path-dsl 0.5.0

A utility DSL and macro to help deal with Paths and PathBufs.


DSL PathBuf Wrapper and Macro for easy creation of paths.

PathBuf (and Path) give us a cross platform way to handle paths, but when you are creating part a path, you often want to use a raw string or a formatted string to express that. While this is significantly more terse, it has cross platform issues because of the slash use in the string. Enter PathDSL.

Incorrect: String

This is an easy but incorrect way of creating a path.

use std::path::PathBuf;
// Fails on windows when put onto the end of an absolute path
let path = PathBuf::from("dir1/dir2/dir3/file.txt");

PathBuf API

This is a correct but extremely verbose and mutable way of creating a path. It is possible to mitigate the mutability by making a mutable path inside a block and then assigning the result of the block to an immutable variable, but that increases the amount of code.

use std::path::PathBuf;
let mut path = PathBuf::new();

PathDSL Macro

Compare with PathDSL's path! macro (note the use of | instead of / due to rust's macro rules). PathDSL is a drop-in replacement for PathBuf and is easily and cheaply convertible back and forth. This macro has a couple optimizations over just using the PathDSL class manually, described later. It is recommended to always use the macro when using the DSL.

use path_dsl::{path, PathDSL};
// Type annotation for illustration only, not needed
let path: PathDSL = path!("dir1" | "dir2" | "dir3" | "file.txt");


You can also generate a PathDSL directly, though this is discouraged.

use path_dsl::PathDSL;
let path = PathDSL::from("dir1") / "dir2" / "dir3" / "file.txt";

Adding Path-Like Structures

As well as using regular string literals, you can use anything that can be passed to PathBuf::push as a part of the DSL.

Note the borrow on other: as these types are not Copy, they will be moved into the path unless you borrow them. This matches behavior with PathBuf::push, but can be surprising when used in a infix expression.

use path_dsl::{path, PathDSL};

let other = PathBuf::from("some_dir");
let filename: &str = "my_file.txt";

let path = PathDSL::from("dir1") / "dir2" / &other / filename;
let mac  = path!("dir1" | "dir2" | other | filename);

Moving vs Borrowing

Both the macro and the DSL type behave the same with regard to borrowing vs moving. If a reference is provided, it will borrow the provided value. However, if a value is provided it will move it, making the value unusable afterwards. While these are the normal rules for rust, infix operators are normally used with Copy types, so this may be surprising.

Both mutable and immutable borrows are supported, though they will never actually mutate anything.

use path_dsl::{path, PathDSL};
# use std::path::PathBuf;

let value = PathBuf::from("some_dir");
let borrow: &str = "my_file.txt";

let path = PathDSL::new() / value / borrow;
let mac  = path!(value | borrow); // Will not compile because `value` was moved

You must manually borrow it:

use path_dsl::{path, PathDSL};

let value = PathBuf::from("some_dir");
let borrow: &str = "my_file.txt";

let path = PathDSL::new() / &value / borrow; // Borrow value so it can be used later
let mac  = path!(value | borrow); // Not used afterwards, so doesn't need a borrow

PathDSL <=> PathBuf

PathDSL is designed to be a drop-in replacement for PathBuf, including trivial conversions between the two. In any situation where you would be able to use PathBuf you can use PathDSL. However there are some situations where you must have a PathBuf. Obtaining it is trivial through dereferencing or through the PathDSL::into_pathbuf function.

PathDSL is #[repr(transparent)] over PathBuf and all functions are force-inlined so conversions and operations should be cost-free compared to the equivalent PathBuf operation. If they aren't, please file a bug.

Some known issues are:


use path_dsl::path;

let dsl = path!("file.txt");
let buf = PathBuf::from("file.txt");

assert!(dsl == buf);
// Must de-reference to PathBuf can't implement `Eq` for `PathBuf`
assert!(buf == *dsl);

Function Calls

use path_dsl::path;

fn func(p: PathBuf) {

let dsl = path!("file.txt");
let buf = PathBuf::from("file.txt");

// Must convert into `PathBuf`
// Dereferencing doesn't work because `func` moves.
// func(dsl.into()) also works

Macro Optimizations

As previously mentioned, the macro contains some optimizations over using raw PathDSL and should always be used over manually using PathDSL. These optimizations happen at compile time, and are guaranteed. Further details on these can be found on the path! macro documentation.

String Literal Concatenation:

While it is ill-advised to use string literals with slashes in a Path, The path! macro takes slashes into account, and automatically constructs a single string literal from multiple consecutive string literals. This can potentially save an allocation or two in the underlying OsString.

use path_dsl::path;

let p = path!("this" | "is" | "combined");
if cfg!(windows) {
    assert_eq!(p, PathBuf::from("this\\is\\combined"));
} else {
    assert_eq!(p, PathBuf::from("this/is/combined"));

First-Argument Optimization:

When the very first argument of the path! macro is a owning PathBuf, OsString or PathDSL passed by value (moved), instead of copying everything into a new PathDSL, it will just steal the buffer from that moved-in value. This allows you to use the path! macro fearlessly when appending to already existing variables.

use path_dsl::path;

let first = PathBuf::from("a_very_long_folder_name");
let p = path!(first); // Does not copy anything.

Known Issues

Due to my mitigation of a rustc bug there may be issues when renaming path_dsl crate and using the path! macro. I currently have not have experienced this, but if it happens, please report an issue and I'll add it to the documentation.

Why Use A Crate?

You may be wondering why you should use a crate for this when you can easily wrap PathBuf and add some Div implementations. This is basically what I thought as well until I actually went to go implement this crate. There is a surprising amount of very tedious and particular code to try to emulate PathBuf directly, as well as to test the functionality.

With this in mind, I have made path_dsl completely dependency free, choosing to lean on declarative macros over proc macros as to not depend on things like syn. Additionally, everything is contained within this one file, and I have added #[deny(unsafe_code)] for good measure. Hopefully this makes this crate light enough and easily-auditable enough to be an acceptable dependency.

License: MIT