parser-combinators 0.5.0

Parser combinators based on the Haskell library parsec

parser-combinators Build Status

An implementation of (LL(1)) parser combinators for Rust, inspired by the Haskell library Parsec.

A parser combinators is, broadly speaking, a function which takes several parsers as arguments and returns a new parser, created by combining those parsers. For instance, the many parser takes one parser, p, as input and returns a new parser which applies p zero or more times.

The library is mostly stable but a few parts of the internals may still change. If you end up trying it I welcome any feedback from your experience with it.


extern crate parser_combinators;
use parser_combinators::{many, Parser};
use parser_combinators::char::letter;

let result = many(letter()).parse("hello world");
assert_eq!(result, Ok(("hello".to_string(), " world")));


Documentation and examples


There is an additional crate which has parsers to lex and parse programming languages in parser-combinators-language.