plotly-fork 0.8.4

A plotting library powered by Plotly.js
//! Bindings to the underlying plotly.js Javascript API. To be used in a WASM
//! context, where it is assumed that a remote copy of the Javascript Plotly
//! library is available, (i.e. via a CDN).

use js_sys::Object;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

use crate::Plot;

extern "C" {
    #[wasm_bindgen(catch, js_namespace = Plotly, js_name = newPlot)]
    async fn new_plot_(id: &str, obj: &Object) -> Result<JsValue, JsValue>;

    #[wasm_bindgen(catch, js_namespace = Plotly, js_name = react)]
    async fn react_(id: &str, obj: &Object) -> Result<JsValue, JsValue>;

/// A wrapper around the plotly.js [newPlot](
/// function.
/// The function signature is slightly constrained in that `id` is a `&str`
/// which represents the `id` of an existing HTML `div` element, rather than
/// also allowing an instance of a `div` element, itself.
pub async fn new_plot(id: &str, plot: &Plot) {
    let plot_obj = &plot.to_js_object();

    // This will only fail if the Rust Plotly library has produced
    // plotly-incompatible JSON. An error here should have been handled by the
    // library, rather than down here.
    new_plot_(id, plot_obj).await.expect("Error plotting chart");

/// A wrapper around the plotly.js [react](
/// function.
/// The function signature is slightly constrained in that `id` is a `&str`
/// which represents the `id` of an existing HTML `div` element, rather than
/// also allowing an instance of a `div` element, itself.
pub async fn react(id: &str, plot: &Plot) {
    let plot_obj = &plot.to_js_object();

    // This will only fail if the Rust Plotly library has produced
    // plotly-incompatible JSON. An error here should have been handled by the
    // library, rather than down here.
    react_(id, plot_obj).await.expect("Error plotting chart");