piston2d-graphics 0.16.0

A library for 2D graphics that works with multiple back-ends
//! Methods for converting shapes into triangles.

use ImageSize;
use interpolation::lerp;
use types::{
use math::{
use radians::Radians;

/// Transformed x coordinate as f32.
pub fn tx(m: Matrix2d, x: Scalar, y: Scalar) -> f32 {
    (m[0][0] * x + m[0][1] * y + m[0][2]) as f32

/// Transformed y coordinate as f32.
pub fn ty(m: Matrix2d, x: Scalar, y: Scalar) -> f32 {
    (m[1][0] * x + m[1][1] * y + m[1][2]) as f32

/// Streams tweened polygons using linear interpolation.
pub fn with_lerp_polygons_tri_list<F>(
    m: Matrix2d,
    polygons: Polygons,
    tween_factor: Scalar,
    f: F
        F: FnMut(&[f32])

    let poly_len = polygons.len() as Scalar;
    // Map to interval between 0 and 1.
    let tw = tween_factor % 1.0;
    // Map negative values to positive.
    let tw = if tw < 0.0 { tw + 1.0 } else { tw };
    // Map to frame.
    let tw = tw * poly_len;
    // Get the current frame.
    let frame = tw as usize;
    // Get the next frame.
    let next_frame = (frame + 1) % polygons.len();
    let p0 = polygons[frame];
    let p1 = polygons[next_frame];
    // Get factor between frames.
    let tw = tw - frame as Scalar;
    let n = polygons[0].len();
    let mut i: usize = 0;
    stream_polygon_tri_list(m, || {
        if i >= n { return None; }

        let j = i;
        i += 1;
        Some(lerp(&p0[j], &p1[j], &tw))
    }, f);

/// Streams an ellipse specified by a resolution.
pub fn with_ellipse_tri_list<F>(
    resolution: Resolution,
    m: Matrix2d,
    rect: Rectangle,
    f: F
        F: FnMut(&[f32])

    let (x, y, w, h) = (rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]);
    let (cw, ch) = (0.5 * w, 0.5 * h);
    let (cx, cy) = (x + cw, y + ch);
    let n = resolution;
    let mut i = 0;
    stream_polygon_tri_list(m, || {
        if i >= n { return None; }

        let angle = i as Scalar / n as Scalar * <Scalar as Radians>::_360();
        i += 1;
        Some([cx + angle.cos() * cw, cy + angle.sin() * ch])
    }, f);

/// Streams a round border line.
pub fn with_round_border_line_tri_list<F>(
    resolution_cap: Resolution,
    m: Matrix2d,
    line: Line,
    round_border_radius: Radius,
    f: F
        F: FnMut(&[f32])

    let radius = round_border_radius;
    let (x1, y1, x2, y2) = (line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3]);
    let (dx, dy) = (x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
    let w = (dx * dx + dy * dy).sqrt();
    let m = multiply(m, translate([x1, y1]));
    let m = multiply(m, orient(dx, dy));
    let n = resolution_cap * 2;
    let mut i = 0;
    stream_polygon_tri_list(m, || {
        if i >= n { return None; }

        let j = i;
        i += 1;
        // Detect the half circle from index.
        // There is one half circle at each end of the line.
        // Together they form a full circle if
        // the length of the line is zero.
        match j {
            j if j >= resolution_cap => {
                // Compute the angle to match start and end
                // point of half circle.
                // This requires an angle offset since
                // the other end of line is the first half circle.
                let angle = (j - resolution_cap) as Scalar
                    / (resolution_cap - 1) as Scalar * <Scalar as Radians>::_180()
                    + <Scalar as Radians>::_180();
                // Rotate 90 degrees since the line is horizontal.
                let angle = angle + <Scalar as Radians>::_90();
                Some([w + angle.cos() * radius, angle.sin() * radius])
            j => {
                // Compute the angle to match start and end
                // point of half circle.
                let angle = j as Scalar
                    / (resolution_cap - 1) as Scalar
                    * <Scalar as Radians>::_180();
                // Rotate 90 degrees since the line is horizontal.
                let angle = angle + <Scalar as Radians>::_90();
                Some([angle.cos() * radius, angle.sin() * radius])
    }, f);

