pencil_case 0.1.0-dev

A simple but effective library for writing GUI in bevy
# Pencil case
A simple but effective library for writing GUI in bevy

- [x] Camera space UI
- [x] Tiling layout algorithm
- [x] Buttons
- [x] Sliders
- [x] Scroll Areas
- [ ] World space UI
- [ ] Text
- [ ] Text input
- [ ] Tree collapsing
- ...(more widgets)

### Goals
- Fully leveraging the ECS
- Simple but powerful code API
- Sensible defaults & configurability most people will care about

### Non-goals
- Resembling or being compatible with any particular flavour of UI workflow
- Bloated styling options
- Serialization
- DSLs

### Version table
| Bevy version | Pencil verison |
| 0.11         | 0.1            |