polylabel 1.0.2

A Rust implementation of the Polylabel algorithm
#![doc(html_logo_url = "https://cdn.rawgit.com/urschrei/polylabel-rs/7a07336e85572eb5faaf0657c2383d7de5620cd8/ell.svg",
       html_root_url = "https://urschrei.github.io/polylabel-rs/")]
//! This crate provides a Rust implementation of the [Polylabel](https://github.com/mapbox/polylabel) algorithm
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::BinaryHeap;

extern crate num;
use self::num::{Float, FromPrimitive};

extern crate geo;
use self::geo::{Point, Polygon};
use self::geo::algorithm::boundingbox::BoundingBox;
use self::geo::algorithm::distance::Distance;
use self::geo::algorithm::area::Area;
use self::geo::algorithm::centroid::Centroid;
use self::geo::algorithm::contains::Contains;

mod ffi;
pub use ffi::{polylabel_ffi, Array, WrapperArray, Position};

// A helper struct for `polylabel`
struct Cell<T>
    where T: Float
    // Centroid coordinates
    x: T,
    y: T,
    // Half the cell size
    h: T,
    // Distance from centroid to polygon
    distance: T,
    // Maximum distance to polygon within a cell
    max_distance: T,

impl<T> Cell<T>
    where T: Float
    /// Creates a new Cell
    pub fn new(x: T, y: T, h: T, distance: T, max_distance: T) -> Cell<T> {
        Cell {
            x: x,
            y: y,
            h: h,
            distance: distance,
            max_distance: max_distance,

impl<T> Ord for Cell<T>
    where T: Float
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Cell<T>) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
impl<T> PartialOrd for Cell<T>
    where T: Float
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Cell<T>) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl<T> Eq for Cell<T> where T: Float {}
impl<T> PartialEq for Cell<T>
    where T: Float
    fn eq(&self, other: &Cell<T>) -> bool
        where T: Float
        self.max_distance == other.max_distance

// Signed distance from a Cell's centroid to a Polygon's outline
// Returned value is negative if the point is outside the polygon's exterior ring
fn signed_distance<T>(x: &T, y: &T, polygon: &Polygon<T>) -> T
    where T: Float
    let point = Point::new(*x, *y);
    let inside = polygon.contains(&point);
    // Use LineString distance, because Polygon distance returns 0.0 for inside
    let distance = point.distance(&polygon.exterior);
    if inside { distance } else { -distance }

// Add a new quadtree node to the binary heap
fn add_quad<T>(mpq: &mut BinaryHeap<Cell<T>>, cell: &Cell<T>, nh: &T, polygon: &Polygon<T>)
    where T: Float
    let two = T::one() + T::one();
    // 1
    let mut new_dist = signed_distance(&(cell.x - *nh), &(cell.y - *nh), polygon);
    mpq.push(Cell::new(cell.x - *nh,
                       cell.y - *nh,
                       new_dist + *nh * two.sqrt()));
    // 2
    new_dist = signed_distance(&(cell.x + *nh), &(cell.y - *nh), polygon);
    mpq.push(Cell::new(cell.x + *nh,
                       cell.y - *nh,
                       new_dist + *nh * two.sqrt()));
    // 3
    new_dist = signed_distance(&(cell.x - *nh), &(cell.y + *nh), polygon);
    mpq.push(Cell::new(cell.x - *nh,
                       cell.y + *nh,
                       new_dist + *nh * two.sqrt()));
    // 4
    new_dist = signed_distance(&(cell.x + *nh), &(cell.y + *nh), polygon);
    mpq.push(Cell::new(cell.x + *nh,
                       cell.y + *nh,
                       new_dist + *nh * two.sqrt()));

/// Calculate a Polygon's ideal label position by calculating its ✨pole of inaccessibility✨
/// The calculation uses an [iterative grid-based algorithm](https://github.com/mapbox/polylabel#how-the-algorithm-works).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use polylabel::polylabel;
/// extern crate geo;
/// use self::geo::{Point, LineString, Polygon};
/// // An approximate `L` shape
/// let coords = vec![
///    (0.0, 0.0),
///    (4.0, 0.0),
///    (4.0, 1.0),
///    (1.0, 1.0),
///    (1.0, 4.0),
///    (0.0, 4.0),
///    (0.0, 0.0)];
/// let ls = LineString(coords.iter().map(|e| Point::new(e.0, e.1)).collect());
/// let poly = Polygon::new(ls, vec![]);
/// // Its centroid lies outside the polygon
/// assert_eq!(poly.centroid(), Point::new(1.3571428571428572, 1.3571428571428572));
/// let label_position = polylabel(&poly, &1.0);
/// // Optimum label position is inside the polygon
/// assert_eq!(label_position, Point::new(0.5625, 0.5625));
/// ```
pub fn polylabel<T>(polygon: &Polygon<T>, tolerance: &T) -> Point<T>
    where T: Float + FromPrimitive + Debug
    // special case for degenerate polygons
    if polygon.area() == T::zero() {
        // best_cell = Cell {
        //     x: polygon.exterior.0[0].x(),
        //     y: polygon.exterior.0[0].y(),
        //     h: T::zero(),
        //     distance: distance,
        //     max_distance: max_distance
        // };
        return Point::new(T::zero(), T::zero());
    let two = T::one() + T::one();
    // Initial best cell values
    let centroid = polygon.centroid().unwrap();
    let bbox = polygon.bbox().unwrap();
    let width = bbox.xmax - bbox.xmin;
    let height = bbox.ymax - bbox.ymin;
    let cell_size = width.min(height);
    // Special case for degenerate polygons
    if cell_size == T::zero() {
        return Point::new(bbox.xmin, bbox.ymin);
    let mut h: T = cell_size / two;
    let distance: T = signed_distance(&centroid.x(), &centroid.y(), polygon);
    let max_distance: T = distance + T::zero() * two.sqrt();

    let mut best_cell = Cell {
        x: centroid.x(),
        y: centroid.y(),
        h: T::zero(),
        distance: distance,
        max_distance: max_distance,