/// Streams a round rectangle.
pub fn with_round_rectangle_tri_list<F>(
    resolution_corner: Resolution,
    m: Matrix2d,
    rect: Rectangle,
    round_radius: Radius,
    f: F
        F: FnMut(&[f32])
    use vecmath::traits::{ FromPrimitive, Trig };

    let (x, y, w, h) = (rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]);
    let radius = round_radius;
    let n = resolution_corner * 4;
    let mut i = 0;
    stream_polygon_tri_list(m, || {
        if i >= n { return None; }

        let j = i;
        i += 1;
        // Detect quarter circle from index.
        // There is one quarter circle at each corner.
        // Together they form a full circle if
        // each side of rectangle is 2 times the radius.
        match j {
            j if j >= resolution_corner * 3 => {
                // Compute the angle to match start and end
                // point of quarter circle.
                // This requires an angle offset since this
                // is the last quarter.
                let angle: Scalar = (j - resolution_corner * 3) as Scalar
                    / (resolution_corner - 1) as Scalar
                    * <Scalar as Radians>::_90()
                    + <Scalar as FromPrimitive>::from_f64(3.0)
                    * <Scalar as Radians>::_90();
                // Set center of the circle to the last corner.
                let (cx, cy) = (x + w - radius, y + radius);
                Some([cx + angle.cos() * radius, cy + angle.sin() * radius])
            j if j >= resolution_corner * 2 => {
                // Compute the angle to match start and end
                // point of quarter circle.
                // This requires an angle offset since
                // this is the second last quarter.
                let angle = (j - resolution_corner * 2) as Scalar
                    / (resolution_corner - 1) as Scalar
                    * <Scalar as Radians>::_90()
                    + <Scalar as Radians>::_180();
                // Set center of the circle to the second last corner.
                let (cx, cy) = (x + radius, y + radius);
                Some([cx + angle.cos() * radius, cy + angle.sin() * radius])
            j if j >= resolution_corner * 1 => {
                // Compute the angle to match start and end
                // point of quarter circle.
                // This requires an angle offset since
                // this is the second quarter.
                let angle = (j - resolution_corner) as Scalar
                    / (resolution_corner - 1) as Scalar
                    * <Scalar as Radians>::_90()
                    + <Scalar as Radians>::_90();
                // Set center of the circle to the second corner.
                let (cx, cy) = (x + radius, y + h - radius);
                Some([cx + angle.cos() * radius, cy + angle.sin() * radius])
            j => {
                // Compute the angle to match start and end
                // point of quarter circle.
                let angle = j as Scalar
                    / (resolution_corner - 1) as Scalar
                    * <Scalar as Radians>::_90();
                // Set center of the circle to the first corner.
                let (cx, cy) = (x + w - radius, y + h - radius);
                Some([cx + angle.cos() * radius, cy + angle.sin() * radius])
    }, f);

/// Streams a polygon into tri list.
/// Uses buffers that fit inside L1 cache.
pub fn stream_polygon_tri_list<E, F>(
    m: Matrix2d,
    mut polygon: E,
    mut f: F
        E: FnMut() -> Option<Vec2d>,
        F: FnMut(&[f32])

    let mut vertices: [f32; 720] = [0.0; 720];
    // Get the first point which will be used a lot.
    let fp = match polygon() { None => return, Some(val) => val };
    let (fx, fy) = (tx(m, fp[0], fp[1]), ty(m, fp[0], fp[1]));
    let gp = match polygon() { None => return, Some(val) => val };
    let (gx, gy) = (tx(m, gp[0], gp[1]), ty(m, gp[0], gp[1]));
    let mut gx = gx;
    let mut gy = gy;
    let mut i = 0;
    let vertices_per_triangle = 3;
    let position_components_per_vertex = 2;
    let align_vertices =
        * position_components_per_vertex;
    'read_vertices: loop {
        let ind_out = i * align_vertices;
        vertices[ind_out + 0] = fx;
        vertices[ind_out + 1] = fy;

