phper-test 0.2.0

PHPer testing utilities.
#![warn(rust_2018_idioms, clippy::dbg_macro, clippy::print_stdout)]

Integration test tool for [phper](

The `php-config` is needed. You can set environment `PHP_CONFIG` to specify the path.

## License


use crate::context::Context;
use std::{
    process::{Child, Output},

mod context;
mod utils;

/// Check your extension by executing the php script, if the all executing return success, than the test is pass.
/// - `exec_path` is the path of the make executable, which will be used to detect the path of
/// extension lib.
/// - `scripts` is the path of your php test scripts.
/// See [example hello integration test](
pub fn test_php_scripts(exe_path: impl AsRef<Path>, scripts: &[&dyn AsRef<Path>]) {
    let condition = |output: Output| output.status.success();
    let scripts = scripts
        .map(|s| (*s, &condition as _))
    test_php_scripts_with_condition(exe_path, &*scripts);

/// Check your extension by executing the php script, if the all your specified checkers are pass, than the test is pass.
/// - `exec_path` is the path of the make executable, which will be used to detect the path of
/// extension lib.
/// - `scripts` is the slice of the tuple, format is `(path of your php test script, checker function or closure)`.
/// See [example logging integration test](
pub fn test_php_scripts_with_condition(
    exe_path: impl AsRef<Path>,
    scripts: &[(&dyn AsRef<Path>, &dyn Fn(Output) -> bool)],
) {
    let context = Context::get_global();
    let lib_path = utils::get_lib_path(exe_path);
    let tmp_php_ini_file = context.create_tmp_php_ini_file(&lib_path);

    for (script, condition) in scripts {
        let mut cmd = context.create_command_with_tmp_php_ini_args(&tmp_php_ini_file, script);

        let output = cmd.output().unwrap();
        let path = script.as_ref().to_str().unwrap();

        let mut stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout.clone()).unwrap();
        if stdout.is_empty() {

        let mut stderr = String::from_utf8(output.stderr.clone()).unwrap();
        if stderr.is_empty() {

            "===== command =====\n{} {}\n===== stdout ======\n{}\n===== stderr ======\n{}",
            cmd.get_args().join(" "),
        #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
        if output.status.code().is_none() {
            use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt;
                "===== signal ======\nExitStatusExt is None, the signal is: {:?}",

        if !condition(output) {
            panic!("test php file `{}` failed", path);

pub fn test_long_term_php_script_with_condition(
    exe_path: impl AsRef<Path>,
    script: impl AsRef<Path>,
    condition: impl FnOnce(&Child),
) {
    let context = Context::get_global();
    let lib_path = utils::get_lib_path(exe_path);
    let tmp_php_ini_file = context.create_tmp_php_ini_file(lib_path);
    let mut command = context.create_command_with_tmp_php_ini_args(&tmp_php_ini_file, script);
    let mut child = command.spawn().unwrap();