parse-hyperlinks-extras 0.23.4

A Nom parser library for hyperlinks with markup.
//! Module providing iterators over the hyperlinks found in the input text.
//! Only HTML no other markup languages are parsed here.

use crate::parser::parse_html::take_img;
use crate::parser::parse_html::take_link;
use crate::parser::parse_html::take_text2dest;
use parse_hyperlinks::parser::Link;
use std::borrow::Cow;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// Iterator over the inline hyperlinks in the HTML formatted `input` text.
/// This struct holds the iterator's state as an advancing pointer into the `input` text.
/// The iterator's `next()` method returns a tuple with 2 tuples inside:
/// `Some(((input_split)(html_hyperlink_element)))`.
/// Each tuple has the following parts:
/// * `input_split = (skipped_characters, consumed_characters, remaining_characters)`
/// * `html_hyperlink_element = (text_text, link_destination, link_title)`
/// # Input split
/// ```
/// use parse_hyperlinks_extras::iterator_html::Hyperlink;
/// use std::borrow::Cow;
/// let i = "abc<a href=\"dest1\" title=\"title1\">text1</a>abc\n\
///          abc<a href=\"dest2\" title=\"title2\">text2</a>xyz";
/// let mut iter = Hyperlink::new(i);
/// assert_eq!(,
///            ("abc",
///             "<a href=\"dest1\" title=\"title1\">text1</a>",
///             "abc\nabc<a href=\"dest2\" title=\"title2\">text2</a>xyz")
///           );
/// assert_eq!(,
///            ("abc\nabc",
///             "<a href=\"dest2\" title=\"title2\">text2</a>",
///             "xyz")
///           );
/// assert_eq!(, None);
/// ```
/// # Link content
/// ## HTML
/// ```
/// use parse_hyperlinks_extras::iterator_html::Hyperlink;
/// use std::borrow::Cow;
/// let i = "abc<a href=\"dest1\" title=\"title1\">text1</a>abc\
///          abc<a href=\"dest2\" title=\"title2\">text2</a>abc";
/// let mut iter = Hyperlink::new(i);
/// assert_eq!(, (Cow::from("text1"), Cow::from("dest1"), Cow::from("title1")));
/// assert_eq!(, (Cow::from("text2"), Cow::from("dest2"), Cow::from("title2")));
/// assert_eq!(, None);
/// ```
pub struct Hyperlink<'a> {
    /// The remaining text input.
    input: &'a str,

/// Constructor for the `Hyperlink` struct.
impl<'a> Hyperlink<'a> {
    /// Constructor for the iterator. `input` is the text with inline images to be
    /// extracted.
    pub fn new(input: &'a str) -> Self {
        Self { input }

/// Iterator over the HTML inline images in the `input`-text.
/// The iterator's `next()` method returns a tuple with 2 tuples inside:
/// * `Some(((input_split)(link_content)))`
/// Each tuple has the following parts:
/// * `input_split = (skipped_characters, consumed_characters, remaining_characters)`
/// * `link_content = (link_text, link_destination, link_title)`
impl<'a> Iterator for Hyperlink<'a> {
    type Item = (
        (&'a str, &'a str, &'a str),
        (Cow<'a, str>, Cow<'a, str>, Cow<'a, str>),
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let mut output = None;

        if let Ok((remaining_input, (skipped, (link_text, link_dest, link_title)))) =
            let consumed = &self.input[skipped.len()..self.input.len() - remaining_input.len()];
            // Assigning output.
            output = Some((
                (skipped, consumed, remaining_input),
                (link_text, link_dest, link_title),
            debug_assert_eq!(self.input, {
                let mut s = "".to_string();
            self.input = remaining_input;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// Iterator over the inline images in the HTML formatted `input` text.
/// This struct holds the iterator's state, as an advancing pointer into the `input` text.  The
/// iterator's `next()` method returns a tuple with 2 tuples inside:
/// `Some(((input_split)(html_image_element)))`.
/// Each tuple has the following parts:
/// * `input_split = (skipped_characters, consumed_characters, remaining_characters)`
/// * `html_image_element = (img_src, img_alt)`
/// # Input split
/// ```
/// use parse_hyperlinks_extras::iterator_html::InlineImage;
/// use std::borrow::Cow;
/// let i = r#"abc<img src="dest1" alt="text1">efg<img src="dest2" alt="text2">hij"#;
/// let mut iter = InlineImage::new(i);
/// assert_eq!(, ("abc", r#"<img src="dest1" alt="text1">"#,
///       r#"efg<img src="dest2" alt="text2">hij"#));
/// assert_eq!(, ("efg", r#"<img src="dest2" alt="text2">"#,
///       "hij"));
/// assert_eq!(, None);
/// ```
/// # Link content
/// ## HTML
/// ```
/// use parse_hyperlinks_extras::iterator_html::InlineImage;
/// use std::borrow::Cow;
/// let i = r#"abc<img src="dest1" alt="text1">abc
/// abc<img src="dest2" alt="text2">abc
/// "#;
/// let mut iter = InlineImage::new(i);
/// assert_eq!(, (Cow::from("text1"), Cow::from("dest1")));
/// assert_eq!(, (Cow::from("text2"), Cow::from("dest2")));
/// assert_eq!(, None);
/// ```
pub struct InlineImage<'a> {
    /// The remaining text input.
    input: &'a str,

/// Constructor for the `Hyperlink` struct.
impl<'a> InlineImage<'a> {
    /// Constructor for the iterator. `input` is the text with inline images to be
    /// extracted.
    pub fn new(input: &'a str) -> Self {
        Self { input }

/// Iterator over the HTML inline images in the `input`-text.
/// The iterator's `next()` method returns a tuple with 2 tuples inside:
/// * `Some(((input_split)(link_content)))`
/// Each tuple has the following parts:
/// * `input_split = (skipped_characters, consumed_characters, remaining_characters)`
/// * `link_content = (image_alt, image_src)`
impl<'a> Iterator for InlineImage<'a> {
    type Item = ((&'a str, &'a str, &'a str), (Cow<'a, str>, Cow<'a, str>));
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let mut output = None;

        if let Ok((remaining_input, (skipped, (alt, src)))) = take_img(self.input) {
            let consumed = &self.input[skipped.len()..self.input.len() - remaining_input.len()];
            // Assigning output.
            output = Some(((skipped, consumed, remaining_input), (alt, src)));
            debug_assert_eq!(self.input, {
                let mut s = "".to_string();
            self.input = remaining_input;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// Iterator over the hyperlinks and inline images in the HTML formatted `input` text.
/// This struct holds the iterator's state, as an advancing pointer into the `input` text.  The
/// iterator's `next()` method returns a tuple with another tuples inside:
/// `Some(((input_split), destination))`.
/// The tuple has the following parts:
/// * `input_split = (skipped_characters, consumed_characters, remaining_characters)`
/// # Input split
/// ```
/// use parse_hyperlinks_extras::iterator_html::HyperlinkInlineImage;
/// use std::borrow::Cow;
/// let i = r#"abc<img src="dest1" alt="text1">abc
/// abc<a href="dest2" title="title2">text2</a>abc"#;
/// let mut iter = HyperlinkInlineImage::new(i);
/// assert_eq!(, ("abc",
///     r#"<img src="dest1" alt="text1">"#,
///     "abc\nabc<a href=\"dest2\" title=\"title2\">text2</a>abc"
///     ));
/// assert_eq!(, ("abc\nabc",
///     "<a href=\"dest2\" title=\"title2\">text2</a>",
///     "abc"
///     ));
/// assert_eq!(, None);
/// ```
/// # Link content
/// ## HTML
/// ```
/// use parse_hyperlinks_extras::iterator_html::HyperlinkInlineImage;
/// use std::borrow::Cow;
/// let i = r#"abc<img src="dest1" alt="text1">abc
/// abc<a href="dest2" title="title2">text2</a>abc"#;
/// let mut iter = HyperlinkInlineImage::new(i);
/// assert_eq!(, (Cow::from("dest1")));
/// assert_eq!(, (Cow::from("dest2")));
/// assert_eq!(, None);
/// ```
pub struct HyperlinkInlineImage<'a> {
    /// The remaining text input.
    input: &'a str,

/// Constructor for the `HyperlinkInlineImage` struct.
impl<'a> HyperlinkInlineImage<'a> {
    /// Constructor for the iterator. `input` is the text with hyperlinks and
    /// inline images to be extracted.
    pub fn new(input: &'a str) -> Self {
        Self { input }

/// Iterator over the HTML hyperlinks and inline images in the `input`-text.
/// The iterator's `next()` method returns a tuple with 2 tuples inside:
/// * `Some(((input_split)(link_content)))`
/// Each tuple has the following parts:
/// * `input_split = (skipped_characters, consumed_characters, remaining_characters)`
/// * `link_content = image_src` for inline images or `link_content = destination`
///   for hyperlinks.
impl<'a> Iterator for HyperlinkInlineImage<'a> {
    type Item = ((&'a str, &'a str, &'a str), Cow<'a, str>);
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let mut output = None;

        if let Ok((remaining_input, (skipped, img_link))) = take_link(self.input) {
            let dest = match img_link {
                Link::Text2Dest(_, d, _) => d,
                Link::Image(_, s) => s,
                _ => unimplemented!("take_link() should not return this variant"),

            let consumed = &self.input[skipped.len()..self.input.len() - remaining_input.len()];
            // Assigning output.
            output = Some(((skipped, consumed, remaining_input), dest));
            debug_assert_eq!(self.input, {
                let mut s = "".to_string();
            self.input = remaining_input;