pact_ffi 0.4.0

Pact interface for foreign languages.
//! The `mock_server` module provides a number of exported functions using C bindings for
//! controlling a mock server. These can be used in any language that supports C bindings.
//! ## [create_mock_server](fn.create_mock_server_ffi.html)
//! External interface to create a mock server. A pointer to the pact JSON as a C string is passed in,
//! as well as the port for the mock server to run on. A value of 0 for the port will result in a
//! port being allocated by the operating system. The port of the mock server is returned.
//! ## [mock_server_matched](fn.mock_server_matched_ffi.html)
//! Simple function that returns a boolean value given the port number of the mock service. This value will be true if all
//! the expectations of the pact that the mock server was created with have been met. It will return false if any request did
//! not match, an un-recognised request was received or an expected request was not received.
//! ## [mock_server_mismatches](fn.mock_server_mismatches_ffi.html)
//! This returns all the mismatches, un-expected requests and missing requests in JSON format, given the port number of the
//! mock server.
//! **IMPORTANT NOTE:** The JSON string for the result is allocated on the Rust heap, and will have to be freed once the
//! code using the mock server is complete. The [`cleanup_mock_server`](fn.cleanup_mock_server.html) function is provided for this purpose.
//! If the mock server is not cleaned up properly, this will result in memory leaks as the Rust heap will not be reclaimed.
//! ## [cleanup_mock_server](fn.cleanup_mock_server.html)
//! This function will try terminate the mock server with the given port number and cleanup any memory allocated for it by
//! the [`mock_server_mismatches`](fn.mock_server_mismatches.html) function. Returns `true`, unless
//! a mock server with the given port number does not exist, or the function fails in some way.
//! **NOTE:** Although `close()` on the listener for the mock server is called, this does not currently work and the
//! listener will continue handling requests. In this case, it will always return a 501 once the mock server has been
//! cleaned up.
//! ## [write_pact_file](fn.write_pact_file.html)
//! External interface to trigger a mock server to write out its pact file. This function should
//! be called if all the consumer tests have passed. The directory to write the file to is passed
//! as the second parameter. If a NULL pointer is passed, the current working directory is used.
//! Returns 0 if the pact file was successfully written. Returns a positive code if the file can
//! not be written, or there is no mock server running on that port or the function panics.


use std::{ptr, str};
use std::any::Any;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::net::ToSocketAddrs;
use std::panic::catch_unwind;
use std::str::from_utf8;

use chrono::Local;
use either::Either;
use libc::c_char;
use onig::Regex;
use pact_models::pact::Pact;
use pact_models::time_utils::{parse_pattern, to_chrono_pattern};
use rand::prelude::*;
use serde_json::Value;
use tokio_rustls::rustls::ServerConfig;
use tracing::error;
use uuid::Uuid;

use pact_matching::logging::fetch_buffer_contents;
use pact_matching::metrics::{MetricEvent, send_metrics};
use pact_mock_server::{MANAGER, mock_server_mismatches, MockServerError, tls::TlsConfigBuilder, WritePactFileErr};
use pact_mock_server::mock_server::MockServerConfig;
use pact_mock_server::server_manager::ServerManager;

use crate::{convert_cstr, ffi_fn, safe_str};
use crate::mock_server::handles::{PactHandle, path_from_dir};
use crate::string::optional_str;

pub mod handles;
pub mod bodies;
mod xml;

/// [DEPRECATED] External interface to create a HTTP mock server. A pointer to the pact JSON as a NULL-terminated C
/// string is passed in, as well as the port for the mock server to run on. A value of 0 for the
/// port will result in a port being allocated by the operating system. The port of the mock server is returned.
/// * `pact_str` - Pact JSON
/// * `addr_str` - Address to bind to in the form name:port (i.e.
/// * `tls` - boolean flag to indicate of the mock server should use TLS (using a self-signed certificate)
/// This function is deprecated and replaced with `pactffi_create_mock_server_for_transport`.
/// # Errors
/// Errors are returned as negative values.
/// | Error | Description |
/// |-------|-------------|
/// | -1 | A null pointer was received |
/// | -2 | The pact JSON could not be parsed |
/// | -3 | The mock server could not be started |
/// | -4 | The method panicked |
/// | -5 | The address is not valid |
/// | -6 | Could not create the TLS configuration with the self-signed certificate |
#[deprecated(since = "0.1.7", note = "replaced with pactffi_create_mock_server_for_transport")]
pub extern fn pactffi_create_mock_server(pact_str: *const c_char, addr_str: *const c_char, tls: bool) -> i32 {
  let result = catch_unwind(|| {
    let c_str = unsafe {
      if pact_str.is_null() {
        log::error!("Got a null pointer instead of pact json");
        return -1;

    let addr_c_str = unsafe {
      if addr_str.is_null() {
        log::error!("Got a null pointer instead of listener address");
        return -1;

    let tls_config = match setup_tls_config(tls) {
      Ok(config) => config,
      Err(err) => return err

    if let Ok(Ok(addr)) = str::from_utf8(addr_c_str.to_bytes()).map(|s| s.parse::<std::net::SocketAddr>()) {
      let server_result = match tls_config {
        Some(tls_config) => pact_mock_server::create_tls_mock_server(str::from_utf8(c_str.to_bytes()).unwrap(), addr, &tls_config),
        None => pact_mock_server::create_mock_server(str::from_utf8(c_str.to_bytes()).unwrap(), addr)
      match server_result {
        Ok(ms_port) => ms_port,
        Err(err) => match err.downcast_ref::<MockServerError>() {
          Some(err) => match err {
            MockServerError::InvalidPactJson => -2,
            MockServerError::MockServerFailedToStart => -3
          None => -3
    else {

  match result {
    Ok(val) => val,
    Err(cause) => {
      log::error!("Caught a general panic: {:?}", cause);

/// Fetch the CA Certificate used to generate the self-signed certificate for the TLS mock server.
/// **NOTE:** The string for the result is allocated on the heap, and will have to be freed
/// by the caller using pactffi_string_delete.
/// # Errors
/// An empty string indicates an error reading the pem file.
pub extern fn pactffi_get_tls_ca_certificate() -> *mut c_char  {
  let cert_file = include_str!("ca.pem");
  let cert_str = CString::new(cert_file).unwrap_or_default();


/// [DEPRECATED] External interface to create a HTTP mock server. A Pact handle is passed in,
/// as well as the port for the mock server to run on. A value of 0 for the port will result in a
/// port being allocated by the operating system. The port of the mock server is returned.
/// * `pact` - Handle to a Pact model created with created with `pactffi_new_pact`.
/// * `addr_str` - Address to bind to in the form name:port (i.e. Must be a valid UTF-8 NULL-terminated string.
/// * `tls` - boolean flag to indicate of the mock server should use TLS (using a self-signed certificate)
/// This function is deprecated and replaced with `pactffi_create_mock_server_for_transport`.
/// # Errors
/// Errors are returned as negative values.
/// | Error | Description |
/// |-------|-------------|
/// | -1 | An invalid handle was received. Handles should be created with `pactffi_new_pact` |
/// | -3 | The mock server could not be started |
/// | -4 | The method panicked |
/// | -5 | The address is not valid |
/// | -6 | Could not create the TLS configuration with the self-signed certificate |
#[tracing::instrument(level = "trace")]
pub extern fn pactffi_create_mock_server_for_pact(pact: PactHandle, addr_str: *const c_char, tls: bool) -> i32 {
  let result = catch_unwind(|| {
    let addr_c_str = unsafe {
      if addr_str.is_null() {
        error!("Got a null pointer instead of listener address");
        return -5;

    let tls_config = match setup_tls_config(tls) {
      Ok(config) => config,
      Err(err) => return err

    if let Ok(Ok(addr)) = from_utf8(addr_c_str.to_bytes()).map(|s| s.parse::<std::net::SocketAddr>()) {
      pact.with_pact(&move |_, inner| {
        let config = MockServerConfig {
          cors_preflight: true,
          pact_specification: inner.specification_version,
          .. MockServerConfig::default()
        let server_result = match &tls_config {
          Some(tls_config) => pact_mock_server::start_tls_mock_server_with_config(
            Uuid::new_v4().to_string(), inner.pact.boxed(), addr, tls_config, config),
          None => pact_mock_server::start_mock_server_with_config(Uuid::new_v4().to_string(),
            inner.pact.boxed(), addr, config)
        match server_result {
          Ok(ms_port) => {
            inner.mock_server_started = true;
          Err(err) => {
            error!("Failed to start mock server - {}", err);
    else {

  match result {
    Ok(val) => val,
    Err(cause) => {
      error!("Caught a general panic: {:?}", cause);

fn setup_tls_config(tls: bool) -> Result<Option<ServerConfig>, i32> {
  if tls {
    let key = include_str!("self-signed.key");
    let cert = include_str!("self-signed.crt");
    match TlsConfigBuilder::new()
      .build() {
      Ok(tls_config) => Ok(Some(tls_config)),
      Err(err) => {
        error!("Failed to build TLS configuration - {}", err);
  } else {

ffi_fn! {
  /// Create a mock server for the provided Pact handle and transport. If the transport is not
  /// provided (it is a NULL pointer or an empty string), will default to an HTTP transport. The
  /// address is the interface bind to, and will default to the loopback adapter if not specified.
  /// Specifying a value of zero for the port will result in the operating system allocating the port.
  /// Parameters:
  /// * `pact` - Handle to a Pact model created with created with `pactffi_new_pact`.
  /// * `addr` - Address to bind to (i.e. `` or `[::1]`). Must be a valid UTF-8 NULL-terminated string, or NULL or empty, in which case the loopback adapter is used.
  /// * `port` - Port number to bind to. A value of zero will result in the operating system allocating an available port.
  /// * `transport` - The transport to use (i.e. http, https, grpc). Must be a valid UTF-8 NULL-terminated string, or NULL or empty, in which case http will be used.
  /// * `transport_config` - (OPTIONAL) Configuration for the transport as a valid JSON string. Set to NULL or empty if not required.
  /// The port of the mock server is returned.
  /// # Safety
  /// NULL pointers or empty strings can be passed in for the address, transport and transport_config,
  /// in which case a default value will be used. Passing in an invalid pointer will result in undefined behaviour.
  /// # Errors
  /// Errors are returned as negative values.
  /// | Error | Description |
  /// |-------|-------------|
  /// | -1 | An invalid handle was received. Handles should be created with `pactffi_new_pact` |
  /// | -2 | transport_config is not valid JSON |
  /// | -3 | The mock server could not be started |
  /// | -4 | The method panicked |
  /// | -5 | The address is not valid |
  #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace")]
  fn pactffi_create_mock_server_for_transport(
    pact: PactHandle,
    addr: *const c_char,
    port: u16,
    transport: *const c_char,
    transport_config: *const c_char
  ) -> i32 {
    let addr = safe_str!(addr);
    let transport = safe_str!(transport);

    let transport_config = match optional_str(transport_config).map(|config| str::parse::<Value>(config.as_str())) {
      None => Ok(None),
      Some(result) => match result {
        Ok(value) => Ok(Some(MockServerConfig::from_json(&value))),
        Err(err) => {
          error!("Failed to parse transport_config as JSON - {}", err);

    match transport_config {
      Ok(transport_config) => if let Ok(mut socket_addr) = (addr, port).to_socket_addrs() {
        // Seems ok to unwrap this here, as it doesn't make sense that to_socket_addrs will return
        // a success with an iterator that is empty
        let socket_addr =;
        pact.with_pact(&move |_, inner| {
          let transport_config = transport_config.clone();
          let config = MockServerConfig {
            pact_specification: inner.specification_version,
            .. transport_config.unwrap_or_default()

          match pact_mock_server::start_mock_server_for_transport(Uuid::new_v4().to_string(),
            inner.pact.boxed(), socket_addr, transport, config) {
            Ok(ms_port) => {
              inner.mock_server_started = true;
            Err(err) => {
              error!("Failed to start mock server - {}", err);
      } else {
        error!("Failed to parse '{}', {} as an address", addr, port);
      Err(err) => err
  } {

/// External interface to check if a mock server has matched all its requests. The port number is
/// passed in, and if all requests have been matched, true is returned. False is returned if there
/// is no mock server on the given port, or if any request has not been successfully matched, or
/// the method panics.
pub extern fn pactffi_mock_server_matched(mock_server_port: i32) -> bool {
  let result = catch_unwind(|| {

  match result {
    Ok(val) => val,
    Err(cause) => {
      error!("Caught a general panic: {:?}", cause);

