passwords 0.3.0

This crate provides useful tools to generate multiple readable passwords, as well as analyze and score them.


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This crate provides useful tools to generate multiple readable passwords, as well as analyze and score them.

Generating Passwords

PasswordGenerator can be used for generating passwords which consist optional numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters and symbols.

extern crate passwords;

use passwords::PasswordGenerator;

let pg = PasswordGenerator {
       length: 8,
       numbers: true,
       lowercase_letters: true,
       uppercase_letters: true,
       symbols: true,
       strict: true,

println!("{}", pg.generate_one().unwrap());
println!("{:?}", pg.generate(5).unwrap());


To enable hashing functions, you need to enable the crypto feature.

version = "*"
features = ["crypto"]

Then, bcrypt, identify_bcrypt and gen_salt functions are available.

extern crate passwords;

let salt = passwords::gen_salt();
let hashed = passwords::bcrypt(10, &salt, "password").unwrap();
assert!(passwords::identify_bcrypt(10, &salt, "password", &hashed).unwrap());


The analyze function is analyzer module can be used to create a AnalyzedPassword instance which contains some information about the input password.

Typically, we don't want our readable password to contain control characters like BS, LF, CR, etc. Before the analyzer analyzes a password, it filters the password in order to remove its control characters. And after analyzing, the analyzer will return the filtered password. Therefore, you can use this analyzer as a password guard before you store the input password (or generally hash it first and then store) to your database.

extern crate passwords;

use passwords::analyzer;

let password = "ZYX[$BCkQB中文}%A_3456]  H(\rg";

let analyzed = analyzer::analyze(password);

assert_eq!("ZYX[$BCkQB中文}%A_3456]  H(g", analyzed.password()); // "\r" was filtered
assert_eq!(26, analyzed.length()); // Characters' length, instead of that of UTF-8 bytes
assert_eq!(2, analyzed.spaces_count()); // Two spaces between "]" and "H"
assert_eq!(4, analyzed.numbers_count()); // Numbers are "3456"
assert_eq!(2, analyzed.lowercase_letters_count()); // Lowercase letters are "k" and "g"
assert_eq!(9, analyzed.uppercase_letters_count()); // Uppercase letters are "ZYX", "BC", "QB", "A" and "H"
assert_eq!(7, analyzed.symbols_count()); // Symbols are "[$", "}%", "_", "]" and "("
assert_eq!(2, analyzed.other_characters_count()); // Other characters are "中文". These characters are usually not included on the rainbow table.
assert_eq!(2, analyzed.consecutive_count()); // Consecutive repeated characters are "  " (two spaces)
assert_eq!(2, analyzed.non_consecutive_count()); // Non-consecutive repeated characters are "B" (appears twice)
assert_eq!(7, analyzed.progressive_count()); // Progressive characters are "ZYX" and "3456". "BC" is not counted, because its length is only 2, not three or more.

You can also check whether a password is too simple and dangerous to use, by looking up a common passwords table. If you want to do that you need to enable the common-password feature.

version = "*"
features = ["common-password"]

Then, the is_common_password function in analyzer module and the is_common method of a AnalyzedPassword instance are available.

You should notice that after you enable the common-password feature, the time for compiling increases dramatically, because the common passwords table will be compiled into the executable binary file.


  • Scorer

