photon-rs 0.3.1

High-performance image processing library for native use and the web
//! Image transformations, ie: scale, crop, resize, etc.,

use crate::helpers;
use crate::iter::ImageIterator;
use crate::{PhotonImage, Rgba};
use image::imageops::FilterType;
use image::DynamicImage::ImageRgba8;
use image::RgbaImage;
use image::{GenericImageView, ImageBuffer};
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
use wasm_bindgen::{Clamped, JsCast};
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
use web_sys::{HtmlCanvasElement, ImageData};

/// Crop an image.
/// # Arguments
/// * `img` - A PhotonImage.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// // For example, to crop an image at (0, 0) to (500, 800)
/// use photon_rs::native::{open_image};
/// use photon_rs::transform::crop;
/// use photon_rs::PhotonImage;
/// let mut img = open_image("img.jpg").expect("File should open");
/// let cropped_img: PhotonImage = crop(&mut img, 0_u32, 0_u32, 500_u32, 800_u32);
/// // Write the contents of this image in JPG format.
/// ```
pub fn crop(
    photon_image: &mut PhotonImage,
    x1: u32,
    y1: u32,
    x2: u32,
    y2: u32,
) -> PhotonImage {
    let img = helpers::dyn_image_from_raw(&photon_image);

    let mut cropped_img: RgbaImage = ImageBuffer::new(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);

    for (x, y) in ImageIterator::with_dimension(&cropped_img.dimensions()) {
        let px = img.get_pixel(x, y);
        cropped_img.put_pixel(x, y, px);
    let dynimage = ImageRgba8(cropped_img);
    let raw_pixels = dynimage.to_bytes();
    PhotonImage {
        width: dynimage.width(),
        height: dynimage.height(),

#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub fn crop_img_browser(
    source_canvas: HtmlCanvasElement,
    width: f64,
    height: f64,
    left: f64,
    top: f64,
) -> HtmlCanvasElement {
    let document = web_sys::window().unwrap().document().unwrap();
    let dest_canvas = document

    dest_canvas.set_width(width as u32);
    dest_canvas.set_height(height as u32);

    let ctx = dest_canvas



/// Flip an image horizontally.
/// # Arguments
/// * `img` - A PhotonImage.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// // For example, to flip an image horizontally:
/// use photon_rs::native::open_image;
/// use photon_rs::transform::fliph;
/// let mut img = open_image("img.jpg").expect("File should open");
/// fliph(&mut img);
/// ```
pub fn fliph(photon_image: &mut PhotonImage) {
    let img = helpers::dyn_image_from_raw(&photon_image);

    let width = img.width();
    let height = img.height();
    let mut flipped_img: RgbaImage = ImageBuffer::new(width, height);

    for (x, y) in ImageIterator::new(width, height) {
        let px = img.get_pixel(x, y);
        flipped_img.put_pixel(width - x - 1, y, px);

    let dynimage = ImageRgba8(flipped_img);
    let raw_pixels = dynimage.to_bytes();
    photon_image.raw_pixels = raw_pixels;

/// Flip an image vertically.
/// # Arguments
/// * `img` - A PhotonImage.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// // For example, to flip an image vertically:
/// use photon_rs::native::open_image;
/// use photon_rs::transform::flipv;
/// let mut img = open_image("img.jpg").expect("File should open");
/// flipv(&mut img);
/// ```
pub fn flipv(photon_image: &mut PhotonImage) {
    let img = helpers::dyn_image_from_raw(&photon_image);

    let width = img.width();
    let height = img.height();

    let mut flipped_img: RgbaImage = ImageBuffer::new(width, height);

    for (x, y) in ImageIterator::new(width, height) {
        let px = img.get_pixel(x, y);
        flipped_img.put_pixel(x, height - y - 1, px);

    let dynimage = ImageRgba8(flipped_img);
    let raw_pixels = dynimage.to_bytes();
    photon_image.raw_pixels = raw_pixels;