/// External interface to get all the mismatches from a mock server. The port number of the mock
/// server is passed in, and a pointer to a C string with the mismatches in JSON format is
/// returned.
/// **NOTE:** The JSON string for the result is allocated on the heap, and will have to be freed
/// once the code using the mock server is complete. The [`cleanup_mock_server`](fn.cleanup_mock_server.html) function is
/// provided for this purpose.
/// # Errors
/// If there is no mock server with the provided port number, or the function panics, a NULL
/// pointer will be returned. Don't try to dereference it, it will not end well for you.
pub extern fn pactffi_mock_server_mismatches(mock_server_port: i32) -> *mut c_char {
  let result = catch_unwind(|| {
    let result = mock_server_mismatches(mock_server_port);
    match result {
      Some(str) => {
        let s = CString::new(str).unwrap();
        let p = s.as_ptr() as *mut _;
          .store_mock_server_resource(mock_server_port as u16, s);
      None => std::ptr::null_mut()

  match result {
    Ok(val) => val,
    Err(cause) => {
      error!("{}", error_message(cause, "mock_server_mismatches"));

/// External interface to cleanup a mock server. This function will try terminate the mock server
/// with the given port number and cleanup any memory allocated for it. Returns true, unless a
/// mock server with the given port number does not exist, or the function panics.
pub extern fn pactffi_cleanup_mock_server(mock_server_port: i32) -> bool {
  let result = catch_unwind(|| {
    let id = pact_mock_server::find_mock_server_by_port(mock_server_port as u16, &|_, id, mock_server| {
      let interactions = match mock_server {
        Either::Left(ms) => {
          let pact = ms.pact.lock().unwrap();
        Either::Right(ms) => ms.pact.interactions.len()
      send_metrics(MetricEvent::ConsumerTestRun {
        test_framework: "pact_ffi".to_string(),
        app_name: "pact_ffi".to_string(),
        app_version: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_string()
    if let Some(id) = id {
    } else {

  match result {
    Ok(val) => val,
    Err(cause) => {
      error!("Caught a general panic: {:?}", cause);

/// External interface to trigger a mock server to write out its pact file. This function should
/// be called if all the consumer tests have passed. The directory to write the file to is passed
/// as the second parameter. If a NULL pointer is passed, the current working directory is used.
/// If overwrite is true, the file will be overwritten with the contents of the current pact.
/// Otherwise, it will be merged with any existing pact file.
/// Returns 0 if the pact file was successfully written. Returns a positive code if the file can
/// not be written, or there is no mock server running on that port or the function panics.
/// # Errors
/// Errors are returned as positive values.
/// | Error | Description |
/// |-------|-------------|
/// | 1 | A general panic was caught |
/// | 2 | The pact file was not able to be written |
/// | 3 | A mock server with the provided port was not found |
pub extern fn pactffi_write_pact_file(mock_server_port: i32, directory: *const c_char, overwrite: bool) -> i32 {
  let result = catch_unwind(|| {
    let dir = path_from_dir(directory, None);
    let path =|path| path.into_os_string().into_string().unwrap_or_default());

    pact_mock_server::write_pact_file(mock_server_port, path, overwrite)

  match result {
    Ok(val) => match val {
      Ok(_) => 0,
      Err(err) => match err {
        WritePactFileErr::IOError => 2,
        WritePactFileErr::NoMockServer => 3
    Err(cause) => {
      log::error!("Caught a general panic: {:?}", cause);

/// Fetch the logs for the mock server. This needs the memory buffer log sink to be setup before
/// the mock server is started. Returned string will be freed with the `cleanup_mock_server`
/// function call.
/// Will return a NULL pointer if the logs for the mock server can not be retrieved.
pub extern fn pactffi_mock_server_logs(mock_server_port: i32) -> *const c_char {
  let result = catch_unwind(|| {
    let mut guard = MANAGER.lock().unwrap();
    let manager = guard.get_or_insert_with(ServerManager::new);
    let logs = manager.find_mock_server_by_port_mut(mock_server_port as u16, &|mock_server| {
    match logs {
      Some(bytes) => {
        match from_utf8(&bytes) {
          Ok(contents) => match CString::new(contents.to_string()) {
            Ok(c_str) => {
              let p = c_str.as_ptr();
              manager.store_mock_server_resource(mock_server_port as u16, c_str);
            Err(err) => {
              error!("Failed to copy in-memory log buffer - {}", err);
          Err(err) => {
            error!("Failed to convert in-memory log buffer to UTF-8 = {}", err);
      None => {
        error!("No mock server found for port {}", mock_server_port);

  match result {
    Ok(val) => val,
    Err(cause) => {
      error!("Caught a general panic: {:?}", cause);

fn error_message(err: Box<dyn Any>, method: &str) -> String {
  if let Some(err) = err.downcast_ref::<&str>() {
    format!("{} failed with an error - {}", method, err)
  } else if let Some(err) = err.downcast_ref::<String>() {
    format!("{} failed with an error - {}", method, err)
  } else {
    format!("{} failed with an unknown error", method)

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
/// Result of wrapping a string value
pub enum StringResult {
  /// Was generated OK
  Ok(*mut c_char),
  /// There was an error generating the string
  Failed(*mut c_char)

/// Generates a datetime value from the provided format string, using the current system date and time
/// NOTE: The memory for the returned string needs to be freed with the `pactffi_string_delete` function
/// # Safety
/// If the format string pointer is NULL or has invalid UTF-8 characters, an error result will be
/// returned. If the format string pointer is not a valid pointer or is not a NULL-terminated string,
/// this will lead to undefined behaviour.
pub unsafe extern fn pactffi_generate_datetime_string(format: *const c_char) -> StringResult {
  if format.is_null() {
    let error = CString::new("generate_datetime_string: format is NULL").unwrap();
  } else {
    let c_str = CStr::from_ptr(format);
    match c_str.to_str() {
      Ok(s) => match parse_pattern(s) {
        Ok(pattern_tokens) => {
          let result = Local::now().format(to_chrono_pattern(&pattern_tokens).as_str()).to_string();
          let result_str = CString::new(result.as_str()).unwrap();
        Err(err) => {
          let error = format!("Error parsing '{}': {:?}", s, err);
          let error_str = CString::new(error.as_str()).unwrap();
      Err(err) => {
        let error = format!("generate_datetime_string: format is not a valid UTF-8 string: {:?}", err);
        let error_str = CString::new(error.as_str()).unwrap();

/// Checks that the example string matches the given regex.
/// # Safety
/// Both the regex and example pointers must be valid pointers to NULL-terminated strings. Invalid
/// pointers will result in undefined behaviour.
pub unsafe extern fn pactffi_check_regex(regex: *const c_char, example: *const c_char) -> bool {
  if regex.is_null() {
  } else {
    let c_str = CStr::from_ptr(regex);
    match c_str.to_str() {
      Ok(regex) => {
        let example = convert_cstr("example", example).unwrap_or_default();
        match Regex::new(regex) {
          Ok(re) => re.is_match(example),
          Err(err) => {
            error!("check_regex: '{}' is not a valid regular expression - {}", regex, err);
      Err(err) => {
        error!("check_regex: regex is not a valid UTF-8 string: {:?}", err);

/// Generates an example string based on the provided regex.
pub fn generate_regex_value_internal(regex: &str) -> Result<String, String> {
  let mut parser = regex_syntax::ParserBuilder::new().unicode(false).build();
  match parser.parse(regex) {
    Ok(hir) => {
      let mut rnd = rand::thread_rng();
      let gen = rand_regex::Regex::with_hir(hir, 20).unwrap();
      let result: String = rnd.sample(gen);
    Err(err) => {
      let error = format!("generate_regex_value: '{}' is not a valid regular expression - {}", regex, err);

/// Generates an example string based on the provided regex.
/// NOTE: The memory for the returned string needs to be freed with the `pactffi_string_delete` function.
/// # Safety
/// The regex pointer must be a valid pointer to a NULL-terminated string. Invalid pointers will
/// result in undefined behaviour.
pub unsafe extern fn pactffi_generate_regex_value(regex: *const c_char) -> StringResult {
  if regex.is_null() {
    let error = CString::new("generate_regex_value: regex is NULL").unwrap();
  } else {
    let c_str = CStr::from_ptr(regex);
    match c_str.to_str() {
      Ok(regex) => match generate_regex_value_internal(regex) {
        Ok(val) => {
          let result_str = CString::new(val.as_str()).unwrap();
        Err(err) => {
          let error = CString::new(err).unwrap();
      Err(err) => {
        let error = CString::new(format!("generate_regex_value: regex is not a valid UTF-8 string: {:?}", err)).unwrap();

/// [DEPRECATED] Frees the memory allocated to a string by another function
/// This function is deprecated. Use `pactffi_string_delete` instead.
/// # Safety
/// The string pointer can be NULL (which is a no-op), but if it is not a valid pointer the call
/// will result in undefined behaviour.
#[deprecated(since = "0.1.0", note = "Use pactffi_string_delete instead")]
pub unsafe extern fn pactffi_free_string(s: *mut c_char) {
  if s.is_null() {