pico-enumeration 0.2.1

Unofficial Rust bindings and wrappers for Pico Technology oscilloscope drivers

authors = ["Tim Fish <tim@timfish.uk>"]

description = "Unofficial Rust bindings and wrappers for Pico Technology oscilloscope drivers"

edition = "2018"

keywords = ["Oscilloscope", "Streaming", "PicoScope", "Pico-Technology"]

license = "MIT"

name = "pico-enumeration"

readme = "README.md"

repository = "https://github.com/meatysolutions/pico-sdk"

version = "0.2.1"


crate-type = ["lib"]

path = "src/lib.rs"


parking_lot = "0.11"

pico-common = {path = "../common", version = "0.2.1"}

pico-device = {path = "../device", version = "0.2.1"}

pico-driver = {path = "../driver", version = "0.2.1"}

rayon = "1.3"

serde = {version = "1.0", features = ["derive"], optional = true}

thiserror = "1.0"

tracing = {version = "0.1", features = ["attributes"]}

usb_enumeration = "0.1.0"


pico-download = {path = "../download"}