    // special case for rectangular polygons
    let bbox_cell_dist = signed_distance(&(bbox.xmin + width / two),
                                         &(bbox.ymin + height / two),
    let bbox_cell = Cell {
        x: bbox.xmin + width / two,
        y: bbox.ymin + height / two,
        h: T::zero(),
        distance: bbox_cell_dist,
        max_distance: bbox_cell_dist + T::zero() * two.sqrt(),

    if bbox_cell.distance > best_cell.distance {
        best_cell = bbox_cell;

    // Priority queue
    let mut cell_queue: BinaryHeap<Cell<T>> = BinaryHeap::new();
    // Build an initial quadtree node, which covers the Polygon
    let mut x = bbox.xmin;
    let mut y;
    while x < bbox.xmax {
        y = bbox.ymin;
        while y < bbox.ymax {
            let latest_dist = signed_distance(&(x + h), &(y + h), polygon);
            cell_queue.push(Cell {
                x: x + h,
                y: y + h,
                h: h,
                distance: latest_dist,
                max_distance: latest_dist + h * two.sqrt(),
            y = y + cell_size;
        x = x + cell_size;
    // Now try to find better solutions
    while !cell_queue.is_empty() {
        let cell = cell_queue.pop().unwrap();
        // Update the best cell if we find a cell with greater distance
        if cell.distance > best_cell.distance {
            best_cell.x = cell.x;
            best_cell.y = cell.y;
            best_cell.h = cell.h;
            best_cell.distance = cell.distance;
            best_cell.max_distance = cell.max_distance;
        // Bail out of this iteration if we can't find a better solution
        if cell.max_distance - best_cell.distance <= *tolerance {
        // Otherwise, add a new quadtree node and start again
        h = cell.h / two;
        add_quad(&mut cell_queue, &cell, &h, polygon);
    // We've exhausted the queue, so return the best solution we've found
    Point::new(best_cell.x, best_cell.y)

mod tests {
    use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
    use super::{polylabel, Cell};
    extern crate libc;
    extern crate geo;
    use geo::{Point, Polygon, LineString};
    use geo::contains::Contains;
    // polygons are those used in Shapely's tests
    fn test_polylabel() {
        let coords = include!("poly1.rs");
        let ls = LineString(coords.iter().map(|e| Point::new(e.0, e.1)).collect());
        let poly = Polygon::new(ls, vec![]);
        let res = polylabel(&poly, &10.000);
        assert_eq!(res, Point::new(59.35615556364569, 121.83919629746435));
    // does a concave polygon contain the calculated point?
    // relevant because the centroid lies outside the polygon in this case
    fn test_concave() {
        let coords = include!("poly2.rs");
        let ls = LineString(coords.iter().map(|e| Point::new(e.0, e.1)).collect());
        let poly = Polygon::new(ls, vec![]);
        let res = polylabel(&poly, &1.0);
    fn polygon_l_test() {
        // an L shape
        let coords = vec![(0.0, 0.0), (4.0, 0.0), (4.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 4.0), (0.0, 4.0),
                          (0.0, 0.0)];
        let ls = LineString(coords.iter().map(|e| Point::new(e.0, e.1)).collect());
        let poly = Polygon::new(ls, vec![]);
        let res = polylabel(&poly, &0.10);
        assert_eq!(res, Point::new(0.5625, 0.5625));
    fn degenerate_polygon_test() {
        let a_coords = vec![(0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0), (2.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0)];
        let a_ls = LineString(a_coords.iter().map(|e| Point::new(e.0, e.1)).collect());
        let a_poly = Polygon::new(a_ls, vec![]);
        let a_res = polylabel(&a_poly, &1.0);
        assert_eq!(a_res, Point::new(0.0, 0.0));
    fn degenerate_polygon_test_2() {
        let b_coords = vec![(0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0)];
        let b_ls = LineString(b_coords.iter().map(|e| Point::new(e.0, e.1)).collect());
        let b_poly = Polygon::new(b_ls, vec![]);
        let b_res = polylabel(&b_poly, &1.0);
        assert_eq!(b_res, Point::new(0.0, 0.0));
    // Is our priority queue behaving as it should?
    fn test_queue() {
        let a = Cell {
            x: 1.0,
            y: 2.0,
            h: 3.0,
            distance: 4.0,
            max_distance: 8.0,
        let b = Cell {
            x: 1.0,
            y: 2.0,
            h: 3.0,
            distance: 4.0,
            max_distance: 7.0,
        let c = Cell {
            x: 1.0,
            y: 2.0,
            h: 3.0,
            distance: 4.0,
            max_distance: 9.0,
        let mut v = vec![];
        let mut q = BinaryHeap::from(v);
        assert_eq!(q.pop().unwrap().max_distance, 9.0);
        assert_eq!(q.pop().unwrap().max_distance, 8.0);
        assert_eq!(q.pop().unwrap().max_distance, 7.0);