path-tree 0.1.12

path-tree is a lightweight high performance HTTP request router for Rust
<h1 align="center">path-tree</h1>

<div align="center">
  <p><strong>A lightweight high performance HTTP request router for Rust</strong></p>

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## Features

- **Fast**: See benchmark

- **Micro**: The [src/]src/ file is ~382 lines of code (Includes comments)

- **Flexible**:

  - _**Static**_ segment. e.g. `/users`.

  - _**Named**_ parameters. e.g. `:name`.

  - _**Catch-All**_ parameters. e.g. `*any`, it must always be at the end of the pattern.

  - Supports multiple naming for the same path segment. e.g. `/users/:id` and `/users/:user_id/repos`.

  - Don't care about routes orders, recursive lookup, `Static` -> `Named` -> `Catch-All`.

## Examples

- [hello-hyper]examples/

use path_tree::PathTree;

let mut tree = PathTree::<usize>::new();

tree.insert("/", 0);
tree.insert("/users", 1);
tree.insert("/users/:id", 2);
tree.insert("/users/:id/:org", 3);
tree.insert("/users/:user_id/repos", 4);
tree.insert("/users/:user_id/repos/:id", 5);
tree.insert("/users/:user_id/repos/:id/*any", 6);
tree.insert("/:username", 7);
tree.insert("/*any", 8);
tree.insert("/about", 9);
tree.insert("/about/", 10);
tree.insert("/about/us", 11);
tree.insert("/users/repos/*any", 12);

// Matched "/"
let node = tree.find("/");
assert_eq!(node.is_some(), true);
let res = node.unwrap();
assert_eq!(*res.0, 0);
assert_eq!(res.1, []); // Params

// Matched "/:username"
let node = tree.find("/username");
assert_eq!(node.is_some(), true);
let res = node.unwrap();
assert_eq!(*res.0, 7);
assert_eq!(res.1, [("username", "username")]); // Params

// Matched "/*any"
let node = tree.find("/user/s");
let res = node.unwrap();
assert_eq!(*res.0, 8);
assert_eq!(res.1, [("any", "user/s")]);

// Matched "/users/:id"
let node = tree.find("/users/fundon");
let res = node.unwrap();
assert_eq!(*res.0, 2);
assert_eq!(res.1, [("id", "fundon")]); // Params

// Matched "/users/:user_id/repos/:id"
let node = tree.find("/users/fundon/repos/viz-rs");
let res = node.unwrap();
assert_eq!(*res.0, 5);
assert_eq!(res.1, [("user_id", "fundon"), ("id", "viz-rs")]); // Params

// Matched "/users/:user_id/repos/:id/*any"
let node = tree.find("/users/fundon/repos/viz-rs/noder/issues");
let res = node.unwrap();
assert_eq!(*res.0, 6);
        ("user_id", "fundon"),
        ("id", "viz-rs"),
        ("any", "noder/issues"),
); // Params

// Matched "/users/repos/*any"
let node = tree.find("/users/repos/");
let res = node.unwrap();
assert_eq!(*res.0, 12);
assert_eq!(res.1, []);

## Benchmark

$ cargo bench

## Acknowledgements

It is inspired by the:

- [rax]
- [httprouter]
- [echo] router
- [trekjs] router

## License

Licensed under either of <a href="LICENSE-APACHE">Apache License, Version
2.0</a> or <a href="LICENSE-MIT">MIT license</a> at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall
be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

[radix tree]: