parsec-interface 0.29.1

Parsec interface library to communicate using the wire protocol
# parsec-interface-rs maintainers file
# This file lists the maintainers of the parallaxsecond/parsec-interface-rs
# project.
# Its structure is inspired from the maintainers files in the Docker Github
# repositories. Please see the MAINTAINERS file in docker/opensource for more
# information.


# Core maintainers of the project.

    people = [


# A reference list of all people associated with the project.

    Name = "Adam Parco"
    Email = ""
    GitHub = "adamparco"

    Name = "Sabree Blackmon"
    Email = ""
    GitHub = "heavypackets"

    Name = "Hugues de Valon"
    Email = ""
    GitHub = "hug-dev"

    Name = "Ionut Mihalcea"
    Email = ""
    GitHub = "ionut-arm"

    Name = "Justin Cormack"
    Email = ""
    GitHub = "justincormack"

    Name = "Paul Howard"
    Email = ""
    GitHub = "paulhowardarm"