        // Copy vertex.
        let ind_out = i * align_vertices + 2;
        let p =
            match polygon() {
                None => break 'read_vertices,
                Some(val) => val,
        let x = tx(m, p[0], p[1]);
        let y = ty(m, p[0], p[1]);

        vertices[ind_out + 0] = gx;
        vertices[ind_out + 1] = gy;
        vertices[ind_out + 2] = x;
        vertices[ind_out + 3] = y;
        gx = x;
        gy = y;

        i += 1;
        // Buffer is full.
        if i * align_vertices + 2 >= vertices.len() {
            // Send chunk and start over.
            f(&vertices[0..i * align_vertices]);
            i = 0;

    if i > 0 {
        f(&vertices[0..i * align_vertices]);

/// Streams an ellipse border specified by a resolution.
pub fn with_ellipse_border_tri_list<F>(
    resolution: Resolution,
    m: Matrix2d,
    rect: Rectangle,
    border_radius: Radius,
    f: F
        F: FnMut(&[f32])

    let (x, y, w, h) = (rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]);
    let (cw, ch) = (0.5 * w, 0.5 * h);
    let (cw1, ch1) = (cw + border_radius, ch + border_radius);
    let (cw2, ch2) = (cw - border_radius, ch - border_radius);
    let (cx, cy) = (x + cw, y + ch);
    let n = resolution;
    let mut i = 0;
    stream_quad_tri_list(m, || {
        if i > n { return None; }

        let angle = i as Scalar / n as Scalar * <Scalar as Radians>::_360();
        let cos = angle.cos();
        let sin = angle.sin();
        i += 1;
        Some(([cx + cos * cw1, cy + sin * ch1],
            [cx + cos * cw2, cy + sin * ch2]))
    }, f);

/// Streams an arc between the two radian boundaries.
pub fn with_arc_tri_list<F>(
    start_radians: Scalar,
    end_radians: Scalar,
    resolution: Resolution,
    m: Matrix2d,
    rect: Rectangle,
    border_radius: Radius,
    f: F
        F: FnMut(&[f32])

    let (x, y, w, h) = (rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]);
    let (cw, ch) = (0.5 * w, 0.5 * h);
    let (cw1, ch1) = (cw + border_radius, ch + border_radius);
    let (cw2, ch2) = (cw - border_radius, ch - border_radius);
    let (cx, cy) = (x + cw, y + ch);
    let n = resolution;
    let mut i = 0;
    let (nearest_start_radians, nearest_end_radians) = if start_radians < end_radians {
        (start_radians, start_radians + (end_radians - start_radians))
    } else {
        (end_radians, end_radians + (start_radians - end_radians))
    stream_quad_tri_list(m, || {
        if i > n { return None; }

        let angle = nearest_start_radians
            + i as Scalar / n as Scalar * <Scalar as Radians>::_360();
        if angle > nearest_end_radians {
            return None;

        let cos = angle.cos();
        let sin = angle.sin();
        i += 1;
        Some(([cx + cos * cw1, cy + sin * ch1],
            [cx + cos * cw2, cy + sin * ch2]))
    }, f);

/// Streams a round rectangle border.
pub fn with_round_rectangle_border_tri_list<F>(
    resolution_corner: Resolution,
    m: Matrix2d,
    rect: Rectangle,
    round_radius: Radius,
    border_radius: Radius,
    f: F
        F: FnMut(&[f32])
    use vecmath::traits::{ FromPrimitive, Trig };

    let (x, y, w, h) = (rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]);
    let radius = round_radius;
    let radius1 = round_radius + border_radius;
    let radius2 = round_radius - border_radius;
    let n = resolution_corner * 4;
    let mut i = 0;
    stream_quad_tri_list(m, || {
        if i > n { return None; }

        let j = i;
        i += 1;
        // Detect quarter circle from index.
        // There is one quarter circle at each corner.
        // Together they form a full circle if
        // each side of rectangle is 2 times the radius.
        match j {
            j if j == n => {
                let (cx, cy) = (x + w - radius, y + h - radius);
                Some(([cx + radius1, cy],
                    [cx + radius2, cy]))
            j if j >= resolution_corner * 3 => {
                // Compute the angle to match start and end
                // point of quarter circle.
                // This requires an angle offset since this
                // is the last quarter.
                let angle: Scalar = (j - resolution_corner * 3) as Scalar
                    / (resolution_corner - 1) as Scalar
                    * <Scalar as Radians>::_90()
                    + <Scalar as FromPrimitive>::from_f64(3.0)
                    * <Scalar as Radians>::_90();
                // Set center of the circle to the last corner.
                let (cx, cy) = (x + w - radius, y + radius);
                let cos = angle.cos();
                let sin = angle.sin();
                Some(([cx + cos * radius1, cy + sin * radius1],
                    [cx + cos * radius2, cy + sin * radius2]))
            j if j >= resolution_corner * 2 => {
                // Compute the angle to match start and end
                // point of quarter circle.
                // This requires an angle offset since
                // this is the second last quarter.
                let angle = (j - resolution_corner * 2) as Scalar
                    / (resolution_corner - 1) as Scalar
                    * <Scalar as Radians>::_90()
                    + <Scalar as Radians>::_180();
                // Set center of the circle to the second last corner.
                let (cx, cy) = (x + radius, y + radius);
                let cos = angle.cos();
                let sin = angle.sin();
                Some(([cx + cos * radius1, cy + sin * radius1],
                    [cx + cos * radius2, cy + sin * radius2]))
            j if j >= resolution_corner * 1 => {
                // Compute the angle to match start and end
                // point of quarter circle.
                // This requires an angle offset since
                // this is the second quarter.
                let angle = (j - resolution_corner) as Scalar
                    / (resolution_corner - 1) as Scalar
                    * <Scalar as Radians>::_90()
                    + <Scalar as Radians>::_90();
                // Set center of the circle to the second corner.
                let (cx, cy) = (x + radius, y + h - radius);
                let cos = angle.cos();
                let sin = angle.sin();
                Some(([cx + cos * radius1, cy + sin * radius1],
                    [cx + cos * radius2, cy + sin * radius2]))
            j => {
                // Compute the angle to match start and end
                // point of quarter circle.
                let angle = j as Scalar
                    / (resolution_corner - 1) as Scalar
                    * <Scalar as Radians>::_90();
                // Set center of the circle to the first corner.
                let (cx, cy) = (x + w - radius, y + h - radius);
                let cos = angle.cos();
                let sin = angle.sin();
                Some(([cx + cos * radius1, cy + sin * radius1],
                    [cx + cos * radius2, cy + sin * radius2]))
    }, f);

/// Streams a quad into tri list.
/// Uses buffers that fit inside L1 cache.
/// The 'quad_edge' stream returns two points
/// defining the next edge.
pub fn stream_quad_tri_list<E, F>(
    m: Matrix2d,
    mut quad_edge: E,
    mut f: F
        E: FnMut() -> Option<(Vec2d, Vec2d)>,
        F: FnMut(&[f32])

    let mut vertices: [f32; 720] = [0.0; 720];
    // Get the two points .
    let (fp1, fp2) = match quad_edge() {
            None => return,
            Some((val1, val2)) => (val1, val2)
    // Transform the points using the matrix.
    let (mut fx1, mut fy1) = (
        tx(m, fp1[0], fp1[1]),
        ty(m, fp1[0], fp1[1])
    let (mut fx2, mut fy2) = (
        tx(m, fp2[0], fp2[1]),
        ty(m, fp2[0], fp2[1])
    // Counts the quads.
    let mut i = 0;
    let triangles_per_quad = 2;
    let vertices_per_triangle = 3;
    let position_components_per_vertex = 2;
    let align_vertices =
        * vertices_per_triangle
        * position_components_per_vertex;
    loop {
        // Read two more points.
        let (gp1, gp2) = match quad_edge() {
            None => break,
            Some((val1, val2)) => (val1, val2)
        // Transform the points using the matrix.
        let (gx1, gy1) = (
            tx(m, gp1[0], gp1[1]),
            ty(m, gp1[0], gp1[1])
        let (gx2, gy2) = (
            tx(m, gp2[0], gp2[1]),
            ty(m, gp2[0], gp2[1])
        let ind_out = i * align_vertices;

        // First triangle.
        vertices[ind_out + 0] = fx1;
        vertices[ind_out + 1] = fy1;
        vertices[ind_out + 2] = fx2;
        vertices[ind_out + 3] = fy2;
        vertices[ind_out + 4] = gx1;
        vertices[ind_out + 5] = gy1;

        // Second triangle.
        vertices[ind_out + 6] = fx2;
        vertices[ind_out + 7] = fy2;
        vertices[ind_out + 8] = gx1;
        vertices[ind_out + 9] = gy1;
        vertices[ind_out + 10] = gx2;
        vertices[ind_out + 11] = gy2;

