path-dsl 0.6.1

A utility DSL and macro to help deal with Paths and PathBufs.
use crate::{path, PathDSL};
use more_asserts::*;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::Arc;

macro_rules! dsl_test {
    ($(constructor: $constructor:path,)? $(converter: ($($conv:tt)+),)? $(self: ($($selfmod:tt)+),)? name: $id:ident) => {
        fn $id() {
            let mut first = $($constructor)?("ident");
            let second = $($($conv)+)?(first);
            let res_dsl = $($($selfmod)+)?PathDSL::new() / second / "my_file";

            let mut first = $($constructor)?("ident");
            let second = $($($conv)+)?(first);
            let res_macro = path!(second | "my_file");

            let mut real = PathBuf::new();

            assert_eq!(res_dsl, real);
            assert_eq!(res_macro, real);

macro_rules! owned_dsl_test {
    ($(constructor: $constructor:path,)? name: $name:ident) => {
        paste::item!(dsl_test!{$(constructor: $constructor,)? name: [<dsl_ $name>]});
        paste::item!(dsl_test!{$(constructor: $constructor,)? converter: (&), name: [<dsl_ $name _ref>]});
        paste::item!(dsl_test!{$(constructor: $constructor,)? converter: (&mut), name: [<dsl_ $name _ref_mut>]});

        paste::item!(dsl_test!{$(constructor: $constructor,)? self: (&), name: [<dsl_ref_ $name>]});
        paste::item!(dsl_test!{$(constructor: $constructor,)? converter: (&), self: (&), name: [<dsl_ref_ $name _ref>]});
        paste::item!(dsl_test!{$(constructor: $constructor,)? converter: (&mut), self: (&), name: [<dsl_ref_ $name _ref_mut>]});

        paste::item!(dsl_test!{$(constructor: $constructor,)? self: (&mut), name: [<dsl_ref_mut_ $name>]});
        paste::item!(dsl_test!{$(constructor: $constructor,)? converter: (&), self: (&mut), name: [<dsl_ref_mut_ $name _ref>]});
        paste::item!(dsl_test!{$(constructor: $constructor,)? converter: (&mut), self: (&mut), name: [<dsl_ref_mut_ $name _ref_mut>]});

owned_dsl_test!(constructor: OsStr::new, name: osstr);
owned_dsl_test!(constructor: OsString::from, name: osstring);
owned_dsl_test!(name: str);
owned_dsl_test!(constructor: String::from, name: string);
owned_dsl_test!(constructor: Path::new, name: path);
owned_dsl_test!(constructor: PathBuf::from, name: pathbuf);
owned_dsl_test!(constructor: PathDSL::from, name: dsl);
owned_dsl_test!(constructor: gen_box_path, name: box_path);
owned_dsl_test!(constructor: gen_cow_path, name: cow_path);
owned_dsl_test!(constructor: gen_cow_osstr, name: arc_osstr);

fn gen_box_path(p: &str) -> Box<Path> {
fn gen_cow_path(p: &str) -> Cow<'_, Path> {
fn gen_cow_osstr(p: &str) -> Cow<'_, OsStr> {

macro_rules! partial_ord_test {
    (owned, $lhs:expr, $rhs:expr) => {
        assert_le!($lhs, $rhs)
    (unowned, $lhs:expr, $rhs:expr) => {
        assert_le!($lhs, *$rhs)
    ($(constructor: $constructor:path,)? name: $name:ident, $ownage:tt) => {
            fn [<partial_ord_ $name>]() {
                let lhs = PathDSL::from("aaaaa");

                let mut first = $($constructor)?("zzzzz");

                partial_ord_test!($ownage, lhs, first);

partial_ord_test!(constructor: OsStr::new, name: osstr, unowned);
partial_ord_test!(constructor: OsString::from, name: osstring, owned);
partial_ord_test!(constructor: Path::new, name: path, unowned);
partial_ord_test!(constructor: PathBuf::from, name: pathbuf, owned);
partial_ord_test!(constructor: PathDSL::from, name: dsl, owned);
partial_ord_test!(constructor: gen_box_path, name: box_path, unowned);
partial_ord_test!(constructor: gen_cow_path, name: cow_path, owned);
partial_ord_test!(constructor: gen_cow_osstr, name: cow_osstr, owned);

macro_rules! from_test {
    ($(constructor: $constructor:path,)? name: $name:ident) => {
            fn [<from_ $name>]() {
                let mut first = $($constructor)?("test_path");

                let _p = PathDSL::from(first);

from_test!(constructor: OsStr::new, name: osstr);
from_test!(constructor: OsString::from, name: osstring);
from_test!(name: str);
from_test!(constructor: String::from, name: string);
from_test!(constructor: Path::new, name: path);
from_test!(constructor: PathBuf::from, name: pathbuf);
from_test!(constructor: PathDSL::from, name: dsl);
from_test!(constructor: gen_box_path, name: box_path);
from_test!(constructor: gen_cow_path, name: cow_path);
from_test!(constructor: gen_cow_osstr, name: cow_osstr);

macro_rules! into_test {
    (type: $type:ty, $(converter: ($($conv:tt)+),)? name: $name:ident) => {
            fn [<into_ $name>]() {
                let p = $($($conv)+)?(PathDSL::from("test_path"));
                let _t: $type = p.into();

into_test!(type: OsString, name: osstring);
into_test!(type: PathBuf, name: pathbuf);
into_test!(type: PathDSL, name: dsl);
into_test!(type: Box<Path>, name: box_path);
into_test!(type: Arc<Path>, name: arc_path);
into_test!(type: Rc<Path>, name: rc_path);
into_test!(type: Cow<'_, Path>, converter: (&), name: cow_path);
into_test!(type: Cow<'_, OsStr>, converter: (&), name: cow_osstr);