pipr 0.0.9

A commandline-utility to interactively build complex shell pipelines


Pipr is a commandline pipe-building tool, written in Rust!

Pipr can automatically evaluate the pipeline you're editing in the background, showing you the results as you go. This makes writing complex sed and awk chains a lot easier, as you'll immediately see what they do.

Because this could be dangerous, (imagine typing rm ./*.txt to delete all text files, but it already being executed at rm ./*, deleting all files in your working directory), Pipr uses bubblewrap to execute your command in an isolated, read-only environment, making it safe to use. I wont give any guarantees, but you should be good :D.

To allow for even more efficiency, Pipr features a command history and a bookmark system, allowing you to quickly go back to previously worked on pipelines or look at how you did something before.

It also features a snippet-system, allowing you to define custom snippets that can be inserted with the press of a button. These can be used to insert common stuff like sed -r 's///g', even allowing you to specify where the cursor should be placed after inserting the snippet.

You can even look up documentation and help of your commands on the fly. Simply hover your cursor over the desired command and press F5. You can then choose between different documentation-options to look at. You can add your own options (for example tldr) in the config file in the [help_viewers] section.




Just start pipr!

Help is available in pipr by pressing F1.

Autoeval mode, propably the most important feature, can be toggled by pressing F2.

In the textfield, use Alt+Enter to insert a newline. These will be removed when evaluating, so you don't need to add any \es to the end of your lines.

Pipr will store it's history and bookmarks as well as a configuration file in ~/.config/pipr.

You can look at the default configuration by using pipr --config-reference. This will contain all available options, with some documentation added.


Currently, Pipr uses bubblewrap to execute your command in an isolated environment, preventing most (but maybe not all, I won't give you any guarantees) dangers like accidentally deleting something while you're typing a command.

This means that you'll need to have bubblewarp somewhere on your PATH, or you'll have to use the unsafe-mode by passing the no-isolation flag.


If there are problems executing any command, your isolated environment might be missing some necessary folders. You can adjust which directories are mounted into the isolated environment in the pipr.toml config-file in ~/.config/pipr.

To make sure this is the problem, try running unsafe-mode (by passing --no-isolation). In this mode, your commands get executed directly without a layer of isolation, so be cautious to not do rm ./ or something. This could delete your stuff.


If you have a Rust setup and have cargo installed, you can install pipr using cargo:

$ cargo install pipr