polars 0.13.1

DataFrame Library based on Apache Arrow

Polars: DataFrames in Rust

Polars is a DataFrame library for Rust. It is based on Apache Arrows memory model. Apache arrow provides very cache efficient columnar data structures, and is becoming the defacto standard for columnar data.

This means that Polars data structures can be shared zero copy with processes in many different languages.

1. Data Structures

The base data structures provided by polars are DataFrame, Series, and ChunkedArray<T>. We will provide a short top down view of these data structures.

1.1 DataFrame

A DataFrame is a 2 dimensional data structure that is backed by a Series, and it could be seen as an abstraction on Vec<Series>. Operations that can be executed on DataFrames are very similar to what is done in a SQL like query. You can GROUP, JOIN, PIVOT etc. The closes arrow equivalent to a DataFrame is a RecordBatch, and Polars provides zero copy coercion.

1.2 Series

Series are the type agnostic columnar data representation of Polars. They provide many operations out of the box, many via the Series struct and SeriesTrait trait. Whether or not an operation is provided by a Series is determined by the operation. If the operation can be done without knowing the underlying columnar type, this operation probably is provided by the Series. If not, you must downcast to the typed data structure that is wrapped by the Series. That is the ChunkedArray<T>.

1.3 ChunkedArray

ChunkedArray<T> are wrappers around an arrow array, that can contain multiples chunks, e.g. Vec<dyn ArrowArray>. These are the root data structures of Polars, and implement many operations. Most operations are implemented by traits defined in chunked_array::ops, or on the ChunkedArray struct.


Polars / Arrow uses packed_simd to speed up kernels with SIMD operations. SIMD is an optional feature = "simd", and requires a nightly compiler. If you don't need SIMD, Polars runs on stable!

3. API

Polars supports an eager and a lazy API, and strives to make them both equally capable. The eager API is similar to pandas, and is easy to get started. The lazy API is similar to Spark, and builds a query plan that will be optimized. This may be less intuitive, but you may gain of additional performance.

3.1 Eager

Read more in the pages of the following data structures /traits.

3.2 Lazy

Unlock full potential with lazy computation. This allows query optimizations and provides Polars the full query context so that the fastest algorithm can be chosen.

Read more in the lazy module.

4. Compile times

A DataFrame library typically consists of

  • Tons of features
  • A lot of datatypes

Both of these really put large strains on compile times. To keep Polars lean, we make both opt-in, meaning that you only pay the compilation cost, if you need it.

4.2 Compile times and opt-in featurs

The opt-in features are:

  • pivot - pivot operation on DataFrames
  • random - Generate array's with randomly sampled values
  • ndarray- Convert from DataFrame to ndarray
  • downsample - downsample operation on DataFrames

4.3 Compile times and opt-in data types

As mentioned above, Polars Series are wrappers around ChunkedArray<T> without the generic parameter T. To get rid of the generic parameter, all the possible value of T are compiled for Series. This gets more expensive the more types you want for a Series. In order to reduce the compile times, we have decided to default to a minimal set of types and make more Series types opt-in.

Note that if you get strange compile time errors, you probably need to opt-in for that Series dtype. The opt-in dtypes are:

data type feature flag
Time64NanoSecondType dtype-time64-ns
DurationNanosecondType dtype-duration-ns
DurationMillisecondType dtype-duration-ms
Date32Type dtype-date32
Date64Type dtype-date64
Int8Type dtype-i8
Int16Type dtype-i16
UInt8Type dtype-u8
UInt16Type dtype-u16
UInt64Type dtype-u64

Or you can choose on of the preconfigured pre-sets.

  • dtype-full - all opt-in dtypes.
  • dtype-slim - slim preset of opt-in dtypes.

