poi 0.18.0

A pragmatic point-free theorem prover assistant
=== Trivial Paths ===

Make sure you understand `help dom` before you read this.

A trivial path is a function, returning a boolean, that describes whether
some input is allowed in the domain constraint or not.

For example, in `and{eqb}`, the trivial path is `eqb`.
If you type `triv(and{eqb})`, Poi will reduce this to `eqb`.
Alternative syntaxes are `∀(and{eqb})` or `dom(and{eqb})`.

It is called "trivial" because its sibling "the existential path", is so hard
to find that it is an undecidable problem in general.
For all total functions, the trivial path is just `\true`.

The name "trivial path" is to distinguish from other ambiguous uses of
function domains. For example, a function domain can be described indirectly.
However, in most cases, you can just think about it as the domain.

If you worry about the name, don't worry.
You can call it whatever you like, because the standard notation is `∀f`.
The symbol `∀` is also used as for-all quantifier in first-order logic,
but here is occurs without a body and can be parsed unambiguously.