parameterized 0.1.1

Procedural macro which allows you to define a test which can be run with multiple arguments. Test cases are defined using the 'parameterized' attribute instead of the 'test' attribute. This crate was inspired by JUnit's `@ParameterizedTest`.


Procedural macro which allows you to define a test to be run with multiple (optionally different) arguments. Test cases are defined using the 'parameterized' attribute instead of the 'test' attribute. This crate was inspired by JUnit @ParameterizedTest.


Example: Add5

fn add5<T: Into<u32>>(component: T) -> u32 {
    component.into() + 5

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use parameterized::parameterized;


    #[parameterized(input = {
        0, 1, 2
    }, expected = {
        5, 6, 7
    fn test_add5(input: u16, expected: u32) {
        assert_eq!(add5(input), expected);

Example: Fruits

enum Fruit {

trait NameOf {
    fn name_of(&self) -> &str;

impl NameOf for Fruit {
    fn name_of(&self) -> &str {
        match self {
            Fruit::Apple => "apple",
            Fruit::Bramble(fruit) => fruit.name_of(),
            Fruit::Pear => "pear",

enum BrambleFruit {

impl NameOf for BrambleFruit {
    fn name_of(&self) -> &str {
        match self {
            BrambleFruit::Blackberry => "blackberry",

mod tests {
    use parameterized::parameterized;

    #[parameterized(fruit = {
        Fruit::Apple, Fruit::Pear, Fruit::Bramble(BrambleFruit::Blackberry)
    }, name = {
        "apple", "pear", "blackberry"
    fn a_fruity_test(fruit: Fruit, name: &str) {
        assert_eq!(fruit.name_of(), name)

Additional examples can be found here (parameterized-examples repo) and in the tests folder.


If you prefer not to import this library with use parameterized::parameterized; in every test case, you can put the following snippet at the top of your crate root:

extern crate parameterized;

IDE 'run test' intent

IntelliJ IDEA recognizes test cases and provides context menu's which allow you to run tests within a certain scope (such as a module or a single test case). For example, in IntelliJ you can usually run individual test cases by clicking the ▶ icon in the gutter. Unfortunately, attribute macros are currently not expanded by intellij-rust. This means that the IDE will not recognize test cases generated as a result of attribute macros (such as the parameterized macro published by this crate). As a partial work around, you can create an empty test case which will mark the module as containing test cases and in the gutter you will find a ▶ icon next to the module. This allows you to run test cases per module. This crate provides a macro called ide!() which creates an empty test case for the above purpose.

Note: intellij-rust does expand declarative macro's (at least with the new macro engine which can be selected in the 'settings' menu), such as this ide! macro.

mod tests {
    use parameterized::parameterized as pm;
    use parameterized::ide;


    #[pm(input = { 2, 3, 4 }, output = { 4, 6, 8 })]
    fn test_add2(input: i32, output: i32) {
        let add2 = |receiver: i32| { receiver + 2 };

        assert_eq(add2(input), output);


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.