pact_ffi 0.4.0

Pact interface for foreign languages.
//! Handle interface wrapping Rust models for use via FFI calls.
//! Example of setting up a Pact, starting a mock server and then sending requests to the mock
//! server:
//! ```
//! use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
//! use expectest::prelude::*;
//! use reqwest::blocking::Client;
//! use pact_ffi::mock_server::handles::{
//!   InteractionPart,
//!   pactffi_new_interaction,
//!   pactffi_new_pact,
//!   pactffi_response_status,
//!   pactffi_upon_receiving,
//!   pactffi_with_body,
//!   pactffi_with_header,
//!   pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2,
//!   pactffi_with_request
//! };
//! use pact_ffi::mock_server::{
//!   pactffi_cleanup_mock_server,
//!   pactffi_create_mock_server_for_pact,
//!   pactffi_mock_server_mismatches,
//!   pactffi_write_pact_file
//! };
//! let consumer_name = CString::new("http-consumer").unwrap();
//! let provider_name = CString::new("http-provider").unwrap();
//! let pact_handle = pactffi_new_pact(consumer_name.as_ptr(), provider_name.as_ptr());
//! let description = CString::new("request_with_matchers").unwrap();
//! let interaction = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle.clone(), description.as_ptr());
//! let special_header = CString::new("My-Special-Content-Type").unwrap();
//! let content_type = CString::new("Content-Type").unwrap();
//! let authorization = CString::new("Authorization").unwrap();
//! let path_matcher = CString::new("{\"value\":\"/request/1234\",\"pact:matcher:type\":\"regex\", \"regex\":\"\\/request\\/[0-9]+\"}").unwrap();
//! let value_header_with_matcher = CString::new("{\"value\":\"application/json\",\"pact:matcher:type\":\"dummy\"}").unwrap();
//! let auth_header_with_matcher = CString::new("{\"value\":\"Bearer 1234\",\"pact:matcher:type\":\"regex\", \"regex\":\"Bearer [0-9]+\"}").unwrap();
//! let query_param_matcher = CString::new("{\"value\":\"bar\",\"pact:matcher:type\":\"regex\", \"regex\":\"(bar|baz|bat)\"}").unwrap();
//! let request_body_with_matchers = CString::new("{\"id\": {\"value\":1,\"pact:matcher:type\":\"type\"}}").unwrap();
//! let response_body_with_matchers = CString::new("{\"created\": {\"value\":\"maybe\",\"pact:matcher:type\":\"regex\", \"regex\":\"(yes|no|maybe)\"}}").unwrap();
//! let address = CString::new("").unwrap();
//! let file_path = CString::new("/tmp/pact").unwrap();
//! let description = CString::new("a request to test the FFI interface").unwrap();
//! let method = CString::new("POST").unwrap();
//! let query =  CString::new("foo").unwrap();
//! let header = CString::new("application/json").unwrap();
//! // Setup the request
//! pactffi_upon_receiving(interaction.clone(), description.as_ptr());
//! pactffi_with_request(interaction.clone(), method  .as_ptr(), path_matcher.as_ptr());
//! pactffi_with_header(interaction.clone(), InteractionPart::Request, content_type.as_ptr(), 0, value_header_with_matcher.as_ptr());
//! pactffi_with_header(interaction.clone(), InteractionPart::Request, authorization.as_ptr(), 0, auth_header_with_matcher.as_ptr());
//! pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2(interaction.clone(), query.as_ptr(), 0, query_param_matcher.as_ptr());
//! pactffi_with_body(interaction.clone(), InteractionPart::Request, header.as_ptr(), request_body_with_matchers.as_ptr());
//! // will respond with...
//! pactffi_with_header(interaction.clone(), InteractionPart::Response, content_type.as_ptr(), 0, value_header_with_matcher.as_ptr());
//! pactffi_with_header(interaction.clone(), InteractionPart::Response, special_header.as_ptr(), 0, value_header_with_matcher.as_ptr());
//! pactffi_with_body(interaction.clone(), InteractionPart::Response, header.as_ptr(), response_body_with_matchers.as_ptr());
//! pactffi_response_status(interaction.clone(), 200);
//! // Start the mock server
//! let port = pactffi_create_mock_server_for_pact(pact_handle.clone(), address.as_ptr(), false);
//! expect!(port).to(be_greater_than(0));
//! // Mock server has started, we can't now modify the pact
//! expect!(pactffi_upon_receiving(interaction.clone(), description.as_ptr())).to(be_false());
//! // Interact with the mock server
//! let client = Client::default();
//! let result =!("{}/request/9999?foo=baz", port).as_str())
//!   .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
//!   .header("Authorization", "Bearer 9999")
//!   .body(r#"{"id": 7}"#)
//!   .send();
//! match result {
//!   Ok(res) => {
//!     expect!(res.status()).to(be_eq(200));
//!     expect!(res.headers().get("My-Special-Content-Type").unwrap()).to(be_eq("application/json"));
//!     let json: serde_json::Value = res.json().unwrap_or_default();
//!     expect!(json.get("created").unwrap().as_str().unwrap()).to(be_eq("maybe"));
//!   }
//!   Err(_) => {
//!     panic!("expected 200 response but request failed");
//!   }
//! };
//! let mismatches = unsafe {
//!   CStr::from_ptr(pactffi_mock_server_mismatches(port)).to_string_lossy().into_owned()
//! };
//! // Write out the pact file, then clean up the mock server
//! pactffi_write_pact_file(port, file_path.as_ptr(), true);
//! pactffi_cleanup_mock_server(port);
//! // Should be no mismatches
//! expect!(mismatches).to(be_equal_to("[]"));
//! ```

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::ptr::null_mut;
use std::str::from_utf8;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

use anyhow::anyhow;
use bytes::Bytes;
use either::Either;
use itertools::Itertools;
use lazy_static::*;
use libc::{c_char, c_uint, c_ushort, size_t};
use maplit::*;
use pact_models::{Consumer, PactSpecification, Provider};
use pact_models::bodies::OptionalBody;
use pact_models::content_types::{ContentType, JSON, TEXT, XML};
use pact_models::generators::{Generator, GeneratorCategory, Generators};
use pact_models::http_parts::HttpPart;
use pact_models::interaction::Interaction;
use pact_models::json_utils::json_to_string;
use pact_models::matchingrules::{Category, MatchingRule, MatchingRuleCategory, MatchingRules, RuleLogic};
use pact_models::pact::{ReadWritePact, write_pact};
use pact_models::path_exp::DocPath;
use pact_models::prelude::Pact;
use pact_models::prelude::v4::V4Pact;
use pact_models::provider_states::ProviderState;
use pact_models::v4::async_message::AsynchronousMessage;
use pact_models::v4::interaction::V4Interaction;
use pact_models::v4::message_parts::MessageContents;
use pact_models::v4::sync_message::SynchronousMessage;
use pact_models::v4::synch_http::SynchronousHttp;
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use tracing::*;

use crate::{convert_cstr, ffi_fn, safe_str};
use crate::mock_server::{StringResult, xml};
use crate::mock_server::bodies::{
use crate::models::iterators::{PactMessageIterator, PactSyncMessageIterator, PactSyncHttpIterator};
use crate::ptr;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// Pact handle inner struct
/// cbindgen:ignore
pub struct PactHandleInner {
  pub(crate) pact: V4Pact,
  pub(crate) mock_server_started: bool,
  pub(crate) specification_version: PactSpecification

lazy_static! {
  static ref PACT_HANDLES: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<u16, RefCell<PactHandleInner>>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(hashmap![]));

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
/// Wraps a Pact model struct
pub struct PactHandle {
  /// Pact reference
  pact_ref: u16

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
/// Wraps a Pact model struct
pub struct InteractionHandle {
  /// Interaction reference
  interaction_ref: u32

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
/// Request or Response enum
pub enum InteractionPart {
  /// Request part
  /// Response part

impl PactHandle {
  /// Creates a new handle to a Pact model
  pub fn new(consumer: &str, provider: &str) -> Self {
    let mut handles = PACT_HANDLES.lock().unwrap();

    let keys: HashSet<&u16> = handles.keys().collect();
    let mut id: u16 = 1;
    while keys.contains(&id) {
      id = id + 1;

    let mut pact = V4Pact {
      consumer: Consumer { name: consumer.to_string() },
      provider: Provider { name: provider.to_string() },
    pact.add_md_version("ffi", option_env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").unwrap_or("unknown"));
    handles.insert(id, RefCell::new(PactHandleInner {
      mock_server_started: false,
      specification_version: PactSpecification::V3
    PactHandle {
      pact_ref: id

  /// Invokes the closure with the inner Pact model
  pub(crate) fn with_pact<R>(&self, f: &dyn Fn(u16, &mut PactHandleInner) -> R) -> Option<R> {
    let mut handles = PACT_HANDLES.lock().unwrap();
    trace!("with_pact - ref = {}, keys = {:?}", self.pact_ref, handles.keys());
    handles.get_mut(&self.pact_ref).map(|inner| {
      trace!("with_pact before - ref = {}, inner = {:?}", self.pact_ref, inner);
      let result = f(self.pact_ref - 1, &mut inner.borrow_mut());
      trace!("with_pact after - ref = {}, inner = {:?}", self.pact_ref, inner);

impl InteractionHandle {
  /// Creates a new handle to an Interaction
  pub fn new(pact: PactHandle, interaction: u16) -> InteractionHandle {
    let mut index = pact.pact_ref as u32;
    index = index << 16;
    index = index + interaction as u32;
    InteractionHandle {
      interaction_ref: index

  /// Invokes the closure with the inner Pact model
  pub fn with_pact<R>(&self, f: &dyn Fn(u16, &mut PactHandleInner) -> R) -> Option<R> {
    let mut handles = PACT_HANDLES.lock().unwrap();
    let index = (self.interaction_ref >> 16) as u16;
    handles.get_mut(&index).map(|inner| f(index - 1, &mut inner.borrow_mut()))

  /// Invokes the closure with the inner Interaction model
  pub fn with_interaction<R>(&self, f: &dyn Fn(u16, bool, &mut dyn V4Interaction) -> R) -> Option<R> {
    let mut handles = PACT_HANDLES.lock().unwrap();
    let index = (self.interaction_ref >> 16) as u16;
    let interaction = (self.interaction_ref & 0x0000FFFF) as u16;

    trace!("with_interaction - index = {}, interaction = {}", index, interaction);
    trace!("with_interaction - keys = {:?}", handles.keys());

    handles.get_mut(&index).map(|inner| {
      let inner_mut = &mut *inner.borrow_mut();
      trace!("with_interaction - inner = {:?}", inner_mut);
      let interactions = &mut inner_mut.pact.interactions;
      match interactions.get_mut((interaction - 1) as usize) {
        Some(inner_i) => {
          Some(f(interaction - 1, inner_mut.mock_server_started, inner_i.as_mut()))
        None => {
          debug!("Did not find interaction for index = {}, interaction = {}, pact has {} interactions",
            index, interaction, interactions.len());

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
/// Wraps a Pact model struct
pub struct MessagePactHandle {
  /// Pact reference
  pact_ref: u16

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
/// Wraps a Pact model struct
pub struct MessageHandle {
  /// Interaction reference
  interaction_ref: u32

impl MessagePactHandle {
  /// Creates a new handle to a Pact model
  pub fn new(consumer: &str, provider: &str) -> Self {
    let mut handles = PACT_HANDLES.lock().unwrap();
    let id = (handles.len() + 1) as u16;
    let mut pact = V4Pact {
      consumer: Consumer { name: consumer.to_string() },
      provider: Provider { name: provider.to_string() },
    pact.add_md_version("ffi", option_env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").unwrap_or("unknown"));
    handles.insert(id, RefCell::new(PactHandleInner {
      mock_server_started: false,
      specification_version: PactSpecification::V3
    MessagePactHandle {
      pact_ref: id

  /// Invokes the closure with the inner model
  pub fn with_pact<R>(&self, f: &dyn Fn(u16, &mut V4Pact, PactSpecification) -> R) -> Option<R> {
    let mut handles = PACT_HANDLES.lock().unwrap();
    handles.get_mut(&self.pact_ref).map(|inner| {
      let mut ref_mut = inner.borrow_mut();
      let specification = ref_mut.specification_version;
      f(self.pact_ref - 1, &mut ref_mut.pact, specification)

impl MessageHandle {
  /// Creates a new handle to a message
  pub fn new(pact: MessagePactHandle, message: u16) -> MessageHandle {
    let mut index = pact.pact_ref as u32;
    index = index << 16;
    index = index + message as u32;
    MessageHandle {
      interaction_ref: index

  /// Creates a new handle to a message
  pub fn new_v4(pact: PactHandle, message: usize) -> MessageHandle {
    let mut index = pact.pact_ref as u32;
    index = index << 16;
    index = index + message as u32;
    MessageHandle {
      interaction_ref: index

  /// Invokes the closure with the inner model
  pub fn with_pact<R>(&self, f: &dyn Fn(u16, &mut V4Pact, PactSpecification) -> R) -> Option<R> {
    let mut handles = PACT_HANDLES.lock().unwrap();
    let index = self.interaction_ref as u16;
    handles.get_mut(&index).map(|inner| {
      let mut ref_mut = inner.borrow_mut();
      let specification = ref_mut.specification_version;
      f(index - 1, & mut ref_mut.pact, specification)

  /// Invokes the closure with the inner Interaction model
  pub fn with_message<R>(&self, f: &dyn Fn(u16, &mut dyn V4Interaction, PactSpecification) -> R) -> Option<R> {
    let mut handles = PACT_HANDLES.lock().unwrap();
    let index = (self.interaction_ref >> 16) as u16;
    let interaction = self.interaction_ref as u16;
    handles.get_mut(&index).map(|inner| {
      let mut ref_mut = inner.borrow_mut();
      let specification = ref_mut.specification_version;
      ref_mut.pact.interactions.get_mut((interaction - 1) as usize)
        .map(|inner_i| {
          if inner_i.is_message() {
            Some(f(interaction - 1, inner_i.as_mut(), specification))
          } else {
            error!("Interaction {:#x} is not a message interaction, it is {}", self.interaction_ref, inner_i.type_of());

/// Creates a new Pact model and returns a handle to it.
/// * `consumer_name` - The name of the consumer for the pact.
/// * `provider_name` - The name of the provider for the pact.
/// Returns a new `PactHandle`. The handle will need to be freed with the `pactffi_free_pact_handle`
/// method to release its resources.
pub extern fn pactffi_new_pact(consumer_name: *const c_char, provider_name: *const c_char) -> PactHandle {
  let consumer = convert_cstr("consumer_name", consumer_name).unwrap_or("Consumer");
  let provider = convert_cstr("provider_name", provider_name).unwrap_or("Provider");
  PactHandle::new(consumer, provider)

/// Creates a new HTTP Interaction and returns a handle to it.
/// * `description` - The interaction description. It needs to be unique for each interaction.
/// Returns a new `InteractionHandle`.
pub extern fn pactffi_new_interaction(pact: PactHandle, description: *const c_char) -> InteractionHandle {
  if let Some(description) = convert_cstr("description", description) {
    pact.with_pact(&|_, inner| {
      let interaction = SynchronousHttp {
        description: description.to_string(),
      InteractionHandle::new(pact, inner.pact.interactions.len() as u16)
    }).unwrap_or_else(|| InteractionHandle::new(pact, 0))
  } else {
    InteractionHandle::new(pact, 0)

/// Creates a new message interaction and return a handle to it
/// * `description` - The interaction description. It needs to be unique for each interaction.
/// Returns a new `InteractionHandle`.
pub extern fn pactffi_new_message_interaction(pact: PactHandle, description: *const c_char) -> InteractionHandle {
  if let Some(description) = convert_cstr("description", description) {
    pact.with_pact(&|_, inner| {
      let interaction = AsynchronousMessage {
        description: description.to_string(),
      InteractionHandle::new(pact, inner.pact.interactions.len() as u16)
    }).unwrap_or_else(|| InteractionHandle::new(pact, 0))
  } else {
    InteractionHandle::new(pact, 0)

/// Creates a new synchronous message interaction (request/response) and return a handle to it
/// * `description` - The interaction description. It needs to be unique for each interaction.
/// Returns a new `InteractionHandle`.
pub extern fn pactffi_new_sync_message_interaction(pact: PactHandle, description: *const c_char) -> InteractionHandle {
  if let Some(description) = convert_cstr("description", description) {
    pact.with_pact(&|_, inner| {
      let interaction = SynchronousMessage {
        description: description.to_string(),
      InteractionHandle::new(pact, inner.pact.interactions.len() as u16)
    }).unwrap_or_else(|| InteractionHandle::new(pact, 0))
  } else {
    InteractionHandle::new(pact, 0)

/// Sets the description for the Interaction. Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be
/// modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)
/// * `description` - The interaction description. It needs to be unique for each interaction.
pub extern fn pactffi_upon_receiving(interaction: InteractionHandle, description: *const c_char) -> bool {
  if let Some(description) = convert_cstr("description", description) {
    interaction.with_interaction(&|_, mock_server_started, inner| {
  } else {

/// Adds a provider state to the Interaction. Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be
/// modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)
/// * `description` - The provider state description. It needs to be unique.
pub extern fn pactffi_given(interaction: InteractionHandle, description: *const c_char) -> bool {
  if let Some(description) = convert_cstr("description", description) {
    interaction.with_interaction(&|_, mock_server_started, inner| {
  } else {

ffi_fn! {
    /// Sets the test name annotation for the interaction. This allows capturing the name of
    /// the test as metadata. This can only be used with V4 interactions.
    /// # Safety
    /// The test name parameter must be a valid pointer to a NULL terminated string.
    /// # Error Handling
    /// If the test name can not be set, this will return a positive value.
    /// * `1` - Function panicked. Error message will be available by calling `pactffi_get_error_message`.
    /// * `2` - Handle was not valid.
    /// * `3` - Mock server was already started and the integration can not be modified.
    /// * `4` - Not a V4 interaction.
    fn pactffi_interaction_test_name(interaction: InteractionHandle, test_name: *const c_char) -> c_uint {
      let test_name = safe_str!(test_name);
      interaction.with_interaction(&|_, started, inner| {
        if !started {
          if let Some(i) = inner.as_v4_mut() {
            i.comments_mut().insert("testname".to_string(), json!(test_name));
          } else {
        } else {
    } {

/// Adds a provider state to the Interaction with a parameter key and value. Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be
/// modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)
/// * `description` - The provider state description. It needs to be unique.
/// * `name` - Parameter name.
/// * `value` - Parameter value.
pub extern fn pactffi_given_with_param(interaction: InteractionHandle, description: *const c_char,
                                       name: *const c_char, value: *const c_char) -> bool {
  if let Some(description) = convert_cstr("description", description) {
    if let Some(name) = convert_cstr("name", name) {
      let value = convert_cstr("value", value).unwrap_or_default();
      interaction.with_interaction(&|_, mock_server_started, inner| {
        let value = match serde_json::from_str(value) {
          Ok(json) => json,
          Err(_) => json!(value)
        match inner.provider_states().iter().find_position(|state| == description) {
          Some((index, _)) => {
            inner.provider_states_mut().get_mut(index).unwrap().params.insert(name.to_string(), value);
          None => inner.provider_states_mut().push(ProviderState {
            name: description.to_string(),
            params: hashmap!{ name.to_string() => value }
    } else {
  } else {

/// Configures the request for the Interaction. Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be
/// modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)
/// * `method` - The request method. Defaults to GET.
/// * `path` - The request path. Defaults to `/`.
/// To include matching rules for the path (only regex really makes sense to use), include the
/// matching rule JSON format with the value as a single JSON document. I.e.
/// ```c
/// const char* value = "{\"value\":\"/path/to/100\", \"pact:matcher:type\":\"regex\", \"regex\":\"\\/path\\/to\\/\\\\d+\"}";
/// pactffi_with_request(handle, "GET", value);
/// ```
/// See [](
pub extern fn pactffi_with_request(
  interaction: InteractionHandle,
  method: *const c_char,
  path: *const c_char
) -> bool {
  let method = convert_cstr("method", method).unwrap_or("GET");
  let path = convert_cstr("path", path).unwrap_or("/");

  interaction.with_interaction(&|_, mock_server_started, inner| {
    if let Some(reqres) = inner.as_v4_http_mut() {
      let path = from_integration_json_v2(&mut reqres.request.matching_rules,
        &mut reqres.request.generators, &path.to_string(), DocPath::empty(), "path", 0);
      reqres.request.method = method.to_string();
      reqres.request.path = match path {
        Either::Left(value) => value,
        Either::Right(values) => {
          warn!("Received multiple values for the path ({:?}), will only use the first one", values);
    } else {
      error!("Interaction is not an HTTP interaction, is {}", inner.type_of());

/// Configures a query parameter for the Interaction. Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be
/// modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)
/// * `name` - the query parameter name.
/// * `value` - the query parameter value.
/// * `index` - the index of the value (starts at 0). You can use this to create a query parameter with multiple values
/// **DEPRECATED:** Use `pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2`, which deals with multiple values correctly
pub extern fn pactffi_with_query_parameter(
  interaction: InteractionHandle,
  name: *const c_char,
  index: size_t,
  value: *const c_char
) -> bool {
  if let Some(name) = convert_cstr("name", name) {
    let value = convert_cstr("value", value).unwrap_or_default();
    interaction.with_interaction(&|_, mock_server_started, inner| {
      if let Some(reqres) = inner.as_v4_http_mut() {
        reqres.request.query = reqres.request.query.clone().map(|mut q| {
          let mut path = DocPath::root();
          let value = from_integration_json(&mut reqres.request.matching_rules, &mut reqres.request.generators, &value.to_string(), path, "query");
          if q.contains_key(name) {
            let values = q.get_mut(name).unwrap();
            if index >= values.len() {
              values.resize_with(index + 1, Default::default);
            values[index] = value;
          } else {
            let mut values: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
            values.resize_with(index + 1, Default::default);
            values[index] = value;
            q.insert(name.to_string(), values);
        }).or_else(|| {
          let mut path = DocPath::root();
          let value = from_integration_json(&mut reqres.request.matching_rules, &mut reqres.request.generators, &value.to_string(), path, "query");
          let mut values: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
          values.resize_with(index + 1, Default::default);
          values[index] = value;
          Some(hashmap! { name.to_string() => values })
      } else {
        error!("Interaction is not an HTTP interaction, is {}", inner.type_of());
  } else {
    warn!("Ignoring query parameter with empty or null name");

/// Configures a query parameter for the Interaction. Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be
/// modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)
/// * `name` - the query parameter name.
/// * `value` - the query parameter value. Either a simple string or a JSON document.
/// * `index` - the index of the value (starts at 0). You can use this to create a query parameter with multiple values
/// To setup a query parameter with multiple values, you can either call this function multiple times
/// with a different index value, i.e. to create `id=2&id=3`
/// ```c
/// pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "id", 0, "2");
/// pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "id", 1, "3");
/// ```
/// Or you can call it once with a JSON value that contains multiple values:
/// ```c
/// const char* value = "{\"value\": [\"2\",\"3\"]}";
/// pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "id", 0, value);
/// ```
/// To include matching rules for the query parameter, include the matching rule JSON format with
/// the value as a single JSON document. I.e.
/// ```c
/// const char* value = "{\"value\":\"2\", \"pact:matcher:type\":\"regex\", \"regex\":\"\\\\d+\"}";
/// pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "id", 0, value);
/// ```
/// See [](
/// # Safety
/// The name and value parameters must be valid pointers to NULL terminated strings.
/// ```
pub extern fn pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2(
  interaction: InteractionHandle,
  name: *const c_char,
  index: size_t,
  value: *const c_char
) -> bool {
  if let Some(name) = convert_cstr("name", name) {
    let value = convert_cstr("value", value).unwrap_or_default();
    interaction.with_interaction(&|_, mock_server_started, inner| {
      if let Some(reqres) = inner.as_v4_http_mut() {
        let mut path = DocPath::root();

        let value = from_integration_json_v2(
          &mut reqres.request.matching_rules,
          &mut reqres.request.generators,
        match value {
          Either::Left(value) => {
            reqres.request.query = update_query_map(index, name, reqres, &value);
          Either::Right(values) => if index == 0 {
            reqres.request.query = reqres.request.query.clone().map(|mut q| {
              if q.contains_key(name) {
                let vec = q.get_mut(name).unwrap();
              } else {
                q.insert(name.to_string(), values.clone());
            }).or_else(|| Some(hashmap! { name.to_string() => values }))
          } else {
            reqres.request.query = update_query_map(index, name, reqres, &values.first().cloned().unwrap_or_default());
      } else {
        error!("Interaction is not an HTTP interaction, is {}", inner.type_of());
  } else {
    warn!("Ignoring query parameter with empty or null name");

fn update_query_map(index: size_t, name: &str, reqres: &mut SynchronousHttp, value: &String) -> Option<HashMap<String, Vec<String>>> {
  reqres.request.query.clone().map(|mut q| {
    if q.contains_key(name) {
      let values = q.get_mut(name).unwrap();
      if index >= values.len() {
        values.resize_with(index + 1, Default::default);
      values[index] = value.clone();
    } else {
      let mut values: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
      values.resize_with(index + 1, Default::default);
      values[index] = value.clone();
      q.insert(name.to_string(), values);
  }).or_else(|| {
    let mut values: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
    values.resize_with(index + 1, Default::default);
    values[index] = value.clone();
    Some(hashmap! { name.to_string() => values })

/// Convert JSON matching rule structures into their internal representation (excl. bodies)
/// For non-body values (headers, query, path etc.) extract out the value from any matchers
/// and apply the matchers/generators to the model.
/// Will either return a single value, or a vector if the JSON represents multiple values.
fn from_integration_json(
  rules: &mut MatchingRules,
  generators: &mut Generators,
  value: &str,
  path: DocPath,
  category: &str,
) -> String {
  let category = rules.add_category(category);

  match serde_json::from_str(value) {
    Ok(json) => match json {
      Value::Object(ref map) => {
        let json: Value = process_object(map, category, generators, path, false);
        // These are simple JSON primitives (strings), so we must unescape them
      _ => value.to_string()
    Err(_) => value.to_string()

/// Convert JSON matching rule structures into their internal representation (excl. bodies)
/// For non-body values (headers, query, path etc.) extract out the value from any matchers
/// and apply the matchers/generators to the model.
/// Will either return a single value, or a vector if the JSON represents multiple values.
fn from_integration_json_v2(
  rules: &mut MatchingRules,
  generators: &mut Generators,
  value: &str,
  path: DocPath,
  category: &str,
  index: usize
) -> Either<String, Vec<String>> {
  let matching_rules = rules.add_category(category);
  let mut path = path.clone();

  match serde_json::from_str(value) {
    Ok(json) => match json {
      Value::Object(ref map) => {
        let result = if map.contains_key("pact:matcher:type") {
          debug!("detected pact:matcher:type, will configure a matcher");
          let matching_rule = matcher_from_integration_json(map);
          trace!("matching_rule = {matching_rule:?}");

          let (path, result_value) = match map.get("value") {
            Some(val) => match val {
              Value::Array(array) => {
                let array = process_array(&array, matching_rules, generators, path.clone(), true, false);
                (path.clone(), array)
              _ => (path.push_index(index).clone(), val.clone())
            None => (path.push_index(index).clone(), Value::Null)

          if let Some(rule) = &matching_rule {
            let path = if == Category::PATH {
            } else {
            matching_rules.add_rule(path, rule.clone(), RuleLogic::And);
          if let Some(gen) = map.get("pact:generator:type") {
            debug!("detected pact:generator:type, will configure a generators");
            if let Some(generator) = Generator::from_map(&json_to_string(gen), map) {
              let category = match {
                Category::BODY => &GeneratorCategory::BODY,
                Category::HEADER => &GeneratorCategory::HEADER,
                Category::PATH => &GeneratorCategory::PATH,
                Category::QUERY => &GeneratorCategory::QUERY,
                _ => {
                  warn!("invalid generator category {} provided, defaulting to body",;
              let path = if == Category::PATH {
              } else {
              generators.add_generator_with_subcategory(category, path.clone(), generator);

        } else {
          debug!("Configuring a normal value using the 'value' attribute");
        match result {
          Value::Array(values) => Either::Right(values.iter().map(|v| json_to_string(v)).collect()),
          _ => {
            // These are simple JSON primitives (strings), so we must unescape them
      _ => Either::Left(value.to_string())
    Err(_) => Either::Left(value.to_string())

pub(crate) fn process_xml(body: String, matching_rules: &mut MatchingRuleCategory, generators: &mut Generators) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
  match serde_json::from_str(&body) {
    Ok(json) => match json {
      Value::Object(ref map) => xml::generate_xml_body(map, matching_rules, generators),
      _ => Err(format!("JSON document is invalid (expected an Object), have {}", json))
    Err(err) => Err(format!("Failed to parse XML builder document: {}", err))

/// Sets the specification version for a given Pact model. Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be
/// modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started) or the version is invalid.
/// * `pact` - Handle to a Pact model
/// * `version` - the spec version to use
pub extern fn pactffi_with_specification(pact: PactHandle, version: PactSpecification) -> bool {
  pact.with_pact(&|_, inner| {
    inner.specification_version = version.into();

/// Sets the additional metadata on the Pact file. Common uses are to add the client library details such as the name and version
/// Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)
/// * `pact` - Handle to a Pact model
/// * `namespace` - the top level metadat key to set any key values on
/// * `name` - the key to set
/// * `value` - the value to set
pub extern fn pactffi_with_pact_metadata(
  pact: PactHandle,
  namespace: *const c_char,
  name: *const c_char,
  value: *const c_char
) -> bool {
  pact.with_pact(&|_, inner| {
    let namespace = convert_cstr("namespace", namespace).unwrap_or_default();
    let name = convert_cstr("name", name).unwrap_or_default();
    let value = convert_cstr("value", value).unwrap_or_default();

    if !namespace.is_empty() {
      inner.pact.metadata.insert(namespace.to_string(), json!({ name: value }));
    } else {
      warn!("no namespace provided for metadata {:?} => {:?}. Ignoring", name, value);

/// Configures a header for the Interaction. Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be
/// modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)
/// * `part` - The part of the interaction to add the header to (Request or Response).
/// * `name` - the header name.
/// * `value` - the header value.
/// * `index` - the index of the value (starts at 0). You can use this to create a header with multiple values
/// **DEPRECATED:** Use `pactffi_with_header_v2`, which deals with multiple values correctly
pub extern fn pactffi_with_header(
  interaction: InteractionHandle,
  part: InteractionPart,
  name: *const c_char,
  index: size_t,
  value: *const c_char
) -> bool {
  if let Some(name) = convert_cstr("name", name) {
    let value = convert_cstr("value", value).unwrap_or_default();
    interaction.with_interaction(&|_, mock_server_started, inner| {
      if let Some(reqres) = inner.as_v4_http_mut() {
        let headers = match part {
          InteractionPart::Request => reqres.request.headers.clone(),
          InteractionPart::Response => reqres.response.headers.clone()

        let mut path = DocPath::root();

        let value = match part {
          InteractionPart::Request => from_integration_json(
            &mut reqres.request.matching_rules,
            &mut reqres.request.generators,
          InteractionPart::Response => from_integration_json(
            &mut reqres.response.matching_rules,
            &mut reqres.response.generators,

        let updated_headers =|mut h| {
          if h.contains_key(name) {
            let values = h.get_mut(name).unwrap();
            if index >= values.len() {
              values.resize_with(index + 1, Default::default);
            values[index] = value.to_string();
          } else {
            let mut values: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
            values.resize_with(index + 1, Default::default);
            values[index] = value.to_string();
            h.insert(name.to_string(), values);
        }).or_else(|| {
          let mut values: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
          values.resize_with(index + 1, Default::default);
          values[index] = value.to_string();
          Some(hashmap! { name.to_string() => values })
        match part {
          InteractionPart::Request => reqres.request.headers = updated_headers,
          InteractionPart::Response => reqres.response.headers = updated_headers
      } else {
        error!("Interaction is not an HTTP interaction, is {}", inner.type_of());
  } else {
    warn!("Ignoring header with empty or null name");

/// Configures a header for the Interaction. Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be
/// modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)
/// * `part` - The part of the interaction to add the header to (Request or Response).
/// * `name` - the header name.
/// * `value` - the header value.
/// * `index` - the index of the value (starts at 0). You can use this to create a header with multiple values
/// To setup a header with multiple values, you can either call this function multiple times
/// with a different index value, i.e. to create `x-id=2, 3`
/// ```c
/// pactffi_with_header_v2(handle, InteractionPart::Request, "x-id", 0, "2");
/// pactffi_with_header_v2(handle, InteractionPart::Request, "x-id", 1, "3");
/// ```
/// Or you can call it once with a JSON value that contains multiple values:
/// ```c
/// const char* value = "{\"value\": [\"2\",\"3\"]}";
/// pactffi_with_header_v2(handle, InteractionPart::Request, "x-id", 0, value);
/// ```
/// To include matching rules for the header, include the matching rule JSON format with
/// the value as a single JSON document. I.e.
/// ```c
/// const char* value = "{\"value\":\"2\", \"pact:matcher:type\":\"regex\", \"regex\":\"\\\\d+\"}";
/// pactffi_with_header_v2(handle, InteractionPart::Request, "id", 0, value);
/// ```
/// See [](
/// # Safety
/// The name and value parameters must be valid pointers to NULL terminated strings.
pub extern fn pactffi_with_header_v2(
  interaction: InteractionHandle,
  part: InteractionPart,
  name: *const c_char,
  index: size_t,
  value: *const c_char
) -> bool {
  if let Some(name) = convert_cstr("name", name) {
    let value = convert_cstr("value", value).unwrap_or_default();
    interaction.with_interaction(&|_, mock_server_started, inner| {
      if let Some(reqres) = inner.as_v4_http_mut() {
        let headers = match part {
          InteractionPart::Request => reqres.request.headers.clone(),
          InteractionPart::Response => reqres.response.headers.clone()

        let mut path = DocPath::root();

        let value = match part {
          InteractionPart::Request => from_integration_json_v2(
            &mut reqres.request.matching_rules,
            &mut reqres.request.generators,
          InteractionPart::Response => from_integration_json_v2(
            &mut reqres.response.matching_rules,
            &mut reqres.response.generators,

        let updated_headers =|mut h| {
          let entry = h.entry(name.to_string()).or_default();
          match &value {
            Either::Left(value) => {
              if index >= entry.len() {
                entry.resize_with(index + 1, Default::default);
              entry[index] = value.clone();
            Either::Right(values) => {
        }).or_else(|| {
          let values = match &value {
            Either::Left(value) => vec![value.clone()],
            Either::Right(values) => values.clone()
          Some(hashmap! { name.to_string() => values })

        match part {
          InteractionPart::Request => reqres.request.headers = updated_headers,
          InteractionPart::Response => reqres.response.headers = updated_headers
      } else {
        error!("Interaction is not an HTTP interaction, is {}", inner.type_of());
  } else {
    warn!("Ignoring header with empty or null name");

/// Configures the response for the Interaction. Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be
/// modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)
/// * `status` - the response status. Defaults to 200.
pub extern fn pactffi_response_status(interaction: InteractionHandle, status: c_ushort) -> bool {
  interaction.with_interaction(&|_, mock_server_started, inner| {
    if let Some(reqres) = inner.as_v4_http_mut() {
      reqres.response.status = status;
    } else {
      error!("Interaction is not an HTTP interaction, is {}", inner.type_of());

/// Adds the body for the interaction. Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be
/// modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)
/// * `part` - The part of the interaction to add the body to (Request or Response).
/// * `content_type` - The content type of the body. Defaults to `text/plain`. Will be ignored if a content type
///   header is already set.
/// * `body` - The body contents. For JSON payloads, matching rules can be embedded in the body. See
/// [](
/// For HTTP and async message interactions, this will overwrite the body. With asynchronous messages, the
/// part parameter will be ignored. With synchronous messages, the request contents will be overwritten,
/// while a new response will be appended to the message.
/// # Safety
/// The interaction contents and content type must either be NULL pointers, or point to valid
/// UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Otherwise, behaviour is undefined.
/// # Error Handling
/// If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the body contents as null. If the content
/// type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the content type as TEXT.
/// Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for it has
/// already started) or an error has occurred.
pub extern fn pactffi_with_body(
  interaction: InteractionHandle,
  part: InteractionPart,
  content_type: *const c_char,
  body: *const c_char
) -> bool {
  let content_type = convert_cstr("content_type", content_type).unwrap_or("text/plain");
  let body = convert_cstr("body", body).unwrap_or_default();
  let content_type_header = "Content-Type".to_string();

  interaction.with_interaction(&|_, mock_server_started, inner| {
    if let Some(reqres) = inner.as_v4_http_mut() {
      match part {
        InteractionPart::Request => {
          if !reqres.request.has_header(&content_type_header) {
            match reqres.request.headers {
              Some(ref mut headers) => {
                headers.insert(content_type_header.clone(), vec![content_type.to_string()]);
              None => {
                reqres.request.headers = Some(hashmap! { content_type_header.clone() => vec![ content_type.to_string() ]});
          let body = if reqres.request.content_type().unwrap_or_default().is_json() {
            let category = reqres.request.matching_rules.add_category("body");
            OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(process_json(body.to_string(), category, &mut reqres.request.generators)),
                                  Some(ContentType::parse(content_type).unwrap()), None)
          } else if reqres.request.content_type().unwrap_or_default().is_xml() {
            let category = reqres.request.matching_rules.add_category("body");
            OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(process_xml(body.to_string(), category, &mut reqres.request.generators).unwrap_or(vec![])),
                                  Some(XML.clone()), None)
          } else {
          reqres.request.body = body;
        InteractionPart::Response => {
          if !reqres.response.has_header(&content_type_header) {
            match reqres.response.headers {
              Some(ref mut headers) => {
                headers.insert(content_type_header.clone(), vec![content_type.to_string()]);
              None => {
                reqres.response.headers = Some(hashmap! { content_type_header.clone() => vec![ content_type.to_string() ]});
          let body = if reqres.response.content_type().unwrap_or_default().is_json() {
            let category = reqres.response.matching_rules.add_category("body");
            OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(process_json(body.to_string(), category, &mut reqres.response.generators)),
                                  Some(JSON.clone()), None)
          } else if reqres.response.content_type().unwrap_or_default().is_xml() {
            let category = reqres.response.matching_rules.add_category("body");
            OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(process_xml(body.to_string(), category, &mut reqres.response.generators).unwrap_or(vec![])),
                                  Some(XML.clone()), None)
          } else {
          reqres.response.body = body;
    } else if let Some(message) = inner.as_v4_async_message_mut() {
      let ct = ContentType::parse(content_type).unwrap_or_else(|_| TEXT.clone());
      let body = if ct.is_json() {
        let category = message.contents.matching_rules.add_category("body");
        OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(process_json(body.to_string(), category, &mut message.contents.generators)),
                              Some(JSON.clone()), None)
      } else if ct.is_xml() {
        let category = message.contents.matching_rules.add_category("body");
        OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(process_xml(body.to_string(), category, &mut message.contents.generators).unwrap_or(vec![])),
                              Some(XML.clone()), None)
      } else {
      message.contents.contents = body;
      message.contents.metadata.insert("contentType".to_string(), json!(content_type));
    } else if let Some(message) = inner.as_v4_sync_message_mut() {
      let ct = ContentType::parse(content_type).unwrap_or_else(|_| TEXT.clone());
      match part {
        InteractionPart::Request => {
          let category = message.request.matching_rules.add_category("body");
          let body = if ct.is_json() {
            OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(process_json(body.to_string(), category, &mut message.request.generators)),
                                  Some(JSON.clone()), None)
          } else if ct.is_xml() {
            OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(process_xml(body.to_string(), category, &mut message.request.generators).unwrap_or(vec![])),
                                  Some(XML.clone()), None)
          } else {
          message.request.contents = body;
          message.request.metadata.insert("contentType".to_string(), json!(content_type));
        InteractionPart::Response => {
          let mut response = MessageContents::default();
          let category = response.matching_rules.add_category("body");
          let body = if ct.is_json() {
            OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(process_json(body.to_string(), category, &mut response.generators)),
                                  Some(JSON.clone()), None)
          } else if ct.is_xml() {
            OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(process_xml(body.to_string(), category, &mut response.generators).unwrap_or(vec![])),
                                  Some(XML.clone()), None)
          } else {
          response.contents = body;
          response.metadata.insert("contentType".to_string(), json!(content_type));
    } else {
      error!("Interaction is an unknown type, is {}", inner.type_of());

/// Adds a binary file as the body with the expected content type and example contents. Will use
/// a mime type matcher to match the body. Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be
/// modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)
/// * `interaction` - Interaction handle to set the body for.
/// * `part` - Request or response part.
/// * `content_type` - Expected content type.
/// * `body` - example body contents in bytes
/// * `size` - number of bytes in the body
/// For HTTP and async message interactions, this will overwrite the body. With asynchronous messages, the
/// part parameter will be ignored. With synchronous messages, the request contents will be overwritten,
/// while a new response will be appended to the message.
/// # Safety
/// The content type must be a valid UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated string. The body pointer must
/// be valid for reads of `size` bytes, and it must be properly aligned and consecutive.
/// # Error Handling
/// If the body is a NULL pointer, it will set the body contents as null. If the content
/// type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will return false.
/// Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for it has
/// already started) or an error has occurred.
pub extern fn pactffi_with_binary_file(
  interaction: InteractionHandle,
  part: InteractionPart,
  content_type: *const c_char,
  body: *const u8,
  size: size_t
) -> bool {
  let content_type_header = "Content-Type".to_string();
  match convert_cstr("content_type", content_type) {
    Some(content_type) => {
      interaction.with_interaction(&|_, mock_server_started, inner| {
        if let Some(reqres) = inner.as_v4_http_mut() {
          match part {
            InteractionPart::Request => {
              reqres.request.body = convert_ptr_to_body(body, size);
              if !reqres.request.has_header(&content_type_header) {
                match reqres.request.headers {
                  Some(ref mut headers) => {
                    headers.insert(content_type_header.clone(), vec![content_type.to_string()]);
                  None => {
                    reqres.request.headers = Some(hashmap! { content_type_header.clone() => vec![content_type.to_string()]});
                DocPath::root(), MatchingRule::ContentType(content_type.into()), RuleLogic::And);
            InteractionPart::Response => {
              reqres.response.body = convert_ptr_to_body(body, size);
              if !reqres.response.has_header(&content_type_header) {
                match reqres.response.headers {
                  Some(ref mut headers) => {
                    headers.insert(content_type_header.clone(), vec![content_type.to_string()]);
                  None => {
                    reqres.response.headers = Some(hashmap! { content_type_header.clone() => vec![content_type.to_string()]});
                DocPath::root(), MatchingRule::ContentType(content_type.into()), RuleLogic::And);
        } else if let Some(message) = inner.as_v4_async_message_mut() {
          message.contents.contents = convert_ptr_to_body(body, size);
            DocPath::root(), MatchingRule::ContentType(content_type.into()), RuleLogic::And);
          message.contents.metadata.insert("contentType".to_string(), json!(content_type));
        } else if let Some(sync_message) = inner.as_v4_sync_message_mut() {
          match part {
            InteractionPart::Request => {
              sync_message.request.contents = convert_ptr_to_body(body, size);
                DocPath::root(), MatchingRule::ContentType(content_type.into()), RuleLogic::And);
              sync_message.request.metadata.insert("contentType".to_string(), json!(content_type));
            InteractionPart::Response => {
              let mut response = MessageContents::default();
              response.contents = convert_ptr_to_body(body, size);
                DocPath::root(), MatchingRule::ContentType(content_type.into()), RuleLogic::And);
              response.metadata.insert("contentType".to_string(), json!(content_type));
        } else {
          error!("Interaction is an unknown type, is {}", inner.type_of());
    None => {
      error!("with_binary_file: Content type value is not valid (NULL or non-UTF-8)");

/// Adds a binary file as the body as a MIME multipart with the expected content type and example contents. Will use
/// a mime type matcher to match the body. Returns an error if the interaction or Pact can't be
/// modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started) or an error occurs.
/// * `interaction` - Interaction handle to set the body for.
/// * `part` - Request or response part.
/// * `content_type` - Expected content type of the file.
/// * `file` - path to the example file
/// * `part_name` - name for the mime part
/// # Safety
/// The content type, file path and part name must be valid pointers to UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings.
/// Passing invalid pointers or pointers to strings that are not NULL terminated will lead to undefined
/// behaviour.
/// # Error Handling
/// If the file path is a NULL pointer, it will set the body contents as as an empty mime-part.
/// If the file path does not point to a valid file, or is not able to be read, it will return an
/// error result. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will return an error result.
/// Returns an error if the interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for it has
/// already started), the interaction is not an HTTP interaction or some other error occurs.
pub extern fn pactffi_with_multipart_file(
  interaction: InteractionHandle,
  part: InteractionPart,
  content_type: *const c_char,
  file: *const c_char,
  part_name: *const c_char
) -> StringResult {
  let part_name = convert_cstr("part_name", part_name).unwrap_or("file");
  match convert_cstr("content_type", content_type) {
    Some(content_type) => {
      let result = interaction.with_interaction(&|_, mock_server_started, inner| {
        match convert_ptr_to_mime_part_body(file, part_name) {
          Ok(body) => {
            if let Some(reqres) = inner.as_v4_http_mut() {
              match part {
                InteractionPart::Request => request_multipart(&mut reqres.request, &body.boundary, body.body, content_type, part_name),
                InteractionPart::Response => response_multipart(&mut reqres.response, &body.boundary, body.body, content_type, part_name)
              if mock_server_started {
                Err("with_multipart_file: This Pact can not be modified, as the mock server has already started".to_string())
              } else {
            } else {
              error!("Interaction is not an HTTP interaction, is {}", inner.type_of());
              Err(format!("with_multipart_file: Interaction is not an HTTP interaction, is {}", inner.type_of()))
          Err(err) => Err(format!("with_multipart_file: failed to generate multipart body - {}", err))
      match result {
        Some(inner_result) => match inner_result {
          Ok(_) => StringResult::Ok(null_mut()),
          Err(err) => {
            let error = CString::new(err).unwrap();
        None => {
          let error = CString::new("with_multipart_file: Interaction handle is invalid").unwrap();
    None => {
      error!("with_multipart_file: Content type value is not valid (NULL or non-UTF-8)");
      let error = CString::new("with_multipart_file: Content type value is not valid (NULL or non-UTF-8)").unwrap();

fn convert_ptr_to_body(body: *const u8, size: size_t) -> OptionalBody {
  if body.is_null() {
  } else if size == 0 {
  } else {
    OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(body, size) }), None, None)

fn convert_ptr_to_mime_part_body(file: *const c_char, part_name: &str) -> Result<MultipartBody, String> {
  if file.is_null() {
  } else {
    let c_str = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(file) };
    let file = match c_str.to_str() {
      Ok(str) => Ok(str),
      Err(err) => {
        error!("convert_ptr_to_mime_part_body: Failed to parse file name as a UTF-8 string: {}", err);
        Err(format!("convert_ptr_to_mime_part_body: Failed to parse file name as a UTF-8 string: {}", err))
    file_as_multipart_body(file, part_name)

ffi_fn! {
    /// Get an iterator over all the messages of the Pact. The returned iterator needs to be
    /// freed with `pactffi_pact_message_iter_delete`.
    /// # Safety
    /// The iterator contains a copy of the Pact, so it is always safe to use.
    /// # Error Handling
    /// On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.
    /// This function may fail if any of the Rust strings contain embedded
    /// null ('\0') bytes.
    fn pactffi_pact_handle_get_message_iter(pact: PactHandle) -> *mut PactMessageIterator {
        let message_pact = pact.with_pact(&|_, inner| {
          // Ok to unwrap this, as the worse case given an HTTP Pact it will return a new message
          // pact with no messages
        }).ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Pact handle is not valid"))?;
        let iter = PactMessageIterator::new(message_pact);
    } {

ffi_fn! {
    /// Get an iterator over all the synchronous request/response messages of the Pact.
    /// The returned iterator needs to be freed with `pactffi_pact_sync_message_iter_delete`.
    /// # Safety
    /// The iterator contains a copy of the Pact, so it is always safe to use.
    /// # Error Handling
    /// On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.
    /// This function may fail if any of the Rust strings contain embedded
    /// null ('\0') bytes.
    fn pactffi_pact_handle_get_sync_message_iter(pact: PactHandle) -> *mut PactSyncMessageIterator {
        let v4_pact = pact.with_pact(&|_, inner| {
          // Ok to unwrap this, as any non-v4 pact will be upgraded
        }).ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Pact handle is not valid"))?;
        let iter = PactSyncMessageIterator::new(v4_pact);
    } {

ffi_fn! {
    /// Get an iterator over all the synchronous HTTP request/response interactions of the Pact.
    /// The returned iterator needs to be freed with `pactffi_pact_sync_http_iter_delete`.
    /// # Safety
    /// The iterator contains a copy of the Pact, so it is always safe to use.
    /// # Error Handling
    /// On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.
    /// This function may fail if any of the Rust strings contain embedded
    /// null ('\0') bytes.
    fn pactffi_pact_handle_get_sync_http_iter(pact: PactHandle) -> *mut PactSyncHttpIterator {
        let v4_pact = pact.with_pact(&|_, inner| {
          // Ok to unwrap this, as any non-v4 pact will be upgraded
        }).ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Pact handle is not valid"))?;
        let iter = PactSyncHttpIterator::new(v4_pact);
    } {

/// Creates a new Pact Message model and returns a handle to it.
/// * `consumer_name` - The name of the consumer for the pact.
/// * `provider_name` - The name of the provider for the pact.
/// Returns a new `MessagePactHandle`. The handle will need to be freed with the `pactffi_free_message_pact_handle`
/// function to release its resources.
pub extern fn pactffi_new_message_pact(consumer_name: *const c_char, provider_name: *const c_char) -> MessagePactHandle {
  let consumer = convert_cstr("consumer_name", consumer_name).unwrap_or("Consumer");
  let provider = convert_cstr("provider_name", provider_name).unwrap_or("Provider");
  MessagePactHandle::new(consumer, provider)

/// Creates a new Message and returns a handle to it.
/// * `description` - The message description. It needs to be unique for each Message.
/// Returns a new `MessageHandle`.
pub extern fn pactffi_new_message(pact: MessagePactHandle, description: *const c_char) -> MessageHandle {
  if let Some(description) = convert_cstr("description", description) {
    pact.with_pact(&|_, inner, _| {
      let message = AsynchronousMessage {
        description: description.to_string(),
      MessageHandle::new(pact, inner.interactions.len() as u16)
    }).unwrap_or_else(|| MessageHandle::new(pact, 0))
  } else {
    MessageHandle::new(pact, 0)

/// Sets the description for the Message.
/// * `description` - The message description. It needs to be unique for each message.
pub extern fn pactffi_message_expects_to_receive(message: MessageHandle, description: *const c_char) {
  if let Some(description) = convert_cstr("description", description) {
    message.with_message(&|_, inner, _| {

/// Adds a provider state to the Interaction.
/// * `description` - The provider state description. It needs to be unique for each message
pub extern fn pactffi_message_given(message: MessageHandle, description: *const c_char) {
  if let Some(description) = convert_cstr("description", description) {
    message.with_message(&|_, inner, _| {

/// Adds a provider state to the Message with a parameter key and value.
/// * `description` - The provider state description. It needs to be unique.
/// * `name` - Parameter name.
/// * `value` - Parameter value.
pub extern fn pactffi_message_given_with_param(message: MessageHandle, description: *const c_char,
                                               name: *const c_char, value: *const c_char) {
  if let Some(description) = convert_cstr("description", description) {
    if let Some(name) = convert_cstr("name", name) {
      let value = convert_cstr("value", value).unwrap_or_default();
      message.with_message(&|_, inner, _| {
        let value = match serde_json::from_str(value) {
          Ok(json) => json,
          Err(_) => json!(value)
        match inner.provider_states().iter().find_position(|state| == description) {
          Some((index, _)) => {
            inner.provider_states_mut().get_mut(index).unwrap().params.insert(name.to_string(), value);
          None => inner.provider_states_mut().push(ProviderState {
            name: description.to_string(),
            params: hashmap!{ name.to_string() => value }

/// Adds the contents of the Message.
/// Accepts JSON, binary and other payload types. Binary data will be base64 encoded when serialised.
/// Note: For text bodies (plain text, JSON or XML), you can pass in a C string (NULL terminated)
/// and the size of the body is not required (it will be ignored). For binary bodies, you need to
/// specify the number of bytes in the body.
/// * `content_type` - The content type of the body. Defaults to `text/plain`, supports JSON structures with matchers and binary data.
/// * `body` - The body contents as bytes. For text payloads (JSON, XML, etc.), a C string can be used and matching rules can be embedded in the body.
/// * `content_type` - Expected content type (e.g. application/json, application/octet-stream)
/// * `size` - number of bytes in the message body to read. This is not required for text bodies (JSON, XML, etc.).
pub extern fn pactffi_message_with_contents(message_handle: MessageHandle, content_type: *const c_char, body: *const u8, size: size_t) {
  let content_type = convert_cstr("content_type", content_type).unwrap_or("text/plain");
  trace!("pactffi_message_with_contents(message_handle: {:?}, content_type: {:?}, body: {:?}, size: {})", message_handle, content_type, body, size);

  message_handle.with_message(&|_, inner, _| {
    let content_type = ContentType::parse(content_type).ok();

    if let Some(message) = inner.as_v4_async_message_mut() {
      let body = if let Some(content_type) = content_type {
        let category = message.contents.matching_rules.add_category("body");
        let body_str = convert_cstr("body", body as *const c_char).unwrap_or_default();

        if content_type.is_xml() {
          OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(process_xml(body_str.to_string(), category, &mut message.contents.generators).unwrap_or(vec![])), Some(content_type), None)
        } else if content_type.is_text() || content_type.is_json() {
          OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(process_json(body_str.to_string(), category, &mut message.contents.generators)), Some(content_type), None)
        } else {
          OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(body, size) }), Some(content_type), None)
      } else {
        OptionalBody::Present(Bytes::from(unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(body, size) }), None, None)

      message.contents.contents = body;

/// Adds expected metadata to the Message
/// * `key` - metadata key
/// * `value` - metadata value.
pub extern fn pactffi_message_with_metadata(message_handle: MessageHandle, key: *const c_char, value: *const c_char) {
  if let Some(key) = convert_cstr("key", key) {
    let value = convert_cstr("value", value).unwrap_or_default();
    message_handle.with_message(&|_, inner, _| {
      if let Some(message) = inner.as_v4_async_message_mut() {
        message.contents.metadata.insert(key.to_string(), Value::String(value.to_string()));

/// Reifies the given message
/// Reification is the process of stripping away any matchers, and returning the original contents.
/// NOTE: the returned string needs to be deallocated with the `free_string` function
pub extern fn pactffi_message_reify(message_handle: MessageHandle) -> *const c_char {
  let res = message_handle.with_message(&|_, inner, spec_version| {
    trace!("pactffi_message_reify(message: {:?}, spec_version: {})", inner, spec_version);
    if let Some(message) = inner.as_v4_async_message() {
      match message.contents.contents {
        OptionalBody::Null => "null".to_string(),
        OptionalBody::Present(_, _, _) => if spec_version <= pact_models::PactSpecification::V3 {
        } else {
        _ => "".to_string()
    } else {

  match res {
    Some(res) => {
      let string = CString::new(res).unwrap();
      string.into_raw() as *const c_char
    None => CString::default().into_raw() as *const c_char

/// External interface to write out the message pact file. This function should
/// be called if all the consumer tests have passed. The directory to write the file to is passed
/// as the second parameter. If a NULL pointer is passed, the current working directory is used.
/// If overwrite is true, the file will be overwritten with the contents of the current pact.
/// Otherwise, it will be merged with any existing pact file.
/// Returns 0 if the pact file was successfully written. Returns a positive code if the file can
/// not be written, or there is no mock server running on that port or the function panics.
/// # Errors
/// Errors are returned as positive values.
/// | Error | Description |
/// |-------|-------------|
/// | 1 | The pact file was not able to be written |
/// | 2 | The message pact for the given handle was not found |
pub extern fn pactffi_write_message_pact_file(pact: MessagePactHandle, directory: *const c_char, overwrite: bool) -> i32 {
  let result = pact.with_pact(&|_, inner, spec_version| {
    let filename = path_from_dir(directory, Some(inner.default_file_name().as_str()));
    write_pact(inner.boxed(), &filename.unwrap(), spec_version, overwrite)

  match result {
    Some(write_result) => match write_result {
      Ok(_) => 0,
      Err(e) => {
        error!("unable to write the pact file: {:}", e);
    None => {
      error!("unable to write the pact file, message pact for handle {:?} not found", &pact);

/// Sets the additional metadata on the Pact file. Common uses are to add the client library details such as the name and version
/// * `pact` - Handle to a Pact model
/// * `namespace` - the top level metadat key to set any key values on
/// * `name` - the key to set
/// * `value` - the value to set
pub extern fn pactffi_with_message_pact_metadata(pact: MessagePactHandle, namespace: *const c_char, name: *const c_char, value: *const c_char) {
  pact.with_pact(&|_, inner, _| {
    let namespace = convert_cstr("namespace", namespace).unwrap_or_default();
    let name = convert_cstr("name", name).unwrap_or_default();
    let value = convert_cstr("value", value).unwrap_or_default();

    if !namespace.is_empty() {
      inner.metadata.insert(namespace.to_string(), json!({ name: value }));
    } else {
      warn!("no namespace provided for metadata {:?} => {:?}. Ignoring", name, value);

/// Given a c string for the output directory, and an optional filename
/// return a fully qualified directory or file path name for the output pact file
pub(crate) fn path_from_dir(directory: *const c_char, file_name: Option<&str>) -> Option<PathBuf> {
  let dir = unsafe {
    if directory.is_null() {
      warn!("Directory to write to is NULL, defaulting to the current working directory");
    } else {
      let c_str = CStr::from_ptr(directory);
      let dir_str = from_utf8(c_str.to_bytes()).unwrap();
      if dir_str.is_empty() {
      } else {
  };|path| {
    let mut full_path = PathBuf::from(path);
    if let Some(pact_file_name) = file_name {

ffi_fn! {
  /// External interface to write out the pact file. This function should
  /// be called if all the consumer tests have passed. The directory to write the file to is passed
  /// as the second parameter. If a NULL pointer is passed, the current working directory is used.
  /// If overwrite is true, the file will be overwritten with the contents of the current pact.
  /// Otherwise, it will be merged with any existing pact file.
  /// Returns 0 if the pact file was successfully written. Returns a positive code if the file can
  /// not be written or the function panics.
  /// # Safety
  /// The directory parameter must either be NULL or point to a valid NULL terminated string.
  /// # Errors
  /// Errors are returned as positive values.
  /// | Error | Description |
  /// |-------|-------------|
  /// | 1 | The function panicked. |
  /// | 2 | The pact file was not able to be written. |
  /// | 3 | The pact for the given handle was not found. |
  fn pactffi_pact_handle_write_file(pact: PactHandle, directory: *const c_char, overwrite: bool) -> i32 {
    let result = pact.with_pact(&|_, inner| {
      let pact_file = inner.pact.default_file_name();
      let filename = path_from_dir(directory, Some(pact_file.as_str()));
      write_pact(inner.pact.boxed(), &filename.unwrap_or_else(|| PathBuf::from(pact_file.as_str())), inner.specification_version, overwrite)

    match result {
      Some(write_result) => match write_result {
        Ok(_) => 0,
        Err(e) => {
          error!("unable to write the pact file: {:}", e);
      None => {
        error!("unable to write the pact file, message pact for handle {:?} not found", &pact);
  } {

/// Creates a new V4 asynchronous message and returns a handle to it.
/// * `description` - The message description. It needs to be unique for each Message.
/// Returns a new `MessageHandle`.
pub extern fn pactffi_new_async_message(pact: PactHandle, description: *const c_char) -> MessageHandle {
  if let Some(description) = convert_cstr("description", description) {
    pact.with_pact(&|_, inner| {
      let message = AsynchronousMessage {
        description: description.to_string(),
      MessageHandle::new_v4(pact, inner.pact.interactions.len())
    }).unwrap_or_else(|| MessageHandle::new_v4(pact, 0))
  } else {
    MessageHandle::new_v4(pact, 0)

/// Delete a Pact handle and free the resources used by it.
/// # Error Handling
/// On failure, this function will return a positive integer value.
/// * `1` - The handle is not valid or does not refer to a valid Pact. Could be that it was previously deleted.
pub extern fn pactffi_free_pact_handle(pact: PactHandle) -> c_uint {
  let mut handles = PACT_HANDLES.lock().unwrap();
  trace!("pactffi_free_pact_handle - removing pact with index {}", pact.pact_ref);
  handles.remove(&pact.pact_ref).map(|_| 0).unwrap_or(1)

/// Delete a Pact handle and free the resources used by it.
/// # Error Handling
/// On failure, this function will return a positive integer value.
/// * `1` - The handle is not valid or does not refer to a valid Pact. Could be that it was previously deleted.
pub extern fn pactffi_free_message_pact_handle(pact: MessagePactHandle) -> c_uint {
  let mut handles = PACT_HANDLES.lock().unwrap();
  handles.remove(&pact.pact_ref).map(|_| 0).unwrap_or(1)

mod tests {
  use std::ffi::CString;

  use either::Either;
  use expectest::prelude::*;
  use maplit::hashmap;
  use pact_models::content_types::JSON;
  use pact_models::matchingrules;
  use pact_models::matchingrules::{Category, MatchingRule};
  use pact_models::path_exp::DocPath;
  use pact_models::prelude::{Generators, MatchingRules};

  use crate::mock_server::handles::*;

  use super::from_integration_json_v2;

  fn pact_handles() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("TestHandlesC", "TestHandlesP");
    let description = CString::new("first interaction").unwrap();
    let i_handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let description2 = CString::new("second interaction").unwrap();
    let i_handle2 = pactffi_new_async_message(pact_handle, description2.as_ptr());

    expect!(i_handle.interaction_ref).to(be_equal_to(((pact_handle.pact_ref as u32) << 16) + 1));
    expect!(i_handle2.interaction_ref).to(be_equal_to(((pact_handle.pact_ref as u32) << 16) + 2));

    pact_handle.with_pact(&|pact_ref, inner| {
      expect!(pact_ref).to(be_equal_to(pact_handle.pact_ref - 1));

    i_handle.with_interaction(&|i_ref, _, inner| {
      expect!(inner.description().as_str()).to(be_equal_to("first interaction"));
      expect!(inner.type_of().as_str()).to(be_equal_to("V4 Synchronous/HTTP"));

    i_handle2.with_message(&|i_ref, inner, _| {
      expect!(inner.description().as_str()).to(be_equal_to("second interaction"));
      expect!(inner.type_of().as_str()).to(be_equal_to("V4 Asynchronous/Messages"));


  fn simple_query_parameter() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("TestC1", "TestP");
    let description = CString::new("simple_query_parameter").unwrap();
    let handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let name = CString::new("id").unwrap();
    let value = CString::new("100").unwrap();
    pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2(handle, name.as_ptr(), 0, value.as_ptr());

    let interaction = handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {


      "id".to_string() => vec!["100".to_string()]

  fn query_parameter_with_matcher() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("TestC2", "TestP");
    let description = CString::new("query_parameter_with_matcher").unwrap();
    let handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let name = CString::new("id").unwrap();
    let value = CString::new("{\"value\": \"100\", \"pact:matcher:type\": \"regex\", \"regex\": \"\\\\d+\"}").unwrap();
    pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2(handle, name.as_ptr(), 0, value.as_ptr());

    let interaction = handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {


      "id".to_string() => vec!["100".to_string()]
    expect!(&interaction.request.matching_rules).to(be_equal_to(&matchingrules! {
      "query" => { "$.id[0]" => [ MatchingRule::Regex("\\d+".to_string()) ] }

  fn query_parameter_with_multiple_values() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("TestC3", "TestP");
    let description = CString::new("query_parameter_with_multiple_values").unwrap();
    let handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let name = CString::new("id").unwrap();
    let value = CString::new("{\"value\": [\"1\", \"2\"]}").unwrap();
    pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2(handle, name.as_ptr(), 0, value.as_ptr());

    let interaction = handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {


      "id".to_string() => vec!["1".to_string(), "2".to_string()]

  fn query_parameter_with_multiple_values_with_matchers() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("TestC4", "TestP");
    let description = CString::new("query_parameter_with_multiple_values_with_matchers").unwrap();
    let handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let name = CString::new("id").unwrap();
    let value = CString::new("{\"value\": \"100\", \"pact:matcher:type\": \"regex\", \"regex\": \"\\\\d+\"}").unwrap();
    pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2(handle, name.as_ptr(), 0, value.as_ptr());
    let value = CString::new("{\"value\": \"abc\", \"pact:matcher:type\": \"regex\", \"regex\": \"\\\\w+\"}").unwrap();
    pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2(handle, name.as_ptr(), 1, value.as_ptr());

    let interaction = handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {


      "id".to_string() => vec!["100".to_string(), "abc".to_string()]
    expect!(&interaction.request.matching_rules).to(be_equal_to(&matchingrules! {
      "query" => {
        "$.id[0]" => [ MatchingRule::Regex("\\d+".to_string()) ],
        "$.id[1]" => [ MatchingRule::Regex("\\w+".to_string()) ]

  // Issue #205
  fn query_parameter_with_multiple_values_in_json() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("TestC5", "TestP");
    let description = CString::new("query_parameter_with_multiple_values").unwrap();
    let handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let name = CString::new("catId[]").unwrap();
    let value = CString::new("{\"value\": [\"1\"], \"pact:matcher:type\": \"type\", \"min\": 1}").unwrap();
    pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2(handle, name.as_ptr(), 0, value.as_ptr());

    let interaction = handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {


      "catId[]".to_string() => vec!["1".to_string()]
    expect!(&interaction.request.matching_rules).to(be_equal_to(&matchingrules! {
      "query" => { "$['catId[]']" => [ MatchingRule::MinType(1) ] }

  fn from_integration_json_test() {
    let mut rules = MatchingRules::default();
    let mut generators = Generators::default();
    let path = DocPath::root();

    expect!(from_integration_json_v2(&mut rules, &mut generators, "100", path.clone(), "query", 0))
    expect!(from_integration_json_v2(&mut rules, &mut generators, "kjhaksdhj", path.clone(), "query", 0))
    expect!(from_integration_json_v2(&mut rules, &mut generators, r#"{"value":"100"}"#, path.clone(), "query", 0))
    expect!(from_integration_json_v2(&mut rules, &mut generators, r#"{"value":["100"]}"#, path.clone(), "query", 0))
    expect!(from_integration_json_v2(&mut rules, &mut generators, r#"{"value":["100","200"]}"#, path.clone(), "query", 0))
      .to(be_equal_to(Either::Right(vec!["100".to_string(), "200".to_string()])));

  fn simple_header() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("TestHC1", "TestHP");
    let description = CString::new("simple_header").unwrap();
    let handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let name = CString::new("x-id").unwrap();
    let value = CString::new("100").unwrap();
    pactffi_with_header_v2(handle, InteractionPart::Request, name.as_ptr(), 0, value.as_ptr());

    let interaction = handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {


      "x-id".to_string() => vec!["100".to_string()]

  fn header_with_matcher() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("TestHC2", "TestHP");
    let description = CString::new("header_with_matcher").unwrap();
    let handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let name = CString::new("x-id").unwrap();
    let value = CString::new("{\"value\": \"100\", \"pact:matcher:type\": \"regex\", \"regex\": \"\\\\d+\"}").unwrap();
    pactffi_with_header_v2(handle, InteractionPart::Request, name.as_ptr(), 0, value.as_ptr());

    let interaction = handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {


      "x-id".to_string() => vec!["100".to_string()]
    expect!(&interaction.request.matching_rules).to(be_equal_to(&matchingrules! {
      "header" => { "$['x-id'][0]" => [ MatchingRule::Regex("\\d+".to_string()) ] }

  fn header_with_multiple_values() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("TestHC3", "TestHP");
    let description = CString::new("header_with_multiple_values").unwrap();
    let handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let name = CString::new("x-id").unwrap();
    let value = CString::new("{\"value\": [\"1\", \"2\"]}").unwrap();
    pactffi_with_header_v2(handle, InteractionPart::Request, name.as_ptr(), 0, value.as_ptr());

    let interaction = handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {


      "x-id".to_string() => vec!["1".to_string(), "2".to_string()]

  fn header_with_multiple_values_with_matchers() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("TestHC4", "TestHP");
    let description = CString::new("header_with_multiple_values_with_matchers").unwrap();
    let handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let name = CString::new("x-id").unwrap();
    let value = CString::new("{\"value\": \"100\", \"pact:matcher:type\": \"regex\", \"regex\": \"\\\\d+\"}").unwrap();
    pactffi_with_header_v2(handle, InteractionPart::Request, name.as_ptr(), 0, value.as_ptr());
    let value = CString::new("{\"value\": \"abc\", \"pact:matcher:type\": \"regex\", \"regex\": \"\\\\w+\"}").unwrap();
    pactffi_with_header_v2(handle, InteractionPart::Request, name.as_ptr(), 1, value.as_ptr());

    let interaction = handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {


      "x-id".to_string() => vec!["100".to_string(), "abc".to_string()]
    expect!(&interaction.request.matching_rules).to(be_equal_to(&matchingrules! {
      "header" => {
        "$['x-id'][0]" => [ MatchingRule::Regex("\\d+".to_string()) ],
        "$['x-id'][1]" => [ MatchingRule::Regex("\\w+".to_string()) ]

  fn simple_path() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("TestPC1", "TestPP");
    let description = CString::new("simple_path").unwrap();
    let handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let method = CString::new("PUT").unwrap();
    let path = CString::new("/path/to/100").unwrap();
    pactffi_with_request(handle, method.as_ptr(), path.as_ptr());

    let interaction = handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {



  fn path_with_matcher() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("TestPC2", "TestPP");
    let description = CString::new("path_with_matcher").unwrap();
    let handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let method = CString::new("PUT").unwrap();
    let path = CString::new("{\"value\": \"/path/to/100\", \"pact:matcher:type\": \"regex\", \"regex\": \"\\\\/path\\\\/to\\\\/\\\\d+\"}").unwrap();
    pactffi_with_request(handle, method.as_ptr(), path.as_ptr());

    let interaction = handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {


    expect!(&interaction.request.matching_rules).to(be_equal_to(&matchingrules! {
      "path" => { "$" => [ MatchingRule::Regex("\\/path\\/to\\/\\d+".to_string()) ] }

  fn pactffi_with_body_test() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("WithBodyC", "WithBodyP");
    let description = CString::new("first interaction").unwrap();
    let i_handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let json_ct = CString::new(JSON.to_string()).unwrap();
    let json = "{\"test\":true}";
    let body = CString::new(json).unwrap();
    let result = pactffi_with_body(i_handle, InteractionPart::Request, json_ct.as_ptr(), body.as_ptr());

    let description2 = CString::new("second interaction").unwrap();
    let i_handle2 = pactffi_new_message_interaction(pact_handle, description2.as_ptr());
    let result2 = pactffi_with_body(i_handle2, InteractionPart::Request, json_ct.as_ptr(), body.as_ptr());

    let description3 = CString::new("third interaction").unwrap();
    let i_handle3 = pactffi_new_sync_message_interaction(pact_handle, description3.as_ptr());
    let result3 = pactffi_with_body(i_handle3, InteractionPart::Request, json_ct.as_ptr(), body.as_ptr());

    let interaction1 = i_handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {
    let interaction2 = i_handle2.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {
    let interaction3 = i_handle3.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {



    let body1 = interaction1.request.body.value().unwrap();
    let headers = interaction1.request.headers.unwrap();

    let body2 = interaction2.contents.contents.value().unwrap();

    let body3 = interaction3.request.contents.value().unwrap();
  fn pactffi_with_body_for_non_default_json_test() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("WithBodyC", "WithBodyP");
    let description = CString::new("first interaction").unwrap();
    let i_handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let json_ct = CString::new("application/vnd.schemaregistry.v1+json").unwrap();
    let json = "{\"test\":true}";
    let body = CString::new(json).unwrap();
    let result = pactffi_with_body(i_handle, InteractionPart::Request, json_ct.as_ptr(), body.as_ptr());

    let description2 = CString::new("second interaction").unwrap();
    let i_handle2 = pactffi_new_message_interaction(pact_handle, description2.as_ptr());
    let result2 = pactffi_with_body(i_handle2, InteractionPart::Request, json_ct.as_ptr(), body.as_ptr());

    let description3 = CString::new("third interaction").unwrap();
    let i_handle3 = pactffi_new_sync_message_interaction(pact_handle, description3.as_ptr());
    let result3 = pactffi_with_body(i_handle3, InteractionPart::Request, json_ct.as_ptr(), body.as_ptr());

    let interaction1 = i_handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {
    let interaction2 = i_handle2.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {
    let interaction3 = i_handle3.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {



    let body1 = interaction1.request.body.value().unwrap();
    let headers = interaction1.request.headers.unwrap();

    let body2 = interaction2.contents.contents.value().unwrap();

    let body3 = interaction3.request.contents.value().unwrap();

  fn pactffi_with_binary_file_test() {
    let pact_handle = PactHandle::new("CBin", "PBin");
    let description = CString::new("first interaction").unwrap();
    let i_handle = pactffi_new_interaction(pact_handle, description.as_ptr());

    let json_ct = CString::new(JSON.to_string()).unwrap();
    let json = "{\"test\":true}";
    let result = pactffi_with_binary_file(i_handle, InteractionPart::Request,
      json_ct.as_ptr(), json.as_ptr(), json.len());

    let description2 = CString::new("second interaction").unwrap();
    let i_handle2 = pactffi_new_message_interaction(pact_handle, description2.as_ptr());
    let result2 = pactffi_with_binary_file(i_handle2, InteractionPart::Request,
      json_ct.as_ptr(), json.as_ptr(), json.len());

    let description3 = CString::new("third interaction").unwrap();
    let i_handle3 = pactffi_new_sync_message_interaction(pact_handle, description3.as_ptr());
    let result3 = pactffi_with_binary_file(i_handle3, InteractionPart::Request,
      json_ct.as_ptr(), json.as_ptr(), json.len());

    let interaction1 = i_handle.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {
    let interaction2 = i_handle2.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {
    let interaction3 = i_handle3.with_interaction(&|_, _, inner| {



    let body1 = interaction1.request.body.value().unwrap();
    let headers = interaction1.request.headers.unwrap();

    let body2 = interaction2.contents.contents.value().unwrap();

    let body3 = interaction3.request.contents.value().unwrap();

  fn process_json_with_nested_rules() {
    let mut rules = MatchingRules::default();
    let mut category = rules.add_category("body");
    let mut generators = Generators::default();
    let json = json!({
      "pact:matcher:type": "values",
      "value": {
        "some-string": {
          "pact:matcher:type": "values",
          "value": {
            "some-string": {
              "pact:matcher:type": "values",
              "value": {
                "some-string": {
                  "pact:matcher:type": "type",
                  "value": "some string"

    let result = process_json(json.to_string(), &mut category, &mut generators);
    expect!(result).to(be_equal_to("{\"some-string\":{\"some-string\":{\"some-string\":\"some string\"}}}"));
    expect!(&rules).to(be_equal_to(&matchingrules! {
      "body" => {
        "$" => [ MatchingRule::Values ],
        "$.*" => [ MatchingRule::Values ],
        "$.*.*" => [ MatchingRule::Values ],
        "$.*.*.*" => [ MatchingRule::Type ]