pasts 0.12.0

Minimal and simpler alternative to the futures crate.
# Copyright © 2019-2022 The Pasts Contributors.
# Licensed under any of:
#  - Apache License, Version 2.0 (
#  - Boost Software License, Version 1.0 (
#  - MIT License (
# At your choosing (See accompanying files LICENSE_APACHE_2_0.txt,
# LICENSE_MIT.txt and LICENSE_BOOST_1_0.txt).

name = "pasts"
version = "0.12.0"
license = "Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0 OR MIT"
description = "Minimal and simpler alternative to the futures crate."
repository = ""
documentation = ""
homepage = ""
include = ["/src/**", "/gen-docs/**", "/examples/**", "/"]
keywords = ["futures", "platform-agnostic", "cross-platform", "io", "executor"]
categories = ["asynchronous", "embedded", "no-std", "rust-patterns", "wasm"]
readme = ""
edition = "2021"
autobins = false

version = "0.4"
optional = true

version = "0.1"
optional = true

async-std = "1.11"

# Target a no-std environment
no-std = ["dep:pin-utils"]

# Target the DOM via javascript APIs exposed by wasm-bindgen.
web = ["dep:wasm-bindgen-futures"]

members = [