panic 0.3.1

Humanized panic message wrapper


Panic messages for humans. Handles panics by calling std::panic::set_hook to make errors nice for humans. This is a fork of the original human-panic crate.

Custom message usage

use panic::setup_panic;

fn main() {
	 setup_panic! {
		  name: "Panic Wrapper",
		  short_name: "panic",
		  version: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"),
		  repository: "",
		  messages: {
				colors: (Color::Red, Color::White, Color::Green),
				head: "Well, this is embarrassing. %(name) v%(version) had a problem and crashed. \nTo help us diagnose the problem you can send us a crash report\n",
				body: "We have generated a report file at \"%(file_path)\". \nSubmit an issue or email with the subject of \"%(name) v%(version) crash report\" and include the report as an attachment at %(repository).\n",
				footer: "We take privacy seriously, and do not perform any automated error collection. \nIn order to improve the software, we rely on people to submit reports. Thank you!"

	 println!("A normal log message");

It only displays a human-friendly panic message in release mode unless feature only-release is disabled: