parallel-disk-usage 0.2.2

Highly parallelized, blazing fast directory tree analyzer
# Parallel Disk Usage (pdu)

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Highly parallelized, blazing fast directory tree analyzer.

## Description

`pdu` is a CLI program that renders a graphical chart for disk usages of files and directories, it is a replacement of [`dust`]( and [`dutree`](

Both `dust` (v0.5.4) and `dutree` (v0.12.5) do not utilize the parallel computing capability of Rust to improve performance.

## Benchmark

The benchmark was generated by [a GitHub Workflow]( and uploaded to the release page.

  <img src="">
  <figcaption align="center">
    benchmark <code>pdu</code> v0.0.0 against <code>dust</code>, <code>dutree</code>, and <code>du</code>
    <em>(lower is better)</em>

[_(See more)_](

## Demo


[![asciicast of pdu command](](

[![asciicast of pdu command on /usr](](

## Development

### Prerequisites

* [`cargo`]

### Test

./ && ./ --release

Environment Variables

| name          | type              | default value | description                                     |
| `FMT`         | `true` or `false` | `true`        | Whether to run `cargo fmt`                      |
| `LINT`        | `true` or `false` | `true`        | Whether to run `cargo clippy`                   |
| `BUILD`       | `true` or `false` | `true`        | Whether to run `cargo build`                    |
| `TEST`        | `true` or `false` | `true`        | Whether to run `cargo test`                     |
| `BUILD_FLAGS` | string            | _(empty)_     | Space-separated list of flags for `cargo build` |
| `TEST_FLAGS`  | string            | _(empty)_     | Space-separated list of flags for `cargo test`  |


### Run

./run pdu "${arguments[@]}"

* `"${arguments[@]}"`: List of arguments to pass to `pdu`.

### Update shell completion files


## Extending `parallel-disk-usage`

The [parallel-disk-usage crate]( is both a binary crate and a library crate. If you desire features that `pdu` itself lacks (that is, after you have asked the maintainer(s) of `pdu` for the features but they refused), you may use the library crate to build a tool of your own. The documentation for the library crate can be found in [](

## Installation

### Any Desktop OS

#### From GitHub

Go to the [GitHub Release Page]( and download a binary.

#### From []

  * [`cargo`]

cargo install parallel-disk-usage --bin pdu

### Arch Linux

#### From the [Arch User Repository]

  * An AUR helper, such as [`paru`]

paru -S parallel-disk-usage-bin

paru -S parallel-disk-usage

#### From [Khải's Pacman Repository]

Follow the [installation instruction]( then run the following command:

sudo pacman -S parallel-disk-usage

## Distributions

[![Packaging Status](](

## Similar programs

* **CLI:**
  * `du`
  * [`dust`]
  * [`dutree`]
  * [`dua`]
* **TUI:**
  * [`ncdu`]
  * [`gdu`]
  * [`godu`]
* **GUI:**
  * [GNOME's Disk Usage Analyzer, a.k.a. `baobab`]
  * Filelight

## License

[Apache 2.0]( © [Hoàng Văn Khải](