polars 0.4.0

DataFrame library

Polars: DataFrames in Rust

Polars is a DataFrame library for Rust. It is based on Apache Arrows memory model. This means that operations on Polars array's (called Series or ChunkedArray<T> {if the type T is known}) are optimally aligned cache friendly operations and SIMD. Sadly, Apache Arrow needs nightly Rust, which means that Polars cannot run on stable.

Read more in the pages of the DataFrame, Series, and ChunkedArray data structures.

Read and write CSV/ JSON

use polars::prelude::*;
use std::fs::File;

fn example() -> Result<DataFrame> {
let file = File::open("iris.csv").expect("could not open file");


For more IO examples see:


use polars::prelude::*;

// Create first df.
let s0 = Series::new("days", &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
let s1 = Series::new("temp", &[22.1, 19.9, 7., 2., 3.]);
let temp = DataFrame::new(vec![s0, s1]).unwrap();

// Create second df.
let s0 = Series::new("days", &[1, 2]);
let s1 = Series::new("rain", &[0.1, 0.2]);
let rain = DataFrame::new(vec![s0, s1]).unwrap();

// Left join on days column.
let joined = temp.left_join(&rain, "days", "days");
println!("{}", joined.unwrap())
| days | temp | rain |
| ---  | ---  | ---  |
| i32  | f64  | f64  |
| 0    | 22.1 | null |
| 1    | 19.9 | 0.1  |
| 2    | 7    | 0.2  |
| 3    | 2    | null |
| 4    | 3    | null |


use polars::prelude::*;
fn groupby_sum(df: &DataFrame) -> Result<DataFrame> {


use polars::prelude::*;
let s: Series = [1, 2, 3].iter().collect();
let s_squared = &s * &s;

Rust iterators

use polars::prelude::*;

let s: Series = [1, 2, 3].iter().collect();
let s_squared: Series = s.i32()
.expect("datatype mismatch")
.map(|optional_v| {
match optional_v {
Some(v) => Some(v * v),
None => None, // null value

Apply custom closures

Besides running custom iterators, custom closures can be applied on the values of ChunkedArray by using the apply method. This method accepts a closure that will be applied on all values of Option<T> that are non null. Note that this is the fastest way to apply a custom closure on ChunkedArray's.

# use polars::prelude::*;
let s: Series = Series::new("values", [Some(1.0), None, Some(3.0)]);
// null values are ignored automatically
let squared = s.f64()
.apply(|value| value.powf(2.0))

assert_eq!(Vec::from(squared.f64().unwrap()), &[Some(1.0), None, Some(9.0)])


use polars::prelude::*;
use itertools::Itertools;
let s = Series::new("dollars", &[1, 2, 3]);
let mask = s.eq(1);
let valid = [true, false, false].iter();

assert_eq!(Vec::from(mask.bool().unwrap()), &[Some(true), Some(false), Some(false)]);

And more...


Additional cargo features:

  • pretty (default)
  • pretty printing of DataFrames
  • simd
  • SIMD operations
  • temporal
  • Conversions between Chrono and Polars for temporal data