pathfinding 4.2.1

Pathfinding, flow, and graph algorithms
//! Rectangular grid in which vertices can be added or removed, with or
//! without diagonal links.

use super::matrix::Matrix;
use crate::directed::bfs::bfs_reach;
use crate::directed::dfs::dfs_reach;
use crate::FxIndexSet;
use num_traits::ToPrimitive;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::fmt;
use std::iter::{FromIterator, FusedIterator};
use std::ops::Sub;

/// Representation of a rectangular grid in which vertices can be added
/// or removed. Edges are automatically created between adjacent vertices.
/// By default, only vertical and horizontal edges are created, unless
/// diagonal mode is enabled.
/// The coordinate system is of the form `(x, y)`, where `x` is the column
/// and `y` is the row. `(0, 0)` corresponds to the top-left corner.
/// Internally, a Grid is represented either as a collection of vertices
/// or as a collection of absent vertices, depending on the density of
/// the grid. The switch between both representations is done automatically
/// when vertices are added or removed, or when the grid is resized.
/// `Grid` implements `Debug` and represents the content using `#` and `.`
/// characters. Alternate block characters `▓` and `░` can be selected by
/// using the alternate debug format (`{:#?}`):
/// ```
/// use pathfinding::prelude::Grid;
/// let mut g = Grid::new(3, 4);
/// g.add_borders();
/// assert_eq!(&format!("{g:?}"), "\
/// ####
/// #.#
/// #.#
/// ####");
/// assert_eq!(&format!("{g:#?}"), "\
/// ▓▓▓
/// ▓░▓
/// ▓░▓
/// ▓▓▓");
/// ```
/// One of the ways to build a `Grid` is to start from an iterator of
/// `(usize, usize)` representing the `(x, y)` coordinates:
/// ```
/// use pathfinding::prelude::Grid;
/// let g = vec![(0, 0), (2, 2), (3, 2)].into_iter().collect::<Grid>();
/// assert_eq!(format!("{g:?}"), "\
/// #...
/// ....
/// ..##");
/// ```
/// To be able to easily use the grid as a visualization tool for
/// arbitrary types of coordinates, a [`from_coordinates`](Grid::from_coordinates)
/// method will build a grid and remap the top-left most coordinate as `(0, 0)`:
/// ```
/// use pathfinding::prelude::Grid;
/// let g = Grid::from_coordinates(&[(-16, -15), (-16, -16), (-15, -16)]).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(format!("{g:#?}"), "\
/// ▓▓
/// ▓░");
/// ```
/// Also, the order of lines can be inverted by using the `-` sign modifier while
/// displaying:
/// ```
/// # use pathfinding::prelude::Grid;
/// #
/// # let g = Grid::from_coordinates(&[(-16, -15), (-16, -16), (-15, -16)]).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(format!("{g:-#?}"), "\
/// ▓░
/// ▓▓");
/// ```
pub struct Grid {
    /// The grid width.
    pub width: usize,
    /// The grid height.
    pub height: usize,
    diagonal_mode: bool,
    // `dense` is true if the grid is full by default and `exclusions`
    // contains absent vertices. It is false if the grid is empty by default
    // and `exclusions` contains the vertices.
    dense: bool,
    exclusions: FxIndexSet<(usize, usize)>,

impl Grid {
    /// Create a new empty grid object of the given dimensions, with
    /// diagonal mode disabled.
    pub fn new(width: usize, height: usize) -> Self {
        Self {
            diagonal_mode: false,
            dense: false,
            exclusions: FxIndexSet::default(),

    /// Check if a (possibly removed) vertex belongs to the grid or if it
    /// is located outside the grid.
    pub fn is_inside(&self, vertex: (usize, usize)) -> bool {
        vertex.0 < self.width && vertex.1 < self.height

    /// Enable diagonal mode. Diagonal edges will be created between
    /// adjacent vertices.
    pub fn enable_diagonal_mode(&mut self) {
        self.diagonal_mode = true;

    /// Disable diagonal mode. Only horizontal and vertical edges will
    /// be created between adjacent vertices.
    pub fn disable_diagonal_mode(&mut self) {
        self.diagonal_mode = false;

