poi 0.18.0

A pragmatic point-free theorem prover assistant
=== Existential Paths ===

Make sure you understand `help dom` and `help triv` before you read this.

An existential path is a function, returning a boolean, which tells you whether
a function outputs some value. Existential paths can also be defined for other
mathematical languages than functions, but this is irrelevant for using Poi.

In most cases, one can think about the existential path as the function codomain.

If you type `ex(and)`, then Poi will reduce this to `true1`.
Alternative syntaxes are `∃(and)` or `codom(and)`.

The `true1` function has the type `bool -> bool` and returns `true` for all inputs.
When you ask it "does `and` return `false`?" it answers `true`.
When you ask it "does `and` return `true`?" it answers `true`.

Its sibling "the trivial path" changes the function identity, so in order to
know what a function outputs, one must first define what the input means.
The Halting Problem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halting_problem) is
undecidable because if you do not define exactly what the input is,
then it is impossible to say what the function will return.
Similarly, finding the existential path in general is undecidable.