parse_result 0.1.0

Add parse to Result

Add parse to Result

The core purpose of this library is to give better ergonomics to parsing from sources which could fail, e.g. reading stdin.

extern crate parse_result;
use parse_result::*;
use std::env;

fn main() {
    // It turns code like this:
    env::var("PORT").map(|s| s.parse().unwrap_or(3000)).unwrap_or(3000);

    // Into this:

    // Matching to find the specific failure
    match env::var("PORT").parse::<u32>() {
        Ok(port) => println!("Parsed port {} successfully!", port),
        Err(OriginalErr(e)) => panic!("Failed to get PORT from env: {}", e),
        Err(ParseFailure(e)) => panic!("Failed to parse PORT: {}", e),