    /// Resize the grid to the given dimensions. Return `true` if this
    /// caused any existing vertex to be discarded.
    pub fn resize(&mut self, width: usize, height: usize) -> bool {
        let mut truncated = false;
        if width < self.width {
            truncated |=
                (width..self.width).any(|c| (0..self.height).any(|r| self.has_vertex((c, r))));
        if height < self.height {
            truncated |=
                (0..self.width).any(|c| (height..self.height).any(|r| self.has_vertex((c, r))));
        self.exclusions.retain(|&(x, y)| x < width && y < height);
        if self.dense {
            for c in self.width..width {
                for r in 0..height {
                    self.exclusions.insert((c, r));
            for c in 0..self.width.min(width) {
                for r in self.height..height {
                    self.exclusions.insert((c, r));
        self.width = width;
        self.height = height;

    /// Return the number of positions in this grid.
    pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
        self.width * self.height

    /// Return the number of vertices.
    pub fn vertices_len(&self) -> usize {
        if self.dense {
            self.size() - self.exclusions.len()
        } else {

    /// Add a new vertex. Return `true` if the vertex did not previously
    /// exist and has been added. Return `false` if the vertex exists
    /// already or would be outside the grid.
    pub fn add_vertex(&mut self, vertex: (usize, usize)) -> bool {
        if !self.is_inside(vertex) {
            return false;
        let r = if self.dense {
        } else {

    /// Remove a vertex. Return `true` if the vertex did previously exist
    /// and has been removed.
    pub fn remove_vertex(&mut self, vertex: (usize, usize)) -> bool {
        if !self.is_inside(vertex) {
            return false;
        let r = if self.dense {
        } else {

    /// Return an iterator over the border vertices. The grid must not have
    /// a zero width or height.
    fn borders(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize)> {
        let width = self.width;
        let height = self.height;
            .flat_map(move |x| vec![(x, 0), (x, height - 1)].into_iter())
            .chain((1..height - 1).flat_map(move |y| vec![(0, y), (width - 1, y)].into_iter()))

    /// Add the borders of the grid. Return the number of added vertices.
    pub fn add_borders(&mut self) -> usize {
        if self.width == 0 || self.height == 0 {
            return 0;
        let count = if self.dense {
            self.borders().filter(|v| self.exclusions.remove(v)).count()
        } else {
                .filter(|v| self.exclusions.insert(*v))

    /// Remove the borders of the grid. Return the number of removed vertices.
    pub fn remove_borders(&mut self) -> usize {
        if self.width == 0 || self.height == 0 {
            return 0;
        let count = if self.dense {
                .filter(|v| self.exclusions.insert(*v))
        } else {
            self.borders().filter(|v| self.exclusions.remove(v)).count()

    fn rebalance(&mut self) {
        if self.exclusions.len() > self.width * self.height / 2 {
            self.exclusions = (0..self.width)
                .flat_map(|c| (0..self.height).map(move |r| (c, r)))
                .filter(|v| !self.exclusions.contains(v))
            self.dense = !self.dense;

    /// Remove all vertices from the grid. Return `true` if the grid
    /// previously contained at least one vertex.
    pub fn clear(&mut self) -> bool {
        let r = !self.is_empty();
        self.dense = false;

    /// Fill the grid with all possible vertices. Return `true` if
    /// this caused the addition of at least one vertex.
    pub fn fill(&mut self) -> bool {
        let r = !self.is_full();

    /// Return `true` if the grid contains no vertices.
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        if self.dense {
            self.exclusions.len() == self.size()
        } else {

    /// Return `true` if no additional vertices can be set
    /// (because they are all already set).
    pub fn is_full(&self) -> bool {
        if self.dense {
        } else {
            self.exclusions.len() == self.size()

    /// Remove every existing vertex, and add all absent vertices.
    /// If you see the grid as a black and white array, imagine that
    /// the color are exchanged.
    pub fn invert(&mut self) {
        self.dense = !self.dense;

    /// Check if a vertex is present.
    pub fn has_vertex(&self, vertex: (usize, usize)) -> bool {
        self.is_inside(vertex) && (self.exclusions.contains(&vertex) ^ self.dense)

    /// Check if an edge is present.
    pub fn has_edge(&self, v1: (usize, usize), v2: (usize, usize)) -> bool {
        if !self.has_vertex(v1) || !self.has_vertex(v2) {
            return false;
        let x = v1.0.abs_diff(v2.0);
        let y = v1.1.abs_diff(v2.1);
        x + y == 1 || (x == 1 && y == 1 && self.diagonal_mode)

    /// Iterate over edges.
    pub fn edges(&self) -> EdgesIterator {
        EdgesIterator {
            grid: self,
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            i: 0,

    /// Return the list of neighbours of a given vertex. If `vertex` is absent
    /// from the grid, an empty list is returned. Only existing vertices will
    /// be returned.
    pub fn neighbours(&self, vertex: (usize, usize)) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> {
        if !self.has_vertex(vertex) {
            return vec![];
        let (x, y) = vertex;
        let mut candidates = Vec::with_capacity(8);
        if x > 0 {
            candidates.push((x - 1, y));
            if self.diagonal_mode {
                if y > 0 {
                    candidates.push((x - 1, y - 1));
                if y + 1 < self.height {
                    candidates.push((x - 1, y + 1));
        if x + 1 < self.width {
            candidates.push((x + 1, y));
            if self.diagonal_mode {
                if y > 0 {
                    candidates.push((x + 1, y - 1));
                if y + 1 < self.height {
                    candidates.push((x + 1, y + 1));
        if y > 0 {
            candidates.push((x, y - 1));
        if y + 1 < self.height {
            candidates.push((x, y + 1));
        candidates.retain(|&v| self.has_vertex(v));

    /// Return a set of the indices reachable from a candidate starting point
    /// and for which the given predicate is valid using BFS. This can be used for example
    /// to implement a flood-filling algorithm. Since the indices are collected
    /// into a collection, they can later be used without keeping a reference on the
    /// matrix itself, e.g., to modify the grid.
    /// The search is done using a breadth first search (BFS) algorithm.
    /// # See also
    /// The [`dfs_reachable()`](`Self::dfs_reachable`) method performs a DFS search instead.
    pub fn bfs_reachable<P>(
        start: (usize, usize),
        mut predicate: P,
    ) -> BTreeSet<(usize, usize)>
        P: FnMut((usize, usize)) -> bool,
        bfs_reach(start, |&n| {
                .filter(|&n| predicate(n))

    /// Return a set of the indices reachable from a candidate starting point
    /// and for which the given predicate is valid using BFS. This can be used for example
    /// to implement a flood-filling algorithm. Since the indices are collected
    /// into a collection, they can later be used without keeping a reference on the
    /// matrix itself, e.g., to modify the grid.
    /// The search is done using a depth first search (DFS) algorithm.
    /// # See also
    /// The [`bfs_reachable()`](`Self::bfs_reachable`) method performs a BFS search instead.
    pub fn dfs_reachable<P>(
        start: (usize, usize),
        mut predicate: P,
    ) -> BTreeSet<(usize, usize)>
        P: FnMut((usize, usize)) -> bool,
        dfs_reach(start, |&n| {
                .filter(|&n| predicate(n))

    /// Iterate over vertices.
    pub fn iter(&self) -> GridIterator {

    /// Distance between two potential vertices. If diagonal mode is
    /// enabled, this is the maximum of both coordinates difference.
    /// If diagonal mode is disabled, this is the Manhattan distance.
    pub fn distance(&self, a: (usize, usize), b: (usize, usize)) -> usize {
        let (dx, dy) = (a.0.abs_diff(b.0), a.1.abs_diff(b.1));
        if self.diagonal_mode {
        } else {
            dx + dy

    /// Build a grid from an arbitrary set of `(x, y)` coordinates. Coordinates will
    /// be adjusted so that the returned grid is the smallest one containing
    /// all the points while conserving horizontal and vertical distances
    /// between them.
    /// This can be used for example to visualize data whose coordinates are
    /// expressed using a non-usize integer type, such as `(isize, isize)`.
    /// This method returns `None` if any axis of any coordinate cannot be
    /// represented as an `usize` once the minimum for this axis has been
    /// subtracted.
    pub fn from_coordinates<T>(points: &[(T, T)]) -> Option<Self>
        T: Ord + Sub<Output = T> + Copy + Default + ToPrimitive,
        let (min_x, min_y) = (
                .map(|(x, _)| x)
                .map(|(_, y)| y)
            .map(|(x, y)| Some(((*x - min_x).to_usize()?, (*y - min_y).to_usize()?)))

