pallet-octopus-appchain 3.0.0-pre.0

FRAME pallet for joining the octopus network as an appchain.
pallet-octopus-appchain-3.0.0-pre.0 doesn't have any documentation.

Octopus Appchain Pallet Released API docs

This is a support component of Octopus Network.


With this pallet, a chain built from substrate can join octopus network as an appchain.

An appchain can rent security from motherchain on demand.



This pallet depend on CreateSignedTransaction.


This pallet depend on pallet_session.


Runtime Cargo.toml

To add this pallet to your runtime, simply include the following to your runtime's Cargo.toml file:

pallet-session = { default-features = false, version = '3.0.0' }
pallet-octopus-appchain = { default-features = false, git = '' }

and update your runtime's std feature to include this pallet:

std = [
    # --snip--


You should implement it's trait like so:

parameter_types! {
	pub const AppchainId: pallet_octopus_appchain::ChainId = 0;
	pub const Motherchain: pallet_octopus_appchain::MotherchainType = pallet_octopus_appchain::MotherchainType::NEAR;
	pub const GracePeriod: u32 = 5;
	pub const UnsignedPriority: u64 = 1 << 20;

impl pallet_octopus_appchain::Config for Runtime {
	type Event = Event;
	type AuthorityId = pallet_octopus_appchain::crypto::OctopusAuthId;
	type Call = Call;
	type AppchainId = AppchainId;
	type Motherchain = Motherchain;
	const RELAY_CONTRACT_NAME: &'static [u8] = b"dev-1616239154529-4812993";
	type GracePeriod = GracePeriod;
	type UnsignedPriority = UnsignedPriority;

and include it in your construct_runtime! macro:

OctopusAppchain: pallet_octopus_appchain::{Module, Call, Storage, Config<T>, Event<T>, ValidateUnsigned},

Genesis Configuration

See this commit of Barnacle for genesis configuration and other settings.

We will explain these configurations in detail later.

Reference Docs

You can view the reference docs for this pallet by running:

cargo doc --open