perseus-cli 0.4.0-beta.17

The CLI for the Perseus frontend framework.
use crate::build::build_internal;
use crate::cmd::{cfg_spinner, run_stage};
use crate::install::Tools;
use crate::parse::{Opts, ServeOpts};
use crate::thread::{spawn_thread, ThreadHandle};
use crate::{errors::*, order_reload};
use console::{style, Emoji};
use indicatif::{MultiProgress, ProgressBar};
use std::env;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

// Emojis for stages
static BUILDING_SERVER: Emoji<'_, '_> = Emoji("📡", "");
static SERVING: Emoji<'_, '_> = Emoji("🛰️ ", "");

/// Returns the exit code if it's non-zero.
macro_rules! handle_exit_code {
    ($code:expr) => {{
        let (stdout, stderr, code) = $code;
        if code != 0 {
            return ::std::result::Result::Ok(code);
        (stdout, stderr)

/// Builds the server for the app, program arguments having been interpreted.
/// This needs to know if we've built as part of this process so it can show an
/// accurate progress count. This also takes a `MultiProgress` so it can be used
/// truly atomically (which will have build spinners already on it if
/// necessary). This also takes a `Mutex<String>` to inform the caller of the
/// path of the server executable.
fn build_server(
    dir: PathBuf,
    spinners: &MultiProgress,
    num_steps: u8,
    exec: Arc<Mutex<String>>,
    is_release: bool,
    tools: &Tools,
    global_opts: &Opts,
) -> Result<
    ThreadHandle<impl FnOnce() -> Result<i32, ExecutionError>, Result<i32, ExecutionError>>,
> {
    let tools = tools.clone();
    let Opts {
        cargo_engine_args, ..
    } = global_opts.clone();

    // Server building message
    let sb_msg = format!(
        "{} {} Building server",
        style(format!("[{}/{}]", num_steps - 1, num_steps))

    // We'll parallelize the building of the server with any build commands that are
    // currently running We deliberately insert the spinner at the end of the
    // list
    let sb_spinner = spinners.insert((num_steps - 1).into(), ProgressBar::new_spinner());
    let sb_spinner = cfg_spinner(sb_spinner, &sb_msg);
    let sb_target = dir;
    let sb_thread = spawn_thread(
        move || {
            let (stdout, _stderr) = handle_exit_code!(run_stage(
                    // This sets Cargo to tell us everything, including the executable path to the
                    // server
                    "{} build --message-format json {} {}",
                    if is_release { "--release" } else { "" },
                    ("CARGO_TARGET_DIR", "dist/target_engine"),
                    ("RUSTFLAGS", "--cfg=engine"),
                    ("CARGO_TERM_COLOR", "always")

            let msgs: Vec<&str> = stdout.trim().split('\n').collect();
            // If we got to here, the exit code was 0 and everything should've worked
            // The last message will just tell us that the build finished, the second-last
            // one will tell us the executable path
            let msg = msgs.get(msgs.len() - 2);
            let msg = match msg {
                // We'll parse it as a Serde `Value`, we don't need to know everything that's in
                // there
                Some(msg) => serde_json::from_str::<serde_json::Value>(msg)
                    .map_err(|err| ExecutionError::GetServerExecutableFailed { source: err })?,
                None => return Err(ExecutionError::ServerExecutableMsgNotFound),
            let server_exec_path = msg.get("executable");
            let server_exec_path = match server_exec_path {
            // We'll parse it as a Serde `Value`, we don't need to know everything that's in there
            Some(server_exec_path) => match server_exec_path.as_str() {
                Some(server_exec_path) => server_exec_path,
                None => {
                    return Err(ExecutionError::ParseServerExecutableFailed {
                        err: "expected 'executable' field to be string".to_string(),
            None => return Err(ExecutionError::ParseServerExecutableFailed {
                err: "expected 'executable' field in JSON map in second-last message, not present"

            // And now the main thread needs to know about this
            let mut exec_val = exec.lock().unwrap();
            *exec_val = server_exec_path.to_string();



/// Runs the server at the given path, handling any errors therewith. This will
/// likely be a black hole until the user manually terminates the process.
/// This function is not used by the testing process.
fn run_server(
    exec: Arc<Mutex<String>>,
    dir: PathBuf,
    num_steps: u8,
) -> Result<i32, ExecutionError> {
    // First off, handle any issues with the executable path
    let exec_val = exec.lock().unwrap();
    if exec_val.is_empty() {
        return Err(ExecutionError::ParseServerExecutableFailed {
            err: "mutex value empty, implies uncaught thread termination (please report this as a bug)"
    let server_exec_path = (*exec_val).to_string();

