pca9956b 0.1.3

A RESTful HTTP microservice for controlling PCA9956B devices
pca9956b-0.1.3 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: pca9956b-0.1.1


A RESTful HTTP microservice for controlling PCA9956B devices.

This is currently a work in progress - most of the API is implemented, but not all of it.


git clone https://github.com/packom/pca9956b
cd pca9956b
cargo build


pca9956b uses environment variables for configuration, as it's intended to be run within a container. You must have an instance of the i2cbus microservice providing access to the appropriate I2C bus - use the I2CBUS_IP and I2CBUS_PORT variables to point to that.

To run bound to localhost:8080 with INFO level logging:

env SERVER_IP=localhost \
env SERVER_PORT=8080 \
env I2CBUS_IP=localhost \
env I2CBUS_PORT=8081 \
cargo run

Use environment variable HTTPS (no value is necessary) to enable HTTPS support, e.g.:

env SERVER_IP=localhost \
env SERVER_PORT=8443 \
env HTTPS= \
env I2CBUS_IP=localhost \
env I2CBUS_PORT=8081 \
cargo run

pca9956b expects to find certificate and key files at the following paths (which are not currently configurable):


To see other options run:

cargo run -- --help

Controlling the PCA9956B

To see examples controlling a PCA9956B device see here.