perseus-cli 0.4.0-beta.17

The CLI for the Perseus frontend framework.
use crate::cmd::{cfg_spinner, run_stage};
use crate::errors::*;
use crate::install::Tools;
use crate::parse::Opts;
use crate::thread::{spawn_thread, ThreadHandle};
use console::{style, Emoji};
use indicatif::{MultiProgress, ProgressBar};
use std::path::PathBuf;

// Emojis for stages
static TINKERING: Emoji<'_, '_> = Emoji("🔧", ""); // TODO

/// Returns the exit code if it's non-zero.
macro_rules! handle_exit_code {
    ($code:expr) => {
        let (_, _, code) = $code;
        if code != 0 {
            return ::std::result::Result::Ok(code);

/// Actually tinkers the engine, program arguments having been interpreted.
/// This needs to know how many steps there are in total and takes a
/// `MultiProgress` to interact with so it can be used truly atomically. This
/// returns handles for waiting on the component threads so we can use it
/// composably.
pub fn tinker_internal(
    dir: PathBuf,
    spinners: &MultiProgress,
    num_steps: u8,
    tools: &Tools,
    global_opts: &Opts,
) -> Result<
    ThreadHandle<impl FnOnce() -> Result<i32, ExecutionError>, Result<i32, ExecutionError>>,
> {
    let tools = tools.clone();
    let Opts {
        cargo_engine_args, ..
    } = global_opts.clone();

    // Tinkering message
    let tk_msg = format!(
        "{} {} Running plugin tinkers",
        style(format!("[1/{}]", num_steps)).bold().dim(),

    // We make sure to add them at the top (other spinners may have already been
    // instantiated)
    let tk_spinner = spinners.insert(0, ProgressBar::new_spinner());
    let tk_spinner = cfg_spinner(tk_spinner, &tk_msg);
    let tk_target = dir;
    let tk_thread = spawn_thread(
        move || {
                vec![&format!("{} run {}", tools.cargo_engine, cargo_engine_args)],
                    ("PERSEUS_ENGINE_OPERATION", "tinker"),
                    ("CARGO_TARGET_DIR", "dist/target_engine"),
                    ("RUSTFLAGS", "--cfg=engine"),
                    ("CARGO_TERM_COLOR", "always")



/// Runs plugin tinkers on the engine and returns an exit code. This doesn't
/// have a release mode because tinkers should be applied in development to work
/// in both development and production.
pub fn tinker(dir: PathBuf, tools: &Tools, global_opts: &Opts) -> Result<i32, Error> {
    let spinners = MultiProgress::new();

    let tk_thread = tinker_internal(dir, &spinners, 1, tools, global_opts)?;
    let tk_res = tk_thread
        .map_err(|_| ExecutionError::ThreadWaitFailed)??;
    if tk_res != 0 {
        return Ok(tk_res);

    // We've handled errors in the component threads, so the exit code is now zero