    // Manually run the generated binary (invoking in the right directory context
    // for good measure if it ever needs it in future)
    let child = Command::new(&server_exec_path)
        // This needs to be provided in development, but not in production
        .env("PERSEUS_ENGINE_OPERATION", "serve")
        // We should be able to access outputs in case there's an error
        .map_err(|err| ExecutionError::CmdExecFailed {
            cmd: server_exec_path,
            source: err,
    // Figure out what host/port the app will be live on (these have been set by the
    // system)
    let host = env::var("PERSEUS_HOST").unwrap_or_else(|_| "localhost".to_string());
    let port = env::var("PERSEUS_PORT")
        .unwrap_or_else(|_| "8080".to_string())
        .map_err(|err| ExecutionError::PortNotNumber { source: err })?;
    // Give the user a nice informational message
        "  {} {} Your app is now live on <http://{host}:{port}>! To change this, re-run this command with different settings for `--host` and `--port`.",
        style(format!("[{}/{}]", num_steps, num_steps)).bold().dim(),

    // Wait on the child process to finish (which it shouldn't unless there's an
    // error), then perform error handling
    let output = child.wait_with_output().unwrap();
    let exit_code = match output.status.code() {
        Some(exit_code) => exit_code,         // If we have an exit code, use it
        None if output.status.success() => 0, /* If we don't, but we know the command succeeded, */
        // return 0 (success code)
        None => 1, /* If we don't know an exit code but we know that the command failed, return 1
                    * (general error code) */
    // Print `stderr` and stdout` only if there's something therein and the exit
    // code is non-zero
    if !output.stderr.is_empty() && exit_code != 0 {
        // We don't print any failure message other than the actual error right now (see
        // if people want something else?)
        return Ok(1);


/// Builds the subcrates to get a directory that we can serve and then serves
/// it. If possible, this will return the path to the server executable so that
/// it can be used in deployment.
pub fn serve(
    dir: PathBuf,
    opts: &ServeOpts,
    tools: &Tools,
    global_opts: &Opts,
    spinners: &MultiProgress,
    silent_no_run: bool,
) -> Result<(i32, Option<String>), ExecutionError> {
    // Set the environment variables for the host and port
    // NOTE Another part of this code depends on setting these in this way
    env::set_var("PERSEUS_HOST", &;
    env::set_var("PERSEUS_PORT", opts.port.to_string());

    let did_build = !opts.no_build;
    let should_run = !opts.no_run;

    // Weird naming here, but this is right
    let num_steps = if did_build { 4 } else { 2 };

    // We need to have a way of knowing what the executable path to the server is
    let exec = Arc::new(Mutex::new(String::new()));
    // We can begin building the server in a thread without having to deal with the
    // rest of the build stage yet
    let sb_thread = build_server(
    // Only build if the user hasn't set `--no-build`, handling non-zero exit codes
    if did_build {
        let (sg_thread, wb_thread) = build_internal(
        let sg_res = sg_thread
            .map_err(|_| ExecutionError::ThreadWaitFailed)??;
        let wb_res = wb_thread
            .map_err(|_| ExecutionError::ThreadWaitFailed)??;
        if sg_res != 0 {
            return Ok((sg_res, None));
        } else if wb_res != 0 {
            return Ok((wb_res, None));
    // Handle errors from the server building
    let sb_res = sb_thread
        .map_err(|_| ExecutionError::ThreadWaitFailed)??;
    if sb_res != 0 {
        return Ok((sb_res, None));

    // Order any connected browsers to reload

    // Now actually run that executable path if we should
    if should_run {
        let exit_code = run_server(Arc::clone(&exec), dir, num_steps)?;
        Ok((exit_code, None))
    } else {
        // The user doesn't want to run the server, so we'll give them the executable
        // path instead
        let exec_str = (*exec.lock().unwrap()).to_string();
        // Only tell the user about this if they've told us not to run (since deployment
        // and testing both implicitly do this)
        if !silent_no_run {
            println!("Not running server because `--no-run` was provided. You can run it manually by running the following executable from the root of the project.\n{}", &exec_str);
        Ok((0, Some(exec_str)))