pub enum SamplingFilter {
    Nearest = 1,
    Triangle = 2,
    CatmullRom = 3,
    Gaussian = 4,
    Lanczos3 = 5,

fn filter_type_from_sampling_filter(sampling_filter: SamplingFilter) -> FilterType {
    match sampling_filter {
        SamplingFilter::Nearest => FilterType::Nearest,
        SamplingFilter::Triangle => FilterType::Triangle,
        SamplingFilter::CatmullRom => FilterType::CatmullRom,
        SamplingFilter::Gaussian => FilterType::Gaussian,
        SamplingFilter::Lanczos3 => FilterType::Lanczos3,

/// Resize an image on the web.
/// # Arguments
/// * `img` - A PhotonImage.
/// * `width` - New width.
/// * `height` - New height.
/// * `sampling_filter` - Nearest = 1, Triangle = 2, CatmullRom = 3, Gaussian = 4, Lanczos3 = 5
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub fn resize_img_browser(
    photon_img: &PhotonImage,
    width: u32,
    height: u32,
    sampling_filter: SamplingFilter,
) -> HtmlCanvasElement {
    let sampling_filter = filter_type_from_sampling_filter(sampling_filter);
    let dyn_img = helpers::dyn_image_from_raw(&photon_img);
    let resized_img = ImageRgba8(image::imageops::resize(

    // TODO Check if in browser or Node.JS
    let document = web_sys::window().unwrap().document().unwrap();
    let canvas = document


    let new_img_data = ImageData::new_with_u8_clamped_array_and_sh(
        Clamped(&mut resized_img.to_bytes()),

    let ctx = canvas

    // Place the new imagedata onto the canvas
    ctx.put_image_data(&new_img_data.unwrap(), 0.0, 0.0)


/// Resize an image.
/// # Arguments
/// * `img` - A PhotonImage.
/// * `width` - New width.
/// * `height` - New height.
/// * `sampling_filter` - Nearest = 1, Triangle = 2, CatmullRom = 3, Gaussian = 4, Lanczos3 = 5
pub fn resize(
    photon_img: &PhotonImage,
    width: u32,
    height: u32,
    sampling_filter: SamplingFilter,
) -> PhotonImage {
    let sampling_filter = filter_type_from_sampling_filter(sampling_filter);

    let dyn_img = helpers::dyn_image_from_raw(&photon_img);
    let resized_img = ImageRgba8(image::imageops::resize(

    PhotonImage {
        raw_pixels: resized_img.to_bytes(),
        width: resized_img.width(),
        height: resized_img.height(),

/// Resize image using seam carver.
/// Resize only if new dimensions are smaller, than original image.
/// # NOTE: This is still experimental feature, and pretty slow.
/// # Arguments
/// * `img` - A PhotonImage.
/// * `width` - New width.
/// * `height` - New height.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// // For example, resize image using seam carver:
/// use photon_rs::native::open_image;
/// use photon_rs::transform::seam_carve;
/// use photon_rs::PhotonImage;
/// let img = open_image("img.jpg").expect("File should open");
/// let result: PhotonImage = seam_carve(&img, 100_u32, 100_u32);
/// ```
pub fn seam_carve(img: &PhotonImage, width: u32, height: u32) -> PhotonImage {
    let mut img: RgbaImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(
    let (w, h) = img.dimensions();
    let (diff_w, diff_h) = (w - w.min(width), h - h.min(height));

    for _ in 0..diff_w {
        let vec_steam = imageproc::seam_carving::find_vertical_seam(&img);
        img = imageproc::seam_carving::remove_vertical_seam(&img, &vec_steam);
    if {
        img = image::imageops::rotate90(&img);
        for _ in 0..diff_h {
            let vec_steam = imageproc::seam_carving::find_vertical_seam(&img);
            img = imageproc::seam_carving::remove_vertical_seam(&img, &vec_steam);
        img = image::imageops::rotate270(&img);

    let img = ImageRgba8(img);

    PhotonImage {
        raw_pixels: img.to_bytes(),
        width: img.width(),
        height: img.height(),

/// Apply uniform padding around the PhotonImage
/// A padded PhotonImage is returned.
/// # Arguments
/// * `img` - A PhotonImage. See the PhotonImage struct for details.
/// * `padding` - The amount of padding to be applied to the PhotonImage.
/// * `padding_rgba` - Tuple containing the RGBA code for padding color.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// // For example, to apply a padding of 10 pixels around a PhotonImage:
/// use photon_rs::transform::padding_uniform;
/// use photon_rs::native::open_image;
/// use photon_rs::Rgba;
/// let mut img = open_image("img.jpg").expect("File should open");
/// let rgba = Rgba::new(200_u8, 100_u8, 150_u8, 255_u8);
/// padding_uniform(&img, 10_u32, rgba);
/// ```
pub fn padding_uniform(
    img: &PhotonImage,
    padding: u32,
    padding_rgba: Rgba,
) -> PhotonImage {
    let image_buffer = img.get_raw_pixels();
    let img_width = img.get_width();
    let img_height = img.get_height();

    let mut img_padded_buffer = Vec::<u8>::new();
    let width_padded: u32 = img_width + 2 * padding;
    let height_padded: u32 = img_height + 2 * padding;

    for _ in 0..((width_padded + 1) * padding) {

    for i in (0..image_buffer.len()).step_by(4) {
        if (i / 4) % img_width as usize == 0 && i != 0 {
            for _ in (0..2 * padding).step_by(1) {
        img_padded_buffer.push(image_buffer[i + 1]);
        img_padded_buffer.push(image_buffer[i + 2]);
        img_padded_buffer.push(image_buffer[i + 3]);

    for _ in 0..((width_padded + 1) * padding) {

    PhotonImage::new(img_padded_buffer, width_padded, height_padded)

/// Apply padding on the left side of the PhotonImage
/// A padded PhotonImage is returned.
/// # Arguments
/// * `img` - A PhotonImage. See the PhotonImage struct for details.
/// * `padding` - The amount of padding to be applied to the PhotonImage.
/// * `padding_rgba` - Tuple containing the RGBA code for padding color.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// // For example, to apply a padding of 10 pixels on the left side of a PhotonImage:
/// use photon_rs::transform::padding_left;
/// use photon_rs::native::open_image;
/// use photon_rs::Rgba;
/// let mut img = open_image("img.jpg").expect("File should open");
/// let rgba = Rgba::new(200_u8, 100_u8, 150_u8, 255_u8);
/// padding_left(&img, 10_u32, rgba);
/// ```
pub fn padding_left(img: &PhotonImage, padding: u32, padding_rgba: Rgba) -> PhotonImage {
    let image_buffer = img.get_raw_pixels();
    let img_width = img.get_width();
    let img_height = img.get_height();

    let mut img_padded_buffer = Vec::<u8>::new();
    let width_padded: u32 = img_width + padding;

    for i in 0..img_height as usize {
        let img_slice = image_buffer
            [(i * 4 * img_width as usize)..(i + 1) * 4 * img_width as usize]

        for _ in 0..padding {
        for x in img_slice {
    PhotonImage::new(img_padded_buffer, width_padded, img_height)

/// Apply padding on the left side of the PhotonImage
/// A padded PhotonImage is returned.
/// # Arguments
/// * `img` - A PhotonImage. See the PhotonImage struct for details.
/// * `padding` - The amount of padding to be applied to the PhotonImage.
/// * `padding_rgba` - Tuple containing the RGBA code for padding color.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// // For example, to apply a padding of 10 pixels on the right side of a PhotonImage:
/// use photon_rs::transform::padding_right;
/// use photon_rs::native::open_image;
/// use photon_rs::Rgba;
/// let mut img = open_image("img.jpg").expect("File should open");
/// let rgba = Rgba::new(200_u8, 100_u8, 150_u8, 255_u8);
/// padding_right(&img, 10_u32, rgba);
/// ```
pub fn padding_right(
    img: &PhotonImage,
    padding: u32,
    padding_rgba: Rgba,
) -> PhotonImage {
    let image_buffer = img.get_raw_pixels();
    let img_width = img.get_width();
    let img_height = img.get_height();

    let mut img_padded_buffer = Vec::<u8>::new();
    let width_padded: u32 = img_width + padding;

    for i in 0..img_height as usize {
        let img_slice = image_buffer
            [(i * 4 * img_width as usize)..(i + 1) * 4 * img_width as usize]
        for x in img_slice {
        for _ in 0..padding {
    PhotonImage::new(img_padded_buffer, width_padded, img_height)

/// Apply padding on the left side of the PhotonImage
/// A padded PhotonImage is returned.
/// # Arguments
/// * `img` - A PhotonImage. See the PhotonImage struct for details.
/// * `padding` - The amount of padding to be applied to the PhotonImage.
/// * `padding_rgba` - Tuple containing the RGBA code for padding color.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// // For example, to apply a padding of 10 pixels on the top of a PhotonImage:
/// use photon_rs::transform::padding_top;
/// use photon_rs::native::open_image;
/// use photon_rs::Rgba;
/// let mut img = open_image("img.jpg").expect("File should open");
/// let rgba = Rgba::new(200_u8, 100_u8, 150_u8, 255_u8);
/// padding_top(&img, 10_u32, rgba);
/// ```
pub fn padding_top(img: &PhotonImage, padding: u32, padding_rgba: Rgba) -> PhotonImage {
    let image_buffer = img.get_raw_pixels();
    let img_width = img.get_width();
    let img_height = img.get_height();

    let height_padded: u32 = img_height + padding;
    let mut img_padded_buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::<u8>::new();

    for _ in 0..(padding * img_width) {

    for i in (0..image_buffer.len()).step_by(4) {
        img_padded_buffer.push(image_buffer[i + 1]);
        img_padded_buffer.push(image_buffer[i + 2]);
        img_padded_buffer.push(image_buffer[i + 3]);

    PhotonImage::new(img_padded_buffer, img_width, height_padded)

/// Apply padding on the left side of the PhotonImage
/// A padded PhotonImage is returned.
/// # Arguments
/// * `img` - A PhotonImage. See the PhotonImage struct for details.
/// * `padding` - The amount of padding to be applied to the PhotonImage.
/// * `padding_rgba` - Tuple containing the RGBA code for padding color.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// // For example, to apply a padding of 10 pixels on the bottom of a PhotonImage:
/// use photon_rs::transform::padding_bottom;
/// use photon_rs::native::open_image;
/// use photon_rs::Rgba;
/// let mut img = open_image("img.jpg").expect("File should open");
/// let rgba = Rgba::new(200_u8, 100_u8, 150_u8, 255_u8);
/// padding_bottom(&img, 10_u32, rgba);
/// ```
pub fn padding_bottom(
    img: &PhotonImage,
    padding: u32,
    padding_rgba: Rgba,
) -> PhotonImage {
    let image_buffer = img.get_raw_pixels();
    let img_width = img.get_width();
    let img_height = img.get_height();

    let height_padded: u32 = img_height + padding;
    let mut img_padded_buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::<u8>::new();

    for i in (0..image_buffer.len()).step_by(4) {
        img_padded_buffer.push(image_buffer[i + 1]);
        img_padded_buffer.push(image_buffer[i + 2]);
        img_padded_buffer.push(image_buffer[i + 3]);

    for _ in 0..(padding * img_width) {

    PhotonImage::new(img_padded_buffer, img_width, height_padded)