impl FromIterator<(usize, usize)> for Grid {
    fn from_iter<T>(iter: T) -> Self
        T: IntoIterator<Item = (usize, usize)>,
        let vertices = iter.into_iter().collect();
        let mut width = 0;
        let mut height = 0;
        for &(x, y) in &vertices {
            if x + 1 > width {
                width = x + 1;
            if y + 1 > height {
                height = y + 1;
        let mut grid = Self {
            diagonal_mode: false,
            dense: false,
            exclusions: vertices,

/// Iterator returned by calling `.into_iter()` on a grid.
pub struct GridIntoIterator {
    grid: Grid,
    x: usize,
    y: usize,

impl Iterator for GridIntoIterator {
    type Item = (usize, usize);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if self.grid.dense {
            loop {
                if self.y == self.grid.height {
                    return None;
                let r = (self.grid.has_vertex((self.x, self.y))).then_some((self.x, self.y));
                self.x += 1;
                if self.x == self.grid.width {
                    self.x = 0;
                    self.y += 1;
                if r.is_some() {
                    return r;
        } else {

impl FusedIterator for GridIntoIterator {}

impl IntoIterator for Grid {
    type Item = (usize, usize);
    type IntoIter = GridIntoIterator;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
        GridIntoIterator {
            grid: self,
            x: 0,
            y: 0,

/// Iterator returned by calling `.iter()` on a grid.
pub struct GridIterator<'a> {
    grid: &'a Grid,
    x: usize,
    y: usize,

impl Iterator for GridIterator<'_> {
    type Item = (usize, usize);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if self.grid.dense {
            loop {
                if self.y == self.grid.height {
                    return None;
                let r = (self.grid.has_vertex((self.x, self.y))).then_some((self.x, self.y));
                self.x += 1;
                if self.x == self.grid.width {
                    self.x = 0;
                    self.y += 1;
                if r.is_some() {
                    return r;
        } else {
                .map(|v| {
                    self.x += 1;

impl FusedIterator for GridIterator<'_> {}

impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a Grid {
    type Item = (usize, usize);
    type IntoIter = GridIterator<'a>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
        GridIterator {
            grid: self,
            x: 0,
            y: 0,

/// Iterator returned by calling `.edges()` on a grid.
pub struct EdgesIterator<'a> {
    grid: &'a Grid,
    x: usize,
    y: usize,
    i: usize,

impl Iterator for EdgesIterator<'_> {
    type Item = ((usize, usize), (usize, usize));

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        loop {
            if self.y == self.grid.height {
                return None;
            let x = self.x;
            let y = self.y;
            let other = match self.i {
                0 => (x + 1, y),
                1 => (x, y + 1),
                2 => (x + 1, y + 1),
                _ => (x - 1, y + 1),
            self.i += 1;
            if (x == 0 && self.i == 3) || self.i == 4 {
                self.i = 0;
                self.x += 1;
                if self.x == self.grid.width {
                    self.x = 0;
                    self.y += 1;
            if self.grid.has_edge((x, y), other) {
                return Some(((x, y), other));

impl FusedIterator for EdgesIterator<'_> {}

impl fmt::Debug for Grid {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let (present, absent) = [('#', '.'), ('', '')][usize::from(f.alternate())];
        let lines: Vec<_> = if f.sign_minus() {
        } else {
        let last = *lines.last().unwrap();
        for y in lines {
            for x in 0..self.width {
                    [absent, present][usize::from(self.has_vertex((x, y)))]
            if y != last {

impl From<&Matrix<bool>> for Grid {
    fn from(matrix: &Matrix<bool>) -> Self {
        let mut grid = Grid::new(matrix.columns, matrix.rows);
        for ((r, c), &v) in matrix.items() {
            if v {
                grid.add_vertex((c, r));

impl From<Matrix<bool>> for Grid {
    fn from(matrix: Matrix<bool>) -> Self {

impl PartialEq for Grid {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.vertices_len() == other.vertices_len()
            && self.iter().zip(other.iter()).all(|(a, b)| a == b)

impl Eq for Grid {}