecodealliance.org/">Bytecode Alliance</a> project</strong>

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`posish` provides efficient memory-safe and [I/O-safe] wrappers to "POSIX-ish"
`libc` APIs and syscalls, with configurable backends. It uses Rust references,
slices, and return values instead of raw pointers, and [`io-lifetimes`] instead
of raw file descriptors, providing memory safety and [I/O safety]. It uses
`Result`s for reporting errors, [`bitflags`] instead of bare integer flags,
an [`Arg`] trait with optimizations to efficiently accept any Rust string type,
and several other efficient conveniences.

`posish` is low-level and does not support Windows; for higher-level and more
portable APIs built on this functionality, see the [`system-interface`],
[`cap-std`], and [`fs-set-times`] crates, for example.

Posish currently has two backends available: `libc` and `linux_raw`.

The `linux_raw` backend is enabled by default on Linux on x86-64, x86, aarch64,
and riscv64gc, and uses raw Linux system calls and vDSO calls. It supports
stable as well as nightly Rust.
 - By being implemented entirely in Rust, avoiding `libc`, `errno`, and pthread
   cancellation, and employing some specialized optimizations, most functions
   compile down to very efficient code. On nightly Rust, they can often be
   fully inlined into user code.
 - Most functions in `linux_raw` preserve memory and I/O safety all the way
   down to the syscalls.
 - `linux_raw` uses a 64-bit `time_t` type on all platforms, avoiding the
   [y2038 bug].

The `libc` backend is enabled by default on all other platforms, and can be
explicitly for any target by setting `RUSTFLAGS` to `--cfg posish_use_libc`.
It uses the [`libc`] crate which provides bindings to native `libc` libraries
and is portable to many OS's.

[`system-interface`]: https://crates.io/crates/system-interface
[`fs-set-times`]: https://crates.io/crates/fs-set-times
[`io-lifetimes`]: https://crates.io/crates/io-lifetimes
[`libc`]: https://crates.io/crates/libc
[`cap-std`]: https://crates.io/crates/cap-std
[`bitflags`]: https://crates.io/crates/bitflags
[`Arg`]: https://docs.rs/posish/0.14.1/posish/path/trait.Arg.html
[I/O-safe]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/3128
[I/O safety]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/3128
[y2038 bug]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem