paper-terminal 0.2.0

Writes a file to a paper in your terminal. Especially if that file is Markdown.
paper {
  background-color: white;
  color: black;

shadow {
  background-color: 8;

li "prefix",
blockquote "prefix" {
  color: 8;
  dim: true;

rule {
  color: black;

strong {
  bold: true;

emphasis {
  italic: true;

strikethrough {
  strikethrough: true;

link {
  underline: true;

caption {
  underline: true;

h1 {
  bold: true;

h2 {
  bold: true;

h3 {
  bold: true;
  underline: true;

h4 {
  bold: true;
  underline: true;
  dim: true;

h5 {
  underline: true;

h6 {
  underline: true;
  dim: true;

code {
  background-color: black;
  color: white;

footnote-def, footnote-ref {
  color: 8;
  dim: true;

codeblock *,
codeblock * "prefix",
codeblock * "suffix", {
  background-color: black;
  color: white;

codeblock * "lang-tag" {
  color: white;
  dim: true;