5. Performance and string data

Large string data can really slow down your queries. Read more in the performance section

6. Custom allocator

A DataFrame library naturally does a lot of heap allocations. It is recommended to use a custom allocator. Mimalloc for instance, shows a significant performance gain in runtime as well as memory usage.


use mimalloc::MiMalloc;

static GLOBAL: MiMalloc = MiMalloc;


mimalloc = { version = "*", default-features = false }

7. Examples

Below we show some minimal examples, most can be found in the provided traits and structs documentation.

Read and write CSV/ JSON

use polars::prelude::*;

fn example() -> Result<DataFrame> {

For more IO examples see:


# #[macro_use] extern crate polars;
# fn main() {
use polars::prelude::*;

fn join() -> Result<DataFrame> {
// Create first df.
let temp = df!("days" => &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
"temp" => &[22.1, 19.9, 7., 2., 3.])?;

// Create second df.
let rain = df!("days" => &[1, 2],
"rain" => &[0.1, 0.2])?;

// Left join on days column.
temp.left_join(&rain, "days", "days")

println!("{}", join().unwrap())
# }
| days | temp | rain |
| ---  | ---  | ---  |
| i32  | f64  | f64  |
| 0    | 22.1 | null |
| 1    | 19.9 | 0.1  |
| 2    | 7    | 0.2  |
| 3    | 2    | null |
| 4    | 3    | null |

Groupby's | aggregations | pivots | melts

use polars::prelude::*;
fn groupby_sum(df: &DataFrame) -> Result<DataFrame> {


The syntax required for arithmetic require understanding a few gotcha's. Due to the ownership rules and because we don't want an operation such as a multiply or an addition takes ownership of a Series, these need to be referenced when doing an arithmetic operation.

use polars::prelude::*;
let s = Series::new("foo", [1, 2, 3]);
let s_squared = &s * &s;

let s_twice = &s * 100;

Because Rusts Orphan Rule doesn't allow use to implement left side operations, we need to call such operation directly.

# use polars::prelude::*;
let series = Series::new("foo", [1, 2, 3]);

// 1 / s
let divide_one_by_s = 1.div(&series);

// 1 - s
let subtract_one_by_s = 1.sub(&series);

For ChunkedArrays this left hand side operations can be done with the apply method.

# use polars::prelude::*;
let ca = UInt32Chunked::new_from_slice("foo", &[1, 2, 3]);

// 1 / ca
let divide_one_by_ca = ca.apply(|rhs| 1 / rhs);

Rust iterators

use polars::prelude::*;

let s: Series = [1, 2, 3].iter().collect();
let s_squared: Series = s.i32()
.expect("datatype mismatch")
.map(|optional_v| {
match optional_v {
Some(v) => Some(v * v),
None => None, // null value

Apply custom closures

Besides running custom iterators, custom closures can be applied on the values of ChunkedArray by using the apply method. This method accepts a closure that will be applied on all values of Option<T> that are non null. Note that this is the fastest way to apply a custom closure on ChunkedArray's.

# use polars::prelude::*;
let s: Series = Series::new("values", [Some(1.0), None, Some(3.0)]);
// null values are ignored automatically
let squared = s.f64()
.apply(|value| value.powf(2.0))

assert_eq!(Vec::from(squared.f64().unwrap()), &[Some(1.0), None, Some(9.0)])


use polars::prelude::*;
let s = Series::new("dollars", &[1, 2, 3]);
let mask = s.eq(1);

assert_eq!(Vec::from(mask), &[Some(true), Some(false), Some(false)]);


Additional cargo features:

  • temporal (default)
  • Conversions between Chrono and Polars for temporal data
  • simd (nightly only)
  • SIMD operations
  • parquet
  • Read Apache Parquet format
  • json
  • Json serialization
  • ipc
  • Arrow's IPC format serialization
  • lazy
  • Lazy api
  • strings
  • String utilities for Utf8Chunked
  • object
  • Support for generic ChunkedArray's called ObjectChunked<T> (generic over T). These will downcastable from Series through the Any trait.

User Guide

If you want to read more, check the User Guide.