parry2d 0.3.0

2 dimensional collision detection library in Rust.
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        <a href="">2D Documentation</a> | <a href="">3D Documentation</a> | <a href="">User Guide</a>


## What is Parry?

**Parry** is a set 2 and 3-dimensional geometric and collision detection libraries.
These libraries are `parry2d`, `parry3d`, `parry2d-f64`, and `parry3d-f64`. They are written with the Rust
programming language, by the [Dimforge]( organization. It is forever free
and open-source!

## Roadmap
This year, Parry does not have a dedicated roadmap. So our goal right now is to add
to Parry whatever is needed for our [Rapier]( physics engine to
complete its own [2021 roadmap](
We regularly give updates about our progress on [our blog](

## Resources and discussions
- [Dimforge] See all the open-source projects we are working on! Follow our announcements
  on our [blog]
- [User guide] (WIP) Learn to use Rapier in your project by reading the official User Guide.
- [Discord] Come chat with us, get help, suggest features, on Discord!

## Platinum sponsors
Parry is supported by:
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