        // Next quad.
        i += 1;

        // Set next current edge.
        fx1 = gx1;
        fy1 = gy1;
        fx2 = gx2;
        fy2 = gy2;

        // Buffer is full.
        if i * align_vertices >= vertices.len() {
            // Send chunk and start over.
            f(&vertices[0..i * align_vertices]);
            i = 0;

    if i > 0 {
        f(&vertices[0..i * align_vertices]);

/// Splits polygon into convex segments.
/// Create a buffer that fits into L1 cache with 1KB overhead.
pub fn with_polygon_tri_list<F>(
    m: Matrix2d,
    polygon: Polygon,
    f: F
        F: FnMut(&[f32])

    let n = polygon.len();
    let mut i = 0;
        m, || {
            if i >= n { return None; }

            let j = i;
            i += 1;
        }, f

/// Creates triangle list vertices from rectangle.
pub fn rect_tri_list_xy(
    m: Matrix2d,
    rect: Rectangle
) -> [f32; 12] {
    let (x, y, w, h) = (rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]);
    let (x2, y2) = (x + w, y + h);
        tx(m,x,y), ty(m,x,y),
        tx(m,x2,y), ty(m,x2,y),
        tx(m,x,y2), ty(m,x,y2),
        tx(m,x2,y), ty(m,x2,y),
        tx(m,x2,y2), ty(m,x2,y2),
        tx(m,x,y2), ty(m,x,y2)

/// Creates triangle list vertices from rectangle.
pub fn rect_border_tri_list_xy(
    m: Matrix2d,
    rect: Rectangle,
    border_radius: Radius,
) -> [f32; 48] {
    let (x, y, w, h) = (rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]);
    let (w1, h1) = (w + border_radius, h + border_radius);
    let (w2, h2) = (w - border_radius, h - border_radius);
    let (x11, y11) = (x - border_radius, y - border_radius);
    let (x21, y21) = (x + border_radius, y + border_radius);
    let (x12, y12) = (x + w1, y + h1);
    let (x22, y22) = (x + w2, y + h2);
        tx(m, x11, y11), ty(m, x11, y11),
        tx(m, x12, y11), ty(m, x12, y11),
        tx(m, x21, y21), ty(m, x21, y21),

        tx(m, x21, y21), ty(m, x21, y21),
        tx(m, x12, y11), ty(m, x12, y11),
        tx(m, x22, y21), ty(m, x22, y21),

        tx(m, x22, y21), ty(m, x22, y21),
        tx(m, x12, y11), ty(m, x12, y11),
        tx(m, x12, y12), ty(m, x12, y12),

        tx(m, x22, y21), ty(m, x22, y21),
        tx(m, x12, y12), ty(m, x12, y12),
        tx(m, x22, y22), ty(m, x22, y22),

        tx(m, x12, y12), ty(m, x12, y12),
        tx(m, x22, y22), ty(m, x22, y22),
        tx(m, x11, y12), ty(m, x11, y12),

        tx(m, x22, y22), ty(m, x22, y22),
        tx(m, x11, y12), ty(m, x11, y12),
        tx(m, x21, y22), ty(m, x21, y22),

        tx(m, x11, y12), ty(m, x11, y12),
        tx(m, x21, y21), ty(m, x21, y21),
        tx(m, x21, y22), ty(m, x21, y22),

        tx(m, x11, y12), ty(m, x11, y12),
        tx(m, x11, y11), ty(m, x11, y11),
        tx(m, x21, y21), ty(m, x21, y21),

/// Creates triangle list texture coords from image.
pub fn rect_tri_list_uv<I: ImageSize>(
    image: &I, source_rect: SourceRectangle
) -> [f32; 12] {
    let (w, h) = image.get_size();
    let (src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h) =
        (source_rect[0], source_rect[1], source_rect[2], source_rect[3]);

    let x1 = src_x as f32 / w as f32;
    let y1 = src_y as f32 / h as f32;
    let x2 = (src_w + src_x) as f32 / w as f32;
    let y2 = (src_h + src_y) as f32 / h as f32;
        x1, y1, x2, y1, x1, y2,
        x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2