piston_window 0.11.1

The official Piston window back-end for the Piston game engine

//! The official Piston window back-end for the Piston game engine

extern crate piston;
extern crate gfx;
extern crate gfx_device_gl;
extern crate gfx_graphics;
extern crate graphics;
extern crate shader_version;
extern crate glutin_window;

use glutin_window::GlutinWindow;
pub use shader_version::OpenGL;
pub use graphics::*;
pub use piston::window::*;
pub use piston::input::*;
pub use piston::event_loop::*;
pub use gfx_graphics::{ Texture, TextureSettings, Flip };

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::any::Any;

use gfx::traits::*;
use gfx_graphics::{ Gfx2d, GfxGraphics };

/// Actual gfx::Stream implementation carried by the window.
pub type GfxStream = gfx::OwnedStream<gfx_device_gl::Device, gfx_device_gl::Output>;
/// Glyph cache.
pub type Glyphs = gfx_graphics::GlyphCache<gfx_device_gl::Resources, gfx_device_gl::Factory>;
/// 2D graphics.
pub type G2d<'a> = GfxGraphics<'a,

/// Contains everything required for controlling window, graphics, event loop.
pub struct PistonWindow<T = (), W: Window = GlutinWindow> {
    /// The window.
    pub window: Rc<RefCell<W>>,
    /// GFX stream.
    pub stream: Rc<RefCell<GfxStream>>,
    /// GFX device.
    pub device: Rc<RefCell<gfx_device_gl::Device>>,
    /// Gfx2d.
    pub g2d: Rc<RefCell<Gfx2d<gfx_device_gl::Resources>>>,
    /// The event loop.
    pub events: Rc<RefCell<WindowEvents<W, Event<W::Event>>>>,
    /// The event.
    pub event: Option<Event<W::Event>>,
    /// Application structure.
    pub app: Rc<RefCell<T>>,
    /// The factory that was created along with the device.
    pub factory: Rc<RefCell<gfx_device_gl::Factory>>,

impl<W> From<WindowSettings> for PistonWindow<(), W>
    where W: Window + OpenGLWindow + From<WindowSettings>,
          W::Event: GenericEvent
    fn from(settings: WindowSettings) -> PistonWindow<(), W> {
        PistonWindow::new(Rc::new(RefCell::new(settings.into())), empty_app())

impl<T, W> Clone for PistonWindow<T, W>
    where W: Window, W::Event: Clone
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        PistonWindow {
            window: self.window.clone(),
            stream: self.stream.clone(),
            device: self.device.clone(),
            g2d: self.g2d.clone(),
            events: self.events.clone(),
            event: self.event.clone(),
            app: self.app.clone(),
            factory: self.factory.clone(),

impl<T, W> PistonWindow<T, W>
    where W: Window, W::Event: GenericEvent
    /// Creates a new piston object.
    pub fn new(window: Rc<RefCell<W>>, app: Rc<RefCell<T>>) -> Self
        where W: OpenGLWindow
        use piston::event_loop::Events;
        use piston::window::{ OpenGLWindow, Window };

        let (device, mut factory) =
            gfx_device_gl::create(|s| window.borrow_mut().get_proc_address(s));

        let draw_size = window.borrow().draw_size();
        let output = factory.make_fake_output(draw_size.width as u16, draw_size.height as u16);

        let g2d = Gfx2d::new(&mut factory);

        let stream = factory.create_stream(output);

        PistonWindow {
            window: window.clone(),
            stream: Rc::new(RefCell::new(stream)),
            device: Rc::new(RefCell::new(device)),
            g2d: Rc::new(RefCell::new(g2d)),
            events: Rc::new(RefCell::new(window.events())),
            event: None,
            app: app,
            factory: Rc::new(RefCell::new(factory)),

    /// Changes application structure.
    pub fn app<U>(self, app: Rc<RefCell<U>>) -> PistonWindow<U, W> {
        PistonWindow {
            window: self.window,
            stream: self.stream,
            device: self.device,
            g2d: self.g2d,
            events: self.events,
            event: self.event,
            app: app,
            factory: self.factory,

    /// Changes application structure.
    pub fn app_by_value<U>(self, app: U) -> PistonWindow<U, W> {

