plonk-pallet 0.2.2

zkSNARK plonk pallet
use crate::types::*;
use frame_support::pallet_prelude::DispatchResultWithPostInfo;
use sp_std::vec::Vec;

/// Abstraction over a plonk zk-SNARKs system
pub trait Plonk<AccountId> {
    /// The plonk circuit customized by developer
    type CustomCircuit: Circuit;

    /// The public parameters generation function
    /// This is the dispatchable function and assumed to be called by other pallet as API
    fn trusted_setup(who: &AccountId, val: u32, rng: FullcodecRng) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo;

    /// The proof verify function
    /// This is the dispatchable function and assumed to be called by other pallet as API
    fn verify(
        who: &AccountId,
        vd: VerifierData,
        proof: Proof,
        public_inputs: Vec<PublicInputValue>,
        transcript_init: Transcript,
    ) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo;