pico-sys-dynamic 0.3.0

Unofficial Rust bindings and wrappers for Pico Technology oscilloscope drivers

//! Unsafe dynamically loaded bindings for every Pico Technology oscilloscope driver. These
//! were generated from official header files with `bindgen` before manual clean up.
//! ```no_run
//! use pico_sys_dynamic::ps2000::PS2000Loader;
//! let ps2000 = unsafe { PS2000Loader::new("./path/ps2000.dll").unwrap() };
//! let handle = unsafe { ps2000.ps2000_open_unit() };
//! ```

pub mod ps2000;
pub mod ps2000a;
pub mod ps3000;
pub mod ps3000a;
pub mod ps4000;
pub mod ps4000a;
pub mod ps5000;
pub mod ps5000a;
pub mod ps6000;
pub mod ps6000a;