pathfinding 0.4.2

Pathfinding, flow, and graph algorithms
use num_traits::Signed;
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut, Neg};

/// Square matrix of an arbitrary type
pub struct SquareMatrix<C> {
    /// Size of every dimension
    pub size: usize,
    data: Vec<C>,

impl<C: Clone> SquareMatrix<C> {
    /// Create new square matrix with an initial value.
    pub fn new(size: usize, value: C) -> SquareMatrix<C> {
        let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(size * size);
        v.resize(size * size, value);
        SquareMatrix {
            size: size,
            data: v,

    /// Fill with a known value.
    pub fn fill(&mut self, value: C) {; * self.size, value);

impl<C: Clone> Clone for SquareMatrix<C> {
    fn clone(&self) -> SquareMatrix<C> {
        SquareMatrix {
            size: self.size,

impl<C: Clone + Signed> Neg for SquareMatrix<C> {
    type Output = SquareMatrix<C>;

    fn neg(self) -> SquareMatrix<C> {
        SquareMatrix {
            size: self.size,
            data:|x| -x.clone()).collect::<Vec<_>>(),

impl<C> SquareMatrix<C> {
    /// Create new square matrix from vector values. The first value
    /// will be assigned to index (0, 0), the second one to index (0, 1),
    /// and so on.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function will panic if the number of values is not a square number.
    pub fn from_vec(values: Vec<C>) -> SquareMatrix<C> {
        let size = (values.len() as f32).sqrt().round() as usize;
            size * size,
            "length of vector is not a square number"
        SquareMatrix {
            size: size,
            data: values,

    fn idx(&self, i: &(usize, usize)) -> usize {
        i.0 * self.size + i.1

impl<'a, C> Index<&'a (usize, usize)> for SquareMatrix<C> {
    type Output = C;

    fn index(&self, index: &'a (usize, usize)) -> &C {

impl<'a, C> IndexMut<&'a (usize, usize)> for SquareMatrix<C> {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: &'a (usize, usize)) -> &mut C {
        let i = self.idx(index);