pmc-rs 0.2.0

A safe abstraction for interacting with Performance Monitor Counters on FreeBSD.
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

use pmc::*;

fn main() {
    let mut counter = CounterBuilder::default()
        // PID 0 is a special argument used to attach to the current process.
        // If you don't specify a PID, a system-wide counter is allocated.
        .expect("failed to allocate PMC");

    // Start the counter.
    // Dropping the handle (or calling stop()) will pause the counter. It can be
    // resumed by calling start() again.
    let handle = counter.start().expect("failed to start counter");

    for i in 1..10 {
        // Do some stuff...
        // The handle implements Display, printing the current counter value.
        println!("iteration {}: {}", i, handle);

    // Stop the counter by dropping the handle or calling stop:

    println!("retired instructions: {}",;