plantuml_encoding 2.0.3

Encoding and decoding text plantuml diagrams to facilitate communication of them through URL.


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Encoding and decoding text plantuml diagrams to facilitate communication of them through URL.


Consider the next plain text plantuml diagram:


It can be encoded to 0IO0sVz0StHXSdHrRMmAK5LDJ20jFY1ILLDKEY18HKnCJo0AG6LkP7LjR000 and with the help of the plantuml server ( it can be shared through URL.

Also, it can be decoded in the opposite direction.

Plantuml declares support for the following compression algorithms:

But in fact, plantuml supports only deflate (with additional transformations close to base64) and hex (with additional prefix ~h). brotli is turned off. So the crate supports only deflate and hex too.


In order to use this crate, you have to add it under [dependencies] to your Cargo.toml:

plantuml_encoding = "2.0.3"


There is an article very close describing the library under the hood.


use plantuml_encoding::{
    decode_plantuml_deflate, decode_plantuml_hex,
    encode_plantuml_deflate, encode_plantuml_hex,

fn main() -> Result<(), FromPlantumlError> {
    // original puml
    println!("--- Original puml ---");

    let puml = "@startuml\nPUML -> RUST\n@enduml";

    println!("Original puml:\n{}\n", puml);

    // deflate
    println!("--- Deflate ---");

    let encoded_deflate = encode_plantuml_deflate(puml)?;
    let decoded_deflate = decode_plantuml_deflate(&encoded_deflate)?;

    println!("Encoded deflate: {}", encoded_deflate);
    println!("Decoded deflate:\n{}\n", decoded_deflate);

    // hex
    println!("--- Hex ---");

    let encoded_hex = encode_plantuml_hex(puml)?;
    let decoded_hex = decode_plantuml_hex(&encoded_hex)?;

    println!("Encoded hex: {}", encoded_hex);
    println!("Decoded hex:\n{}\n", decoded_hex);

    // deflate errors
    println!("--- Deflate errors ---");

    let empty_encoded_deflate = "";

    let decoded_deflate = decode_plantuml_deflate(empty_encoded_deflate)
        .unwrap_or_else(|_| "It's not decoded deflate".to_string());

    println!("Decoded deflate error:\n{}\n", decoded_deflate);

    let decoded_deflate = match decode_plantuml_deflate(empty_encoded_deflate) {
        Ok(plantuml) => plantuml,
        Err(FromPlantumlError(err)) => {
            eprintln!("Decoded deflate error: {:?}", err);
            String::from("Result from deflate error")

    println!("Match decoded deflate error result:\n{}\n", decoded_deflate);

    // hex errors
    println!("--- Hex errors ---");

    let decoded_hex = match decode_plantuml_hex("12345") {
        Ok(plantuml) => plantuml,
        Err(FromPlantumlError(err)) => {
            eprintln!("Decoded hex error: {:?}", err);
            String::from("Result from hex error")

    println!("Match decoded hex error result:\n{}", decoded_hex);


And console output after cargo run for these examples:

--- Original puml ---
Original puml:

--- Deflate ---
Encoded deflate: SoWkIImgAStDuGe8zVLHqBLJ20eD3k5oICrB0Ge20000
Decoded deflate:

--- Hex ---
Encoded hex: ~h407374617274756d6c0a50554d4c202d3e20525553540a40656e64756d6c
Decoded hex:

--- Deflate errors ---
Decoded deflate error:
It's not decoded deflate

Decoded deflate error: "there is a problem during deflate decoding: `deflate decompression error`"
Match decoded deflate error result:
Result from deflate error

--- Hex errors ---
Decoded hex error: "there is a problem during hex decoding: `Odd number of digits`"
Match decoded hex error result:
Result from hex error

Also, you can consider tests inside the files.