    /// Renders 2D graphics.
    pub fn draw_2d<F>(&self, f: F) where
        F: FnOnce(Context, &mut GfxGraphics<
        use piston::input::RenderEvent;

        if let Some(ref e) = self.event {
            if let Some(args) = e.render_args() {
                let mut stream = self.stream.borrow_mut();
                    let (renderer, output) = stream.access();
                    self.g2d.borrow_mut().draw(renderer, output, args.viewport(), f);
                stream.flush(&mut *self.device.borrow_mut());

    /// Renders 3D graphics.
    pub fn draw_3d<F>(&self, f: F) where
        F: FnOnce(&mut GfxStream)
        use piston::input::RenderEvent;

        if let Some(ref e) = self.event {
            if let Some(_) = e.render_args() {
                let mut stream = self.stream.borrow_mut();
                f(&mut *stream);
                stream.flush(&mut *self.device.borrow_mut())

impl<T, W> Iterator for PistonWindow<T, W>
    where W: Window, W::Event: GenericEvent
    type Item = PistonWindow<T, W>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<PistonWindow<T, W>> {
        use piston::input::*;

        if let Some(e) = self.events.borrow_mut().next() {
            if let Some(_) = e.after_render_args() {
                // After swapping buffers.

            // Check whether window has resized and update the output.
            let mut stream = self.stream.borrow_mut();
            let draw_size = self.window.borrow().draw_size();
            if stream.out.width != draw_size.width as u16 ||
               stream.out.height != draw_size.height as u16 {
                stream.out.width = draw_size.width as u16;
                stream.out.height = draw_size.height as u16;

            Some(PistonWindow {
                window: self.window.clone(),
                stream: self.stream.clone(),
                device: self.device.clone(),
                g2d: self.g2d.clone(),
                events: self.events.clone(),
                event: Some(e),
                app: self.app.clone(),
                factory: self.factory.clone(),
        } else { None }

impl<T, W> GenericEvent for PistonWindow<T, W>
    where W: Window, W::Event: GenericEvent
    fn event_id(&self) -> EventId {
        match self.event {
            Some(ref e) => e.event_id(),
            None => EventId("")

    fn with_args<'a, F, U>(&'a self, f: F) -> U
       where F: FnMut(&Any) -> U

    fn from_args(event_id: EventId, any: &Any, old_event: &Self) -> Option<Self> {
        if let Some(ref e) = old_event.event {
            match GenericEvent::from_args(event_id, any, e) {
                Some(e) => {
                    Some(PistonWindow {
                        window: old_event.window.clone(),
                        stream: old_event.stream.clone(),
                        device: old_event.device.clone(),
                        g2d: old_event.g2d.clone(),
                        events: old_event.events.clone(),
                        event: Some(e),
                        app: old_event.app.clone(),
                        factory: old_event.factory.clone(),
                None => None
        } else { None }

impl<T, W> Window for PistonWindow<T, W>
    where W: Window
    type Event = <W as Window>::Event;

    fn should_close(&self) -> bool { self.window.borrow().should_close() }
    fn size(&self) -> Size { self.window.borrow().size() }
    fn draw_size(&self) -> Size { self.window.borrow().draw_size() }
    fn swap_buffers(&mut self) { self.window.borrow_mut().swap_buffers() }
    fn poll_event(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Event> {
        Window::poll_event(&mut *self.window.borrow_mut())

impl<T, W> AdvancedWindow for PistonWindow<T, W>
    where W: AdvancedWindow
    fn get_title(&self) -> String { self.window.borrow().get_title() }
    fn set_title(&mut self, title: String) {
    fn get_exit_on_esc(&self) -> bool { self.window.borrow().get_exit_on_esc() }
    fn set_exit_on_esc(&mut self, value: bool) {
    fn set_capture_cursor(&mut self, value: bool) {

impl<T, W> EventLoop for PistonWindow<T, W>
    where W: Window
    fn set_ups(&mut self, frames: u64) {

    fn set_max_fps(&mut self, frames: u64) {

    fn set_swap_buffers(&mut self, enable: bool) {

    fn set_bench_mode(&mut self, enable: bool) {

/// Creates a new empty application.
pub fn empty_app() -> Rc<RefCell<()>> { Rc::new(RefCell::new(())) }