piston-dyon_interactive 0.37.0

A library for interactive coding with the Piston game engine
fn main() {
    img := create_image(name: "image", size: window_draw_size())
    img_texture := create_texture(img)
    down := false
    last_pos := none()
    loop {
        if !next_event() {break}

        if render() {
            ~ draw_list := []

            clear(color: #ffffff)
            image(texture: img_texture, pos: (0, 0))


        cursor_pos := mouse_cursor_pos()
        if (cursor_pos != none()) && down {
            pos := unwrap(cursor_pos)
            size := image_size(img)
            if (x(pos) >= 0) && (y(pos) >= 0) && (x(pos) < x(size)) && (y(pos) < y(size)) {
                if last_pos != none() {
                    last_pos := unwrap(last_pos)
                    n := |pos - last_pos|
                    for i n {
                        pos := last_pos + (pos - last_pos) * i/n
                        pxl(image: img, pos: pos, color: #000000)
                        update(texture: img_texture, image: img)
                pxl(image: img, pos: pos, color: #000000)
                update(texture: img_texture, image: img)
                last_pos = some(pos)

        button := press_mouse_button()
        if button != none() {
            down = true

        button := release_mouse_button()
        if button != none() {
            down = false